How To Play Payday 3 Matchmaking Online Today

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I hope everybody is having a great time now. Now, payday 3 is officially out today, and basically everybody can now pre-order it all right on the PlayStation 5 and Xbox. You can also pre-order if you just want to buy your own Payday 3, but if you guys want to have GameStop, that's going to mean that's a GameStop Game Pass.

I'm going to say Game Pass is going to be free. You can actually pre-order it and all that, but you still have to log in to play Payday 3, which is why I'm going to show you how to play Payday 3, right? Also, the service could be down, if anything. If the service is down, I'll show it to you in this article too, so do not worry about it.

I got you all right, and I'll show you how to fix your online service and all that. Once again, make sure that you guys, you know, start it up. We're going to basically pay play. I'll say play while past. Let's go, payday three. Play Payday Three, but you know you guys want to play it so bad. I want to play it so bad; everybody wants to play it so bad; and, yeah, let's just make sure that we log in.

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Okay, make sure that you accept the terms. Simple as that, you have to create an account, or if you don't create it, you will not be able to play Payday 3. That's all I have to say; you have to create it. I think it's more safe like this; it's more like Fortnite. This reminds me of Four Nine stuff like that, which is actually really good.

All right guys, so once you do create your account, you're going to get a very, um, enter your verification code that should be on your mobile, and you should basically or you can receive it through your email, and you're going to put your username, you're going to put your display name, and you're going to put whatever name you guys want to put, like I'm going to put myself as King Alex HD.

Okay, and um, username, you can put whatever is right; you can also put your in the same name, and then you guys are going to create your own password. You've got up to 32 characters, right to put your password, and then you guys go to accept all the terms right here. Okay, so once again, once you do put your email in, like once you register and put your email in, go to your email right now as we speak.

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Okay, go to your email, and they should send you a verification code, all right? Go through your email; it should be there, all right? If you also didn't receive it, you guys clicked here to resend it, okay? So for some reason, you didn't even receive the verification code. You guys could click on it right here for them to resend it to you again.

If anybody wants to add me, go add me up there, right there, and we could play some. Three, and then you guys are going to enter your password and then accept the terms right here. Okay, so once again, let's move on to the next one. You could get all these rewards for free, all right? Either you link your Epic Game account or your Steam account.

So like that, you guys could get your rewards, so make sure you link to your, you know, epic game account, and I said link into your epic game account link. Your Epic Game account will allow you to share your profile game process and earn game content with this and that. Once you have linked your Epic Game account, you will not be able to link a different Epic Game account.

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If that is true, you will be reduced. Yep, and then we're just going to click on Continue. Let's click on that real quick, all right, and now we're going to log into Xbox. Here we go, Playstation. Nintendo doesn't do that; just click on Xbox, so if you're on Xbox or PlayStation 5, click on Playstation 5.

If you're on Xbox, click on Xbox. If you're on the Nintendo Switch, click on the Nintendo Switch. If you're on PC, click, and if you're on Steam, click. On Steam, you guys are going to click on where you sign in. Okay, pretty simple, guys, and um, that's all you guys have to do all right now once you do that, guys, all right.

Like I said, I'm on Xbox, so I did sign in on Xbox once again. If you are on PlayStation 5 or Playstation 4, you're signing in on Playstation. Okay, if you're on Nintendo, you guys sign in on Nintendo. If your eye is on PC, you sign in on PC. If you guys on Steam you guys are on Steam or any other ones that are available, okay, but anyway.


I'm going to put the security code, and then we're going to click on continue, and we'll all be right. So now it does say—right here it does say—use Payday 2 with your epic game. I'm a cow. All right guys, so once you guys are signing in here, we go give it a second. Once you guys are signed, you guys will be good to go, okay?

So there you go. Voila, so now I say you would like to enable cross-platform. You guys do want to enable cross-platform. You guys, do you want the tutorial? You can basically skip it if you want to. I'm going to skip it because I do not need that. I don't need the tutorial. I just want to play the game.

At this moment, you could go to join the heist, and we could start up whichever one you want to watch the custom. I don't even know why there's a problem right now, but if anybody is having this type of problem, I'm also going to show you a separate article. All right, I was going to do in the in the in this article, but I'm going to do that.

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I'm just going to show you a separate article. I'm blessed, you guys. Just by liking the article, that's blessing me. That's blessing me enough, so I appreciate that. I appreciate that once again, guys. I'll see y'all next time. Take care, guys, and have a good day. Bye.

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