Dirty Ice - All 4 Heist Specific Favors Explained (payday 3)



When you successfully complete a heist, you have a small chance of getting a high specific favor for a certain map, and that map can be any map, not just necessarily the map you are currently playing, so that is one effective way for you to farm these, but there are also mods out there that allow you to get these high specific favors, which is what I ended up using for some of the favors that I was not able to get no matter how much I played.

Distracted manager

Distracted manager

I would not get them, so I went ahead and got a couple of them to go over this article and show you guys all of the most specific favors in this game starting off we've got the distracted manager now the distracted manager I actually utilized it in a article recently when I was covering the trophy and cleaning it out, which is essentially a trophy that requires you to clean every piece of jewelry on the map before delivering it on Overkill.

This heist-specific favor is extremely useful for that, and it will make that run dramatically easier. Usually, when you play dirty ice, as you may know, the manager stays around on the map for a couple of minutes, and then she leaves. However, with this specific favor, what she will do is just hang around in the kitchen, and she'll just kind of be there, sitting there on her phone, and you can just go ahead and grab her whenever you want.

She does not leave the map once you activate this favor, which makes taking her into the work shop room dramatically easier, and you do not also need to get as much evidence as you may know for you to be able to get the manager. Out of the front room, you'll have to go downstairs and loot a certain bit of evidence so that you can go back upstairs and phone call her so she gets distracted, actually leaves her position, and goes inside so that you can get her as a human.

However, with this specific favor, what she will do is just hang around in the kitchen 24/7. So you can just go in there and grab her whenever you feel like it, so that makes this map just dramatically easier when you're not trying to go loud.

Employee entrance

Employee entrance

This is a stealth focused favor and one that I absolutely love and it saved my life when I was going for the cleaning it out achievement now moving on to the next favor we've got dirty ice employee entrance now this one is a bit of a smaller difference, what this one actually does is well it is exactly what it sounds like there is a door to the side of the map down here, that just remains open without you having to do anything that door just kind of remains open for you to go in there whenever you feel like it without you having to waste any QR codes or anything like that so it does make that a little bit simpler, but in the grand scheme of things it's a very small fairly useless thing I mean, the two QR codes in this map are very easy to get; you get one in the manager's room, and you get one scattered around in the map either on the floor or on the boxes next to the civilians outside.

You can probably use them; there's no need to save them. I mean, it's not really going to change too much; it's not going to make your Overkill runs any easier or any harder. I mean, really, it's just such a tiny change anyway.

Rooftop chopper

Rooftop chopper

Let's move on to the third favor for this map. For the third favor, we've actually got quite a different one. This one is extremely powerful for loud gameplay. This one is the rooftop helicopter. What this does is, when you go loud in dirty ice, when you start looting all the different jewelry, what you have to do is you have to Signal a flare.

Out in the middle of the street for the chopper to come pick you up and pick up all your loot; however, with this specific favor, you are actually able to call the helicopter. On top of this little rooftop right here now, you may think that's not that big of a difference, but it actually makes a huge difference.

I've already covered this map on Solo Loud Overkill. But if I hadn't yet, I would definitely use this favor. It just makes this dramatically easier because if you use this favor, as you can see here in the game play, I am much safer. I can pretty much just crawl, and the cops just can't shoot me.

The cops that are downstairs, you know, in the middle of the street or in the back alley, don't really have much of an angle on me, and I have the higher ground on them, and I'm pretty much just safe being up there. Anyway, that's about it for this specific favor. Let's go ahead and go on to the last one now.

Escape van

Escape van

This last favor Alters the Escape van; it's kind of a blend between a stealthy favor and a loud favor. Its benefit essentially comes when you do play stealth, but if you end up getting caught, it can actually kind of help you out a little bit, although it's really not that good.

I mean, if you're really kind of using this favor, then you're kind of betting that you're going to get caught, and it's just not that good. I mean, the Escape van usually, when you get detected, will leave right away. However, when you do utilize this favor, the van sticks around for 30 more seconds, and yes, I counted it, the van sticks around for just 30 more seconds.


I mean, wasting an entire favor. Just in case you fail, and to the point where you can actually even utilize that little 30-second window, it's just that the odds of this favor being useful for you are minimal. Really, really minimal. I mean, the only time this favor will actually do anything for you is if you're just about to finish the map and you [__] up and you activate the alarm.

99 boxes

That's the only time this will make any difference whatsoever. I mean, it is very specific, and by being so specific, it pretty much made it very bad personally when I read the tool tip and it mentioned the first responders. I thought it would stick around for the entirety of the whole trading part the negotiation, where you can trade hostages and stuff and then it would leave once the gunfights actually started but that's not really the case it just kind of leaves a right away right before the negotiation even begins so this map favor is actually pretty terrible and is definitely one of the worst ones we've covered so far so once again that is the end of the article but I will mention that I will be covering, every map specific favor in this game as well as making a article later on going over a tier list for all of these different map specific favors so that we can check out which ones are best and which ones are just utter [ __ ] like this one that we just covered.

All right, so I'll catch you guys on the next one. Peace.

Also read:
Tier List for all of the heist specific favors coming soon! This is the Dirty Ice heist specific favors. I enjoyed the 3rd one by quitee a lot. Try it for yourself.
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