Do Not Buy Payday 3


So we have it yet again. Payday 3 has just been released. I was really looking forward to it. I've jumped on it, and the performance is awful. Not only that, I looked on Steam, and there's thousands and thousands of reviews, and it's sitting mostly negative; it's 30 positive. And the reason for that is the performance of the game, mainly the servers.

The servers are absolutely terrible, so I'm going to say do not buy this game. I'm going to explain exactly why, but I know that some of you are still going to be interested in the game, so I'm going to say that if you are still wanting to buy the game, do yourself a favor. It is an affiliate link, so I will get a commission off it, so it'll support the channel at the same time.

But do yourself a favor and purchase the game through there if you're going to buy it because the game's available on Game Pass. If you're going to buy it to play it on Xbox, or if you're going to buy it to play it on PC, or whatever, save yourself a bit of money and buy it through CD keys, because paying the full price for this.

born 2 game

I'm going to say that the fact that they've even released it right now is unacceptable, and the main reason for that is the servers. On Steam, it's sitting at like over 70.000 concurrent players, at its peak in a 24-hour window, so there's nothing to do with a lack of players because the game's cross-play as well, but then you get into the game, and I've seen a lot of people complaining about disconnections.

And stuff, but not only that, there are loads and loads of frame drops, and I mean, you're just roaming around. I did no rest for the wicked, the very first one that they actually had a beta for. I did that heist, and it was frame drop after frame drop after frame drop. It's not massive frame drops; it's minor frame drops, but they're really, really frequent, and it was just a really bad experience.

The gameplay itself is fantastic. You're jumping into heists, you're giving up hostages for extra negotiation time, then you have police assaults, and you're setting off terrorist things in banks and robbing all their money and stuff. It's the fact that I think the communities actually had a part in this, whether the developers released it or the companies behind the game released it, a stress test beta.


From people just blindly jumping into the game that they didn't want to say we've got a delay for a week and they didn't want to risk people canceling their pre-order, so I think the community has a part to do with it as well because people just always blindly pre-order they don't wait to see where the gameplay is actually like upon release and stuff and because the money's there it's going to encourage the investors to stay with the company and stuff they don't do anything about sorting out the problems before launch and that's why there are so many negative reviews because the gameplay like server side is awful.

It's bad enough having frame drops and stuff when you're playing due to a lack of optimization, but then when you have matchmaking and server issues on top of that with disconnections, not being able to log in loads of different things like that, it just becomes an absolute nightmare, and there's so much stuff they've got to do to fix this game that is not going to be done quickly, so my recommendation is do not buy at the moment.

cant login

I would highly recommend waiting for about a week or so to see what happens with the server optimization and the game optimization. But yeah, at least for the time being, my recommendation is to not buy Payday 3. And on that note, we are going to leave the article there. If you enjoyed it, leaving a like is appreciated.

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DO NOT Buy Payday 3! In this video we are going through why I think it's not a good idea at least for the time being to buy Payday 3 and there are multiple factors that form my opinion including the amount of pre-orders stopping the game being delayed whilst problems were fixed. Payday 3 gameplay is enjoyable when you're not dropping frames or waiting ages for matchmaking even though thousands of people are playing and the game is crossplay. The Payday 3 servers have been nothing but trouble since the game launched and it makes me even more mad knowing that they held a stress test for the servers shortly before launch.
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