Payday 3 Beginners Guide



pd3, is finally here, and whether you're new to the franchise or an old hat like me, eagerly opening up this new game can be a little overwhelming and unclear on where to start. Obviously, in the third iteration of a game franchise, there are changes, improvements, modifications, alterations, revisions, amendments, transformations, upgrades, and any other synonym you may care to throw in there.

In this article.


When you first enter the game, you'll have the chance to do the tutorial, so I suggest you do it new to Payday or not, as it can tell you a little more about some mechanics in the game that may be newer to you. However, my first tip is to start with settings, so skip the tutorial for a moment and let's get situated.

beginners guide

Click on the more button. Enter settings here. You've got the usual fare. No, I'm not going to go into all of this, so don't worry. Just make sure you crank the fov to 11 if you're on PC, and turn off motion blur and depth of field because, well, I like it that way. That way, you're going to want to head over to the music tab and lower all of them a little bit except for music.

Here, you want to find a mod that allows you to make this even louder. I'm just kidding about that, but definitely keep this one cranked; you will not be disappointed. The gameplay tab inverts, and your y-axis is zero. That's just me, okay? Move on here is where we enable cross-play, so if you decide you want to play with other consoles and PCs, do it, and this is on by default.

One of the most important edits you may want to make is to the keyboard and controls. Foreign settings, all done. Get your ass in that tutorial. Let's take a look around. Top right is your player level now called infamy level cash on hand, no offshore This time, just one pile, and then you'll see stacks.

Your infamy level will progress to a maximum of 150, and there's no current infamy system like Payday 2 in place at the time of this article. Money is obviously money, and the new edition of SeaStacks is like Continental coins in Payday 2. I don't care, but what I can tell you is that they're used to buying weapon charms and cosmetics.

You gain these C Stacks by either completing some career challenges (more on that later) or just buying them because you know money. I will get to the how-to's and show that in a little bit. Next, we'll look at loadout.



This is the obvious page for your loadout. And, um, appearance—see. I knew that primary and secondary Deployable armor, throwables, and skills are all here, and then two new ones: tools. An overkill weapon The overkill weapon currently only has two options. The first one being the Mamba grenade launcher, which is unlocked at the beginning, and the Red Fox Sniper rifle, which is unlocked until later player levels.

These weapons are available to be called in game once the meter in the bottom right corner of your game reaches its maximum, and then the weapon will be helied in and dropped somewhere marked on your screen. You fill the overkill weapon meter by killing the Overcoat weapon, which has a limited use, and once it's spent, it's gone.

The tools are where you will find attachable mini cameras. ECM motion sensors and mines all have their uses, so choose the right one for the right job, and you'll be all sore from it. Tuesday, Bruce guy, right, she got a little discount coupon. Sir, this expired; it's valid until Wednesday. What day is it today, sir?

It's Tuesday it's Tuesday, isn't it? This is where the skills are housed, which is different from Payday 2.



For sure, but maybe one of the biggest changes is that there's no perk deck, just skills. There's no in-depth discussion on the skills in this article, but I do have a tip: these skills in your early games aren't really that crucial, so just play at that time.

If you want to open up all your skills as fast as possible, here's why I did. I sacrificed taking skills that I really wanted to use in the beginning and focused on just keeping skills active from as many lines as needed that had skills locked. Once that line was completed, I moved my points to another one.

After some time, you obviously get them all unlocked, but if you only stick to the skills you like, you will not unlock the rest, so I find it best to just hammer through these immediately. If you want some quick input on what some good skills are to start with, I'd suggest a tank-tree escapist and an enforcer.

If you like stealth, check out my paid A3 stealth build article. One note here is that a lot of skills revolve around three new game mechanics called Edge, Grit, and Rush. These are easily explained in the bottom right corner and mentioned in a lot of skills. Make sure you create the best combo of how these skills are used and how you gain and maintain those mechanics to maximize the skills.

Once you reach infamy level 100, you will have a total of 21 skill points to spend building, articles incoming, okay, deep breath. Let's continue the final point back on the loadout screen is the ability to create a few seven-in-fact loadouts. I'm not sure why the first one is called Loadout Zero; should it be Loadout One?

Loadout zero is it for now. Next on the tab is appearance. There is not much to say about this, but I think you can figure that one out. Okay, quick look. Nah, just kidding. Okay, quick scan. Choose two new characters. Choose Pearl, not Joy masks and gloves, and that's pretty much it.



Keep vendors four tab gauges back, but where are his packages? This is where you buy your weapons. The first block is hidden behind your player's infamy level; the next set is behind game money; and those C Stacks we talked about earlier Some of these look really cool and are super expensive as we start out in the game, which gives us something to aim for weapon charms and then weapon paint schemes.

Weapon paint schemes show the areas of the guns that would get paint applied to if selected weapon stickers were gross. At the bottom, we have favors. Now listen up; these are important ammo-back armor bags, medic bags, and ziplines. These are purchases for favors that you take into your house. Buy these suckers here, and then they're available for you to place in Heist as a pre-plan in the pre-game lobby.

best build

A team of four can only place four items, and none of them can be duplicated. You cannot take four armor bags. Luckily, these are pretty cheap once you start stacking cash. The mass designer is next; this is where you design your mask. Taylor is next; this is where you tail.

Currency broker

And finally, the currency broker here is where you buy your sea stacks with your hard-earned heist money.

Payday 3 guide for beginners. New to Payday and specifically Payday 3, here is a no nonsense guide to certain pre game aspects and how it all works.
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