Payday 3 Beta - Complete Overkill Stealth Guide

bank heist

I'm trying to waste absolutely no time while I do this, so it's seen by guard Pop Rush use Rush Open Door run over here with Rush use this open brush open that yeah, see that guy he's a dick come in here look at the guard, and then we'll pull the body out of the way of the camera before the camera goes off because that would have been smart.

Money is just a way for him to come down here and kill him, but I am in a hurry to make sure that this article is as short as physically possible. I was down the stairwell. I just don't want to deal with this. I don't really have a place for this guy's body right now. I put it in the back room where we entered, but there's a city that trolls there, and I really don't want to wait for them, so we're going to go in here.

I'm going to pop this. We're just going to hope that this is all clear and that no one will see me. We're going to walk right in here and leave him in the corner, because we don't want him to be lonely. We'll give him an executive. His body is lying kind of badly, so let's get there. We go perfect.

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The Blair Witch tag team on his shoulders is awesome. Now we flip power, which should also be downstairs, but there's always a red cable that will show you where it is. You can see it from the stairwell, and you can see it from the area that the vault is in. Right from the very beginning, it should be kind of easy and fun.

I do have to wait for this guy for just a sec. because I need his key card. This guard is going to be really, really cheeky. Don't worry about these people screaming two feet from a guard; he is actually clinically deaf. It would be wrong of you to make fun of him, [__], and we just throw them over there too.

None of that was necessary. I could have just waited for him to go by and grab them and be about my business, but you know we'll grab the executive because I actually do want him for something. Go far here when walking down the hallway, and they won't see you. If you stand near the window, they will see you.

There's a guard that patrols this on Overkill, but I'm thinking and praying he's on the roof right now. He does certainly appear to be dead. I don't know if I want to wait for him. You can hide under the stairs; it's fine. I will wait for him. Unfortunately, he's not one of the guys that I like to kill, so we're not going to do that.

beta gameplay

The other guy that I will likely kill is the guard outside in the parking lot. He doesn't need to die, but it can take 20 to 30 minutes to move the bags around him. Like a minute to do with the other wife, the guard so I mean if you have Pages you may as well use page why hold on to them this is not what I wanted I didn't want to be in a position where I was waiting for a guard while making this article but I've been kind of ballsy and running around the last few attempts and not paying much attention if my grabbing those two civilians weren't a good indicator of that hey there's a guard right you're still here unfortunate so yeah he's gonna walk around the corner to one of these machines over by the cafeteria, the guard on this floor has a patrol route that will either be left or right in this case we're going to say it's left he just goes that way and he'll keep going that way and we'll never deviate sometimes he's going this way and will never deviate but once you know where he's going you can kind of always know where he is and, it's not the worst thing in the world my okay.

beta guide

I don't know if I really want to challenge this camera because the guy on the stairwell can sometimes just walk over and stand here. Anyway that was the stairwell guard and that floors guard so they're dealt with I don't have to worry about that anymore I come down here hit enter we know that it's white, because I think that white flip white Switch door comes open Easy Peasy back camera in front of Vault nobody patrols this hallway anymore because I took out both the guard and the woman who comes down here that person goes in and out of that room but not enough to bother us so I take a human shield with the executive that I moved down earlier which honestly I think the best strategy is just to YOLO move him but if you're having issues with that, sticking a stealth Deployable camera on the guard that runs the stairwell will let you always know where he is so you can take your sweet time moving people around, now that access has been granted and I know that this floor is clear and I don't have to worry about Jack [ __ ] I'm gonna take this guy back to where I found him and tie him back up so that nobody ever finds out about my crimes, now I need to be careful but one more time with the stairwell because of the Guard that's up there.


In this particular one, there's lots of people in this room. I don't like taking care of them because the guard on the roof sees them through the skylight, so if it's this computer, I walk right up to it. The Spanish spacebar immediately indicates that Crouch is going to hold forward, get my code, and do the same thing going the other way.

complete guide to stealth

I forgot that it was there. I scared the [__] out of me for a second little creepy, to be honest, and again, go to the far side so you don't get seen. Check out the guard. He's there which concerns me because I don't know where the other guard is I could probably get around him but I'm just gonna use the same strategy we employed earlier where I trade with him around the door, he'll go over there and I no longer have to worry about him he's not my problem though he is a problem and I'll let you know as soon as you open the vault the guy in the stairwells Patrol route changes he stops patrolling the stairs and he starts patrolling out that door around the corner and in a big circle through the lobby and where the other vehicle spawn could be over there back in through the alleyway in through the door through the lobby, not a problem because our vehicle is out back and it won't matter now I have four codes I get here I know that the number is used because the UV light are one seven eight and zero one seven eight zero is zero seven eight one.

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All right that was the spot hello fingerprints zero, seven, eight, one enter that code does not change now that I know that code if I fail this attempt I can put that code in without moving the executive here I just need to redo the red security room to know what the switches are even though I know what it is because that's the only way to interact with the box I do that to proc rush I open this instapop technically this is done on the order that they turn on in so if you hit them in the same order and you are absolutely Pixel Perfect you can get all of them I have never even come close my best is six out of eight Yep, and that's six out of eight, which is roughly what I get It is what it is; we've been told that it's physically possible, but I've never seen it.

During the first Payday 2 Closed Beta I managed a four-and-a-half minute masked-up speed run and dozens of easy Overkill completions. For the stream, I did a commentary run of the map while moving as quickly as I could through the beginning portions. This guide is mostly a complete guide for the map on Overkill, though I didn't speak for the first few moments as I had just reset and wanted to see if the run was solid, it was.
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