Payday 3 - All Cutscenes Full Movie. Ending


Yeah, thanks for the heads-up. Gee, right, don't worry about it. I made a promise to Bane to watch your backs. Yeah, great you saved us. What happened wannakers tried to snuff us all out. That's what happened. It was carefully planned. All the attacks happened at the same time, and they froze our accounts.

I checked we're all broke. It's a conspiracy theory. Well, it's happening, so it's an actual conspiracy. Whoever did this is extremely well connected, and you've pissed off more than a few powerful people over the years. I'll start digging, but it's going to take some time. What happened to the others?

I reached out to everyone, but I only got through to the five of you. So much for retirement, we're going to need cash to get back at these I've got the perfect job to get you started, and I've got you some supplies. Check the crate behind you, lady. I like you already. All right, talking. Right, enough talking.

Let's get to work, foreign This is a good start, but we need a bigger war chest. Where are we going to stash it since offshore accounts are rubbish these days? Yeah, the banks gave out count details like candy. After international law changes, there's an encrypted currency inside the crime net called sea stacks.

2023 game

It's not perfect, but it should do for now. Any word from the others? It's going to be hard to do this with Justified of us about that, I want to introduce you to someone. Meet Pearl, expert infiltrator, con artist, and certified ass kicker. I'm pleased to meet you. You're the one that pulled that 10-million-dollar hustle on Harvest and trustee, allegedly.

Welcome to the payday game. You want to tell me where we're going? We did some work for one of the San Francisco Triads a while ago. Triads sounds like they've got something new for us, so we figured we'd take the meeting. Who's the contact? Let's do some business. Do you all know anything about this shade?

I know she was friends with Bane, ran crime-noted servers, and whatnot. Alice knows her from before, as long as she keeps the jobs coming. I'm good and fair enough. It's what you do for retirement. It's kind of a blur, man. I'm just glad it's over. I'm starting to go crazy. I started to think you've always been bunker [ __ ].


How's it going? Just more dead ends. Whoever these people are, they know how to cover their tracks, and they've got serious resources. I still have a few more cards up my sleeve, but we need cash to keep on pushing already. We've reached out to an old friend; speak of the devil. What the [__] They're supposed to be dead.

We sent our best operatives. I expect they made the mistake of thinking retirement made the target soft. You know, your best operatives suck balls. How can they be looking for us? You said we took all their money. We did they made more money. It's not rocket science. Ralph, can we send another strike team?

We don't have the element of surprise anymore. They've made preparations. I suggest we do the same. I have some safeguards in mind. It was no good [__], yeah, on the frozen all our assets Shameless mother of four super Hulu if I ever get my hands on them. yeah, all right, we appreciate it. Did you have anything?

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yeah, as a matter of fact, yes, I do. So you're a proper New Yorker, then? Yep, born downtown, grew up in the Bronx, ran a crew there for a while, not still a thing. No, we were betrayed. The whole team was wiped out overnight, from time to time. We just had a breakthrough. The conspirators are based right here in the city, but it looks like they're extremely well connected, maybe all the way up to President McKindrick.

Like, that's going to stop us. Do we have enough to make a move? Not yet, but we're homing in. In the meantime, I got a call from an old friend of mine, a guy called Beckett. He's got a job for us. What are we stealing? They're closing in on the preparations in place. I did my part. Yeah, sure, good, and this is the last time we meet in person.

Agreed, sir; perhaps it's best to postpone the deal because technology is expensive. I've reviewed the data trail on your frozen accounts. One name sticks out. Patricia J shark, a big-time banker with political aspirations, is also a major shareholder in Gensec. It's safe to say you pissed her off somewhere along the line.

all payday

Let's pay her bank a little visit, and before you ask Wolf, no, we're not going to kill her. Come on, just a little bit. No, we're going after what she values most: her reputation. Anyone capable of burning you the way she did is playing with a stacked deck. Also, she's not alone in this. We need more information to get to the bottom of this conspiracy, so what about the dosh?

Yeah, we're going to clean the place out. These golden shark files are encrypted as [__]. I've never seen anything like it; it's going to take some quantum-level computing to even make a dent. It looks like we're stuck; actually, they've tipped their hand. Shark is a banker and wouldn't have access to this type of technology; she got it from someone else.

all payday cutscenes

All we need to do is follow the tech, and we'll find the rest of the conspirators. How are you so chill? They just bled your bank dry on the cost of doing business. It's not ideal, and that's why we took precautions. This is so [__]. We need to do something. Okay, what about you? You're more Pioneer than usual, Ralph, not doing anything stupid.

I was sure this wasn't a setup. I had my contacts check him out. We can trust this guy. Yeah, you have to be careful these days. I have my check. You guys are out too. Mac, I heard you had your eye on a special kind of hardware figure; it's good business. I'll make some serious paper, get what you need, and keep my hands clean.

Let me break it down for you. The gear you need is in the Jersey Court. Some suits got a big deal going down with Wixon. Tech is bleeding-edge. Quantum gray It looks like we found another conspirator. Do you have the suit's name? Sure, I do. Did you say garnet? Yeah, Ralph Garnet I'm the black guy he stole the [__] ton of time before, didn't we promise, died yeah, and we royally [__] up his birthday party, didn't we?

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Ralph is the son of Nathan Garnet, former CEO of the Garnet Group. It turns out Nathan had a lot riding on those diamonds you stole. The company went bankrupt, and he killed himself. It seems Junior blames you and reached out to Shark for some payback. bloody brilliant Let's crush this wanker party again, eh?

It's the right setup, but we're missing an encryption key, so who has one of those? I don't know if this design is borderline sci-fi. It reminds me of stuff I've seen in murky water: didn't we put those private military [__] out of business like we just did with Ralphie? Yeah, they filed for bankruptcy years ago, but somebody connected to them could be the final conspirator.

PAYDAY 3 2023 - All story mode cutscenes in one video. Enjoy the video! Available to watch in 1080p HD - recorded on PC.
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