How To Rob A Nightclub Payday 3


Welcome to the neon cradle nightclub, a place to go party hard after a long week on the 95 grind. Today I'm going to show you lovely people how to rob this joint. Not only is this a solo stealth, not only is this on Overkill, not only have I gotten all of the loot, but we are also going to be doing this maskless.

Yep, you heard that right. I have solo stealth rocked the cage in Payday 3 on Overkill without putting my mask on power. You ask, and that's the reason I'm making this article silly. Without further ado, let's go rob ourselves of a crypto wallet and a wolf. What are you doing? Your first objective is to actually get into the damn building.

Normally, on hard and very hard difficulties, you are immediately let into the building to party on the dance floor with Wolfie. However, at the Overkill private event tonight, you can't. Let's win if you want to be on the list. What do you mean? I'm not a VIP; do you know who I am? While she's done chattering and smacking the bouncer, make your way over to the alleyway to your right and pick this lock to get inside.


You all have to be careful, though, because if God spots you, the entire building is private, which means that you will either be kindly escorted out or B will lose your temper and give the guard a lead sandwich. But if you're a very sneaky man like myself, make your way upstairs. The club accountant's office is deeply boppy on the computer, and then your next objective is to hack Rafiki's phone.

To do this, you have to stay on her ass as the hat takes place. Once the hack is done, you get a QR code. Take that QR code upstairs and scan it. Nothing on the wall, and bang, you've got yourselves an invitation. However, this is only a blank invitation, which means you need to find an authenticator machine scanner, somethingymajig, and authenticate the invitation once.

That's all done. You officially do not need to sneak around in private areas anymore because now, in the guard's eyes, you're a VIP baby, and you can now use this privilege to head downstairs to hang out with the secret society. However, as I've recorded holding this, I encountered a small problem as I went up to the bouncer to show that I was indeed a special person in more ways than one.


Normally, the door should open for you, and you are allowed through with ease, but on Overkill, they didn't let me in. I walked away from them and then walked back to see if I could reset the interaction, but again, nothing, so I did the old classic cheesy move of making a little bit of ruckus in one room.

What did I just hear? Let the bouncers investigate the footsteps as they were investigating. Swipe the key card on the door opens, boom, You're not to worry, though, because the Star Breeze developers know about this issue, so hopefully this will be addressed soon. However, we are going to need this blue key card later, so even though you may have had to cheese this part a bit, it will come in handy for the next step.


So now you have made it downstairs to the basement. Good stuff, because this is where stuff gets a little bit tricky. Next up, you have to find the crypto wallet that is stored in a vault in the IT room. How do you get into the IT room? There's a geezer guard in the way, but thanks to my cheesy little ways, there's a way you can get by this guard without having to put your mask on, so he stood there right, and the normal way he would go about this is to mask up, sneak through a van, and get into the ball.

Ray instead, because he's brain dead, just crouched next to him and picked the lock, which makes sense, and just like that, you're in once you're in the area, though it's a secure area, so don't make any noise otherwise the guard will waltz in on you to investigate. Take this close call, for example.

Don't see me; don't see me anyway. You've got the door open, but ah, shucks, I need a red key card. Well, let's go find one. Then, shall we let's get the red key card? You'll need to make your way up to this office here even though there's a camera here going on the door, but because, like I mentioned before.


I have the sneaky man. I can just lock pick it whilst I'm just out of the camera's view. Now we're in the key cart, which is sometimes in this safe. Now, when you crack it, it reveals a possible code to the vault as well as a key card, but I'll get to that bit later, but for the most part, it's always somewhere in this office once you have it.

Make your way to the room and swipe it on the door. Now on the whiteboard, there will be one of two things: a code and a color. The code is for the correct fuse box, which is connected to the volt locks, and the color is the color of the switch you need to flick to unlock the vault. Okay, remember that I foreshadowed earlier that you're going to need that blue key card for later?

This is the room with all of the fuse boxes. If you remember from earlier, we are looking for this code and this color. Once you've identified it, flip the switch and make your way back to this office, where you will need to grant access from this computer to unlock the door to the vault, which holds the crypto wallet.

nightclub solo stealth overkill

Once you've unlocked it, make your way back. The wallet, throw it into the drop-off, and bang you, I can escape; however, we are not done here just yet because, as you know, I'm so good at foreshadowing. Here, remember that vault I mentioned earlier? Now it comes into play because obviously we're going through all the loot.

Besides The Vault, make sure you look around for these crates, which have a specific white powdered substance in them, and if you go back upstairs into the club and make your way into these balcony rooms, there are paintings in there that you can see. However, there's nothing fishy about you grabbing these bags in these areas because you're now technically in a public area with your new crowned VIP status, so you can just grab these paintings and watch your way down and drop them off of the bag drop off, or you can Chuck them down the elevator Shard as a nice little shortcut.


Yeah, and don't forget about the painting that is just sitting there next to the invitation, like, my stupid ass. Okay, that's all the side loot out of the way back. To the vault, so earlier, when we cracked open that safe in the office, there was a code inside. In this office, there are three different papers with codes on them.

Find them and jot them down. Head back to the vault, and using your UV light, you can see the fingerprints of what numbers have been pressed. Use the code you found earlier and a bit of detective skill to find the correct code. Open the vault and tell them to bring me my money. Yeah, once you've got all the bags from the drop-off, the objective will cross off, meaning you've completed it.

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