Here's The Thing About Payday 3


What you got, you damn chill without any bias, I wanted to give my unfiltered opinion and initial reaction to Payday 3. For those of you who have questions or concerns and are still on the fence about whether or not to buy Payday 3, hopefully this review can answer some of those questions and address some of your concerns.

Keep in mind that this is just my opinion and my thoughts on the initial release of the full game. I just wanted to leave an honest review to hopefully help some of you who might not be entirely sure whether or not to spend your hard-earned money on payday 3. The [__] is free anyway. Upon loading up, I was instantly prompted with the option of doing a short tutorial or training exercises, which I thought I should not do. We play the tutorial, yeah,.

Tutorial training

Tutorial training

Even being a Payday veteran, why not fully immerse myself in Payday 3 and play every piece of playable content the game has to offer? From the very first bullet I fired, I instantly felt Payday 2 vibes, although it might have been just my settings. The movement felt a little slow and stiff and took a little getting used to, but the gunplay and the quotes upon killing enemies gave me nostalgic Payday 2 flashbacks right off the bat.

The improvement in graphics was obvious. The subtle details—lighting, shading, and vibrant colors—really snapped me out of that Payday 2 vibe I was feeling and brought me into this new payday universe that the game was proposing, but it was also a little underwhelming. For a game 10 years in the making, from afar, the graphics seemed really in-depth and crisp, but upon a much closer review, it's easy to see why a lot of players aren't particularly wowed.

By payday 3's quote, unquote, new and improved graphics, but graphics have never been a strong suit for the payday franchise. It's always been about action and tactical gameplay, so after completing my tutorial training, I was ready to dive in. We already did that.

Online matchmaking

Online matchmaking

I already played No Rest for the Wicked Heist during Payday 3's open beta about a million times on repeat. I wanted something new and fresh. I wanted to see what the game could really offer in terms of new ideas and gameplay. As I clicked on the play button, I was instantly met with a rather empty, heist-choosing menu.

I have to keep it 100 with you guys. I'm not a big fan of the simplified online matchmaking menu on Payday 3. In Payday 2 when choosing to play online you were met with an entire map showing open parties what Heist they were performing and what difficulty they were playing on it even went as far as to show you what tactic they were preferring to play louder stealth and even if they were in game or waiting in the lobby in Payday 3 it seems more oversimplified, to the point where it's rather empty and dry giving you just two options after choosing a heist and those options being if you'd like to play publicly or privately and which difficulty you prefer from there the game will match make you with other players searching for the same chosen preferences or already in game with those preferences but after all is said and done that's just a small gripe I have and, since I didn't buy Payday 3 for its amazing Lobby and menu options I chose a brand new heist, and within seconds I was loading into my very first match of Payday 3.



This [__] had me all kinds of hype upon loading in. It felt completely new after tweaking my settings a little bit and alerting everyone on the [__] map to my presence. It was time for all the action I had been waiting for. The new movement mechanics help the game feel different than any other payday title and certainly remind you that you are playing a brand new game.

As the heist came to an end. I'd racked up a reasonable amount of money and XP, which in the previous titles was just about all that you could ask for, but that wasn't all I gained from completing a heist. I also gained weapon XP skill points and research points towards my next unlockable skill, along with progress towards completing certain challenges or achievements.


I'd say that payday 3 makes you feel way more rewarded for putting your life on the line. In Payday 2, leveling up almost felt effortless and at times too easy or even boring, with one heist sometimes leveling you up 10 to 20 levels. After playing a few more Heists and garnering some fat racks, I decided to explore what else the game had to offer in terms of spending my stolen cash.

The first place I'd find myself shopping, as most players will probably find themselves doing as well, was the weapon vendor customizing and modifying my gun for my next run, even going as far as designing and creating my own personal skin with an assortment of different colors, designs, and stickers.

I also spent some time window shopping through the various masks and cosmetic apparel that the game offers. Although most of it was locked behind a level wall, it definitely motivated me to play more in order to unlock some of it. While others felt like a cop-out or a complete lack of creativity, a specific suit at a certain level would also be a reward at an even higher level, just with a different color overall.


In my honest opinion, Payday 3 is definitely worth its standard price of $39.99. The game certainly delivers on a decent amount of content replayability. And action-packed and fun—anything beyond the standard edition, I feel, would be a completely personal decision. You'd be paying extra money for future content and not anything that's currently out or playable, so if the aliens came down tomorrow and destroyed humanity, you would have spent 40 extra dollars on DLCs that you never got to play, so if I had to put payday 3 on a scale from one through five.

I'd give it a solid 4. I'd really appreciate that.

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