A Very Quick Recap Before Payday 3



August 2013 brought us Payday 2, a game that is now 10 years old and is about to retire. Over the years, people have uploaded thousands of different articles to the point where there really is nothing else to talk about at the time of this recording.

Chapter 1

RNG is something players experience in many games, and Payday 2 is not any different.

In this case, the main goal is to add elements of replayability and surprise. That being said, some games are better off without them, as improper applications can kill the gameplay. For example. Celeste is either 99 or arguably 100 skill-based, and considering it has the most responsive controls I've ever seen in a platformer.

I have to say the developers made the right decision by not including randomness in the title Payday. 2 on the other hand was not meant to be this way or well at least modern payday and RNG is the name of this game does, it kill the experience not at all it enhances it on release the game obviously was not as big as it is but right now the replayability is out of this world and the random elements are one of the main reasons so let's start with the fact that most or all heists have to be replayed, very often not once but multiple times in order to experience them fully that's because the objectives can differ from, very minor stuff like key card placement to different objectives altogether and, yeah if you take into consideration how many highs this game has you, know you're in for a ride because not only do you have to learn and memorize a lot but also replay the entire thing from start to finish there's.

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Back to the playability, we have different variants, and now it's important to add that most highs can be done in two ways that are nothing like well. It is that simple, and there really is not much to add. Shooting hordes is fun enough, and you probably won't get bored quickly. This game is just fun in this regard, but what about the other side?

It is also great in many ways, but not without flaws. So loud can be very simple as long as you follow what I said, but things do change very significantly. The moment we start talking about the sentence, this is where it goes from very simple to by far the most complex thing about payday. To play it well, you will need to spend lots of hours studying the game itself and then practicing it on Reddit or Steam forums.


There are a lot of people who act like the sentence is the easiest thing in the world and all you have to do is just plain an OP build to magically boost the difficulty, but as a newer player or someone who has only played the definition below, you can completely ignore this because, in theory, yes, you can just run Hacker and never use cover, so it can be somewhat unkillable, but it's never as simple as just pressing M1 and using cover, as many would claim the top decks and be able to do, which indeed makes things much easier, but your average Joe won't utilize them to disagree.

At some point, I felt the same way when I jumped into DS as a new player and learned things fast, Pedito. It was simply my game, but here's the problem: everybody's. Decision, that, was so real I'm so real then we get into stealth and I have two things to say I love the fact that it exists I hate the fact that it's not even 10 as complex as loud it is core of payday there's no doubt about that and lots of players only ever play because it definitely had some things going for it but from the objective standpoint it is neglected as all hell the entire gameplay is about memorizing, looped guard patterns most of the skills are loud base there's very few stuff only hides most weapons are pretty much useless I have no idea about payday 3 as I haven't really played in our scene Stealth gameplay but I do hope it gets some solid rework because it's painful how little depth there is to it in Payday 2.

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Constant support for the game is probably the main reason why it's so high on the charts to this day. If you were to compare the initial release of this game to the current one, you would easily say that the 2013 version is a demo at best. Over the years, the amount of stuff that has been added is simply mind-blowing.

I prefer the old payday, although I don't exactly hate the modern one. I don't want to see this back in Payday 3, but I didn't think it killed Payday 2 because it was still fun despite the fact that things take a dark turn when we start talking about the modern DLC. And high-damage SMGs are the best weapons in the game, so it would make sense to see them nerfed, so what do we get instead?

I'll even SOG above why. I don't know if it was worse than contractor, but both weapons were nonetheless hacker. This is one of the best, although in my opinion the best deck in the game, so maybe a Nerf no hacker gets a buff instead. For reasons, this could go on forever, but the point stands: these changes are just stupid.

The game remains the same because, for years, the meta either never changed or changed for the worse. Why can't we see a day where the biker is the best deck and Stoic is the worst? Why can there be a day where the JP36 is the best gun in the game and the Kimball Cr-805 is the worst? Like every update, it's just developers changing numbers randomly without any thought put into it, and I really do hope Payday 3 does not follow the same pattern.

We have the biggest offender, and it's up to 237.

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Mars is a thing completely unrelated to the developers. Some games don't offer modding support to begin with; others allow for some visual changes; and then there's the group of games that go so far that the only limiting factors are your own creativity and coding knowledge. The point is pretty much that when you visit the most popular website with mods, you will quickly find out that having hundreds of mods in this game is, in fact, possible.

The video is not what I wanted it to be at all. I spent hours on preparing the script and had some of the editing done, but there's no way in the world I would've been able to finish it because of certain events in life, so ultimately this is the rap god edition recap of my thoughts. If you want a slower version, then setting the speed all the way down to 0. 75 is pretty much the only solution, however.
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