Payday 3 / Beta Playtest / We Are Not Good At Robbing Banks

action-packed gameplay

Finds money to hide your banks Cosmos is coming to steal your heart in dollars. He's coming over, guys. He's coming over. Let's go let's go let's go there's one out here. It's just so terrifying, guys. I don't know if it's made out for the life of crime. I'm getting in my car, and I'm going, babe.

Well, let's just go through the front door and enter the area. Yeah, let's just scope the place out and kind of kick us out of the bank. We're here to make a cash withdrawal. You know I'm here to make a large withdrawal. Please, are you going to lockpick this, or should I do it? Watch out, watch out! I blew our cover, guys.

How do I exit the lockpick? Just run away, run away, run away, run away. I can't [__]. You got me, bro. The gun plays pretty well for a payday game. The gunplay's Ripping for a Payday game. Thank you, Thermite. Yeah, we need to hold for equipment drops. Of course, right as I go to Lockpick, where'd you lock it?

But I think it's around the other side, all right. Give me that money. Thank you, grenade out there. Thank you, my my, that hurt. Where's the vault? There's money everywhere. Get off this [__] ground. All right it's just like flaking the crap out of him. All right, guys, we're looking for a deposit box.

bank robbery

Have you guys seen the deposit box? They're usually separate from the vault. It's out here. Push it's open inside now we'll go My God, this is so annoying with [__]. Die packs that trigger When you open the door, you need to move fast before the money is ruined. Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, quick disarming.

That's a good idea that back door was really close to a lot of stuff. Yep, we're going to hold these cop routines over there. Sometimes I'll watch them, though. All right, let's get it open. We're now in a private area. Watch out, watch out, watch out. He's at the door back here in a secure area.

We're on the roof. We're on the roof, so it wasn't that way. It wasn't that there might be a need to pick it up. There's a camera up here. There's a camera up here. Just so you know, not until you're going loud. If we get a red key card, there is an electrical area up here, and we could go in through the I'll Go glass.

casino heist

So I'm going to say it's probably downstairs, so do we want to go back downstairs? yep, let's hunt for a key card. I think it's back, then watch out. There's a camera. Make sure it's not facing here, but just stick to the wall, and you should be good with the door open. I think the door, yeah, it blocks it.

It's been fun. Up there, we're good. What's it looking like out there, camera, right there? camera right there to the right, there's a I found it; it's not facing us. I always hit it there's a guard to the left here comes right to the left okay right there look he has a he has something on his back he had keys on his back or a card yeah he has a red card look on him Okay.

I see it. Let's see how to see it. This is like our second try this year. Okay guys, it is open to everybody to the hole. Everyone drops in the die and gets the knife. How does this work? got one with the shield up top very low on the rifle ammo so much I mean I'll do some ammo back there. I'm just gonna start moving our money forward here um yeah put it in the trunk I think there's only one more.


Yeah, anyway, I've got the last bag, and I'm coming back. Well, the last thing I think of is diapers. Yeah, I have a [__] grenade launcher, my God, they'll come in handy they'll come in handy 30 seconds. 30 seconds i'm ready hold on i know what to do. I just got up. I am getting [__] in the face.

Someone, please help me. Ah, Cosmo, let me remove the robbery. I mean, we have money, so yeah, it's not there right now. Sorry about that. Sorry about that a lot more. Though it's too hard or difficult, man, let's do it. Lift the next one up. I guess all is right. Maybe the yeah. Does he have a key card?

yeah, the one by me has a key card too. I think we're going for a similar one here, which is that you, Shadow, got him in that no-what-no, never mind. I got the blue K card. I got a key card, a blue one, yeah, and I've got a blue door right on me. Okay, that's cameras. You could probably turn them off from there if they're the same.

co-op gameplay

Yeah, call it in here. What do I do with it? I can't kill him, you know. Express gun, yeah, I shut the door and just kill him and just shoot, yeah, mask up and suppress gun, shoot over here, yeah, use your pistol, I have a grenade in my hands, I have a grenade. I have a grenade. I'm just here.

I couldn't put it away. I couldn't put it away. That one called the police. I'm sorry that the shotgun is in my hands. You'd think after the first two they'd be like, Nah, no more, man. Thank you there's one right here. Get it out of here, get in the

Dive into the thrilling world of crime and heists with our Payday 3 playthrough.
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