How To Level Up Fast Payday 3

Dog leveling up system.

Dog leveling up system.

It's your boy KPR on another article, and today we'll be on payday 3. I believe it's just completely 10 times. I don't know if you had to do it on harder or above; I forgot whether it was like that, but it doesn't even give you much XP for doing that, which is really annoying. In this game, it doesn't take much to level up, but doing a heist does not determine whether you will get a lot of XP.

You can do a heist, you can do it really fast, you can do it like it could take you forever too, and you'll barely earn like 100 XP. This is all due to Union having to complete challenges in order to actually get XP, which is the really annoying part, so this game has not built a true incentive to do a heist on a hard difficulty right now.

I would suggest first leveling up before trying to tackle harder difficulties because it's really insane. Like in this map, doing very hard is hard. I tried it a few times, but it's really insanely hard. There are so many enemies that spawn everywhere, so you're basically surrounded 90 percent of the time.

Do you even see that in normal mode, I'll get surrounded at times?

How to level up fast.

How to level up fast.

Next, this is how you're able to complete it or level up really fast. You just completed the challenges. I would suggest equipping a gun that you haven't used in a while or haven't used at all because challenges are really easy; it's just getting like a bunch of kills for most of the ARs; it will cap out at around 750.

I believe, and then it depends on the gun, like the Northwest would be the one you have to get, three kills without reloading, which is really annoying, but it can give you a lot of XP. I believe it caps out at 75. You get around 140 XP for it, so it's really worth it to do them, and I've been doing them a lot.

Class build.

essentially, I made this build in order for me to be able to get to the armor bag from each armor bag that is sharp weather that's from AI's for the favors or that I dropped. I'm able to stay up in this fight a lot, like I have another one. I believe it's called Last Stand, and it's able to make you immune to all damage for 10 seconds as long as you have grit active when they land a critical hit on you, and you're able to actually get it back again when you pick up a little first aid or from a Mad Max, so make sure you have one around. Usually dozers drop them, so you should be good just because a bunch of nodes are spawning around here.

Continued leveling up.

Continued leveling up.

A good one to complete is the Northwest Beat. That one's really easy, or not. I will show you guys a clip of the article or a clip of the XP I got.


We're doing the heist. For the next one, I actually got 1280, XP. I want to say yeah,.



1280 XP, so it was the one where I used new weapons. As you guys can see, a bunch of challenges were completed, so it was really easy to do. You guys just have to escort that armor transport, then you have to just break it open, loot the stuff, and put it inside the helicopter.

After that, you should be done, and I would suggest camping somewhere where the bunch of mobs spawn or not the freaking enemies. Whatever, I like camping by this blue semi right here just because a bunch of enemies are spawned by it, so you're able to get a bunch of kills much easier and faster. Also, killing the snipers just goes, and killing special mobs also gives you XP.

Hopefully, you guys are having a good time playing it. I know I am out of time until I have to do all these super challenges just to get new weapons. It's really annoying, and skill points I really asked to forget to mention that, so anyway, with that being said, have a good day and stay safe later.


The leveling-up system needs some rework due to there being no true incentive to actually play harder difficulties until you fully level up. It's more of a thing to do if you need money but if you do the heist I am doing, money should not be a problem either.
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