5 Tips To Beat Payday 3's Hardest Difficulty. How To Be Better At Overkill Loud



So you suck it overkill loud on payday 3. We've all been there, except I haven't. You're just kind of insulting me within the first five seconds of the article. I cleared it about 20 times in the second beta for Petty 3, so yeah. I guess there's my credibility, so instead of just insulting you for the rest of the article.

I'm going to try to teach you how to become better at Overkill on Payday 3. Here are five tips to get better at Overkill Loud and PayDay 3. Give it a follow. All right, let's get started. So I kind of tried to order these tips in order of importance, so the number one is, you know, the most important, and the number five is, like, the least important, but I couldn't really do that because they just kind of all circle back to being very important, so these are in no particular order, but let's start with something that happens at the beginning of the whole game.

Tip 1

Tip 1

I guess. That's why the first tip is: don't lose your armor early. Like, that's really important; it's like the most important resource in the game, and if you don't have any armor on Overkill, then you're just going to die really quickly. You also lose it really quickly, so you have to play really conservatively, but by not losing your armor, you kind of have it later to spend it as a resource instead of just, like, regening.

It's like in Payday 2 and paying to the heist. Think of it as a way that you're spending armor to do something later in the game, so you want to save it early. For example, if you need to rush the alleyway with your team, instead of waiting around for an assault break, you can just trade a plate of your armor to run the alley together and go get the objective done, capture some bags, and things like that.

You know armor is important.

Tip 2


Health is nothing at all; that last the last bit of that point kind of leads into the next really important point, which is sticking with your team. With your team, it is super important. Wait, I already said all the cops are important. There are basically two reasons for this that we could figure out.

Reason number one is that there's more cover for you guys because the damage output to kill cops is, you know, four times more than just you or three times more. How does that math work? That means if you run out and there are four cops, all four of those cops can die right away, and nobody will get hurt.

But also included in that is that the cops are equally likely to shoot each of you, so if there's four of you standing out there and there's four cops, each of you will take damage from a different cop, which means instead. You know, you know what I mean? You see, it comes in full circle like that.

You know, that's why your armor is important. Tip number one: Arms are important. You know, why did you do that? Why did you bring an ammo build when you knew I was bringing an ammo build? Okay, remember how my previous point was to stick with the team?

Tip 3

Tip 3

300 seconds because they like killing hostages and stop playing wolf it's doing something to you Dave you've been playing wolf for four years and I think you're starting to become him he's just like me I am him I drive so let's keep going with the alleyway example if your friends are rushing Alleyway and you decided to wait for your armor to regen for five seconds you screwed it those precious few seconds that you just wasted separated you by an entire line of cops that just rappelled into the alleyway you're gonna die you, lost all your armor because you waited behind and wanted to regen that quarter of an armor plate instead of just spending it to get over there, your team separated off without you they're already gone they've got all the Ballers down and you're sitting over in the alleyway playing you know freaking snake.

On your Nokia, why did I say that there's like a few exceptions to this? Besides moving a bag, you should just throw it off and die. I think you should die. I call it compounding mistakes. It's like a domino effect.

Tip 4

Tip 4

Anyway, the more important thing I want to talk about now is tip number four. Okay, we call it running circles now. This sounds stupid, but hear me out. They repelled in like three cops repelled and four of them came around back there's like a shield and like a bulldozer around the corner you know you're screwed if you go back down the alleyway so you're gonna run a circle you came down the alley way you hit all the bollards you're gonna go back down Main Street okay I guess I should establish some callouts here the two call outs we are three call-outs I guess we have Alleyway which is that short little Alleyway, right next to one of the it's there's like a van spawn and some trucks over there usually the place where people wipe their team quite often, honestly That's Alleyway Main Street has all those cars and is like the big actual, like Main Street leading towards the bank, and then the third call out is the bank.

Make sure your crew knows those callouts. That way, you can quickly say that two seconds of difference are very important, so if you say I'm going Main Street, everybody needs to run to Maine. They need to know you're going Main Street, and sadly, this means don't juggle bags. I know that sounds weird, but it's better to move them in trips instead of juggling them, so all four of you grab a bag, take them down the alleyway, and run back down Main Street.

This is kind of an important part of the Run Circle strategy as well.

Tip 5

Tip 5


You're very good you're getting better you're getting better buddy you're very good at the game so far you're listening to all my tips and you've grown into such a fine adult you know I'm so proud of you but the main point of tip number four is that you get the objective done even during a police assault which is not something that always happened in Payday the Heist from Payday 2 you can actually just get stuff done during, during the assault and if you play your cards correctly you don't even really need that regrouping phase but let's, talk about regrouping phase tip number five is to use your regrouping phase you get it's like 30 seconds , maybe even more than that honestly it feels like a little more regrouping phase is the newest Soul break and the names for this might change by the way so don't take this with a grain of salt it might it might actually just be called assault break when we when we get the game I this was all done in the beta don't forget that the concept will probably be the same though if you hit that regrouping, phase you gotta take this time to rush some objectives.

You can do whatever you want; there will be like two snipers and like two cops on the map, and that's it. Don't die to snipers, please; that's very embarrassing. They're very slow now. I'll be mad at you. I will now, when I say all of this, you know, let's say the regrouping phase is 30 seconds.

WARNING Degradation and Praise Kinks present. Avert your eyes if you can't handle it. Now that the game is out, all of this is still accurate.
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