Can You Solo Payday 3 Without A Mask


Okay, so the paid A3 beta is live once again, and one of the things I enjoyed the most from the beta last time was that the heists are now seeded. What that means is that when you restart a heist, all of the typically randomized elements stay the same, which includes camera placements, key card locations, room placements, and, interestingly enough, vault codes, and that's what brings us to this article today.

We're going to be seeing if we can beat No Rest for the Wicked Heist without ever putting on a mask. We essentially need to complete the heist in regular stealth, sneaking in, grabbing the red and blue key cards, hacking the computer in the server room, turning off the gate's power, taking out the camera room security guard if you feel so inclined, disabling the security system, identifying, flipping the right switch, grabbing an executive and taking them to the vault, accessing their computer, and finally identifying the right code, which in my game was 6997, and that's all we needed.

beta gameplay

All of that is just for those four digits. Now that we know the volts code, let's restart and see if we can do it all again this time without a mask, and well, I'll let this gameplay speak for itself. Hurry; disable the tie packs. And just like that, we're in now, bizarrely. No one seems to care if you walk out of the bank with duffel bags that you didn't bring in with you, but I'm all the more thankful for it, so just secure the money while being careful not to get spotted in the secure area, and that's all there is to it.

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