Huge Fps Boost Tip From 60 To 110. Payday 3. 60% Fps Boost Guide



The payday 3 open beta is out, and of course performance is okay on a 38 ECI with default settings. We can make the game look a lot better by changing out the anti-aliasing. Currently, things are a little bit blurry, not to mention shimmery in the background.

Enable dx12 (60 to 80 fps)

So we'll move from 70-ish FPS and see what we get, then I'll close the game without changing any of the in-game options.

I'll head across to Steam right click payday 3 click properties, and in the launch options we'll add hyphen dx12; as such, close it and fire it up once more. As you can see here, we should already notice an FPS boost that is pretty noticeable, especially on low-end, newer systems. We've now moved up to 84ish FPS, but it should generally be an improvement using DirectX 12 over DirectX 11.

You can see this confirmed in the overlay in green.

Enable taa & upscaling

Enable taa & upscaling

At the very top, it says d3d12; previously, I'm pretty sure it was d3d11 , but we can push the game even further and fix some of the odd issues with anti-aliasing. Some people are complaining about it being a bit blurry, and in the distance, you can see there's quite a bit of shimmer over these far objects.

Let's currently quit. We'll quit and see what else we can do. Find a bit of text that will be added to a configuration file. hold start and press R, then inside the Run dialog box that just popped up, type percentage local add data percentage. Hit enter, and in the new window that pops up, click anyway, type in pay to jump straight to Payday 3, and inside of him, followed by a saved and config, then Windows no editor inside of him will be opening or creating an engine.

Pasting in these few configuration lines enables TAA, or temporal anti-aliasing. And upscaling so we can drop the render resolution to something like 70 or probably 80 for a more accurate true-to-life representation of having much better quality, but we should see a huge bump in performance.

Disable vingette

Disable vingette

On top of this, these last three options Here are your preferences. First of all tone mapper quality by enabling this, we disable the vignette around your screen; that's the darker edges and corners, but if you happen to like that effect, just leave out this line entirely.

Disable chromatic abberation

Also the scene color French quality by disabling this with disabling chromatic aberration. That's when there's a red-and-blue split around objects and things like that. It's pretty popular, especially in the Unreal Engine, but if you're not a huge fan of that effect, here's where we can disable it once again.

You can remove it. Finally, SSR is screen-space reflection. We can disable this for a pretty big-ish boost in performance, but we'll see when we get in game. I'll save this file and minimize this, and we'll fire back into the game once more , and there we are back in the game.

Huge performance boost (from 65 to 110+)

Things are still loading in, but you can see we're sitting at 150-ish FPS.

In the actual game, it drops to 90. Okay, there we go. Things seem to have evened out, and in this direction, we're getting around 110-ish FPS, which is really good. There's a huge improvement. There's a large difference in quality and performance with these settings, which I'd highly recommend for pretty much anyone running relatively new hardware when it comes to DirectX 12, and that's.

Lowest settings (90 to 140+ fps)

Lowest settings (90 to 140+ fps)

Really, let's test out the lowest possible settings just to see what happens. Obviously, it's still in open beta currently, but when the full game eventually releases, these same exact steps will apply, and there'll be a huge increase in quantity and performance.

Money's been troubleshooting.

From 65 FPS to 130 FPS This video shows you how you can very easily get a MASSIVE FPS boost just by changing a few options - and you don't even need to change any of your in-game graphics options. With everything maxed or set to lowest - I doubled my FPS! [SystemSettings]. DefaultFeature.
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