Payday 3 A Month After Launch - I'm Done


So it's been about a month since payday 3 came out, and as of recording the article, there's still no updates to the game whatsoever. Star Breze has done nothing but apologize and just keep pushing back the release of this update, and I think Payday 2 at this point had, like, 10 updates. At this point, and I think it had its first DLC as well, PayDay 3 is still in its release build, and we just keep getting nothing but sorry.

And we're working on it, and there's no actual information on what's going on with this update. There's no change log. There's no info that they're even pushing this update out to console manufacturers to push it out, and it's just pretty much remote silence. I would say that these words that Star Breeze is giving us don't really answer anything; they're just like White House responses to everything that the community has been talking about, and I think I'm just going to stop; with this game.

I think I'm just done. I don't really want to play it anymore. I don't want to make articles for it anymore. I was a big fan of Payday 2. I made a lot of content for it when I was younger, when I grew up with the game. I was looking forward to Payday 3, and the game came out, and it was pretty fun, and I played it a lot for a while.


But then once I finished, like the heists, and I got most of the guns, I think I'm around like level 70 now. It's just not fun; there's nothing fun about it after that. It's just a long grind for these annoying challenges; you get no XP from heists. The loot that you secure is just useless. Apparently, you barely get any more bonus cash from it, and it's just that it's not fun anymore.

I don't know what the charm of Payday 2 was that kept me playing for like 2,000 hours. But that charm that it had that made me do that with Pay 2 is not here in Three. Apparently most of the work on this game is just contract work; there is no act, and I feel like there's just no actual development from people at Star.

Brees. There was another thing about ey-generated paintings or something, but honestly, I don't really care about that. I mean, the whole point of that heist was to have shitty-looking paintings, and that's what they did; they used AI. And, I think, it's okay. I don't really care about that. What I do care about is the fact that this game has gotten no updates, and it's supposed to be a live service game.


It's been a month since the game came out, and there is still not a single patch for this game. And I'm just done. I don't want to make content. I don't want to do anything for this game, and I feel like no matter what Star Breeze does at this point, it's not going to make me forgive them. I might go back to play the game.

Yeah, I mean, I'm a Payday fan; that's just how it is. I'm just tired of Star Brees always treating their community like They did this with Payday 2, and they're doing it again with Payday 3, and they just keep apologizing as if that clears the slate for them, but I'm not the only one here that is upset with them at this; there's other YouTubers that are starting to get upset with this, you know.

Red Archer Live, he's done making payday 3 articles, and I think I'm just not going to make any for this game I was going to I was going to start busting out some content for this game. I was ready to start fresh with a new payday game, but with payday 3, no, it's not happening. I'm sorry I can't; it's just not fun.


I don't want to play it, and I'm tired of Star Brees just treating us like [__]. I just want to add one more thing. I finished recording, and I just wanted to add something else: that this article was going to be a lot longer. I wrote out like an entire script in a rant, and I just kept listening to it and thinking, you know, this is too much, too much, too aggressive.

I was going to release that version, but I think Star Breeze doesn't even deserve all that time on this article. I think I'm just going to keep it short like this. If anyone at Star Brees does happen to watch this, all I ask is that you stop treating the community like [__] and actually communicate with us.

Well, they won't, is my answer. Hopefully,

Payday 3 a month after launch has been disappointing. I hope things change in the future.
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