Payday 3 Beta: The Good, The Bad And The Technical


Content: I find the gunplay in Payday 3 already to be way better than in Payday 2, as much as I like Payday 2, and I played a lot of Payday 2. I always thought that Payday 2's gun sounds and gun feel were lacking compared to the first payday game. Payday the Heist, but Payday 3 is stepping it up a little bit and is better than two, but I can't decide if I still like Payday of the Heist gun sounds and feel more.

I'm not sure what it is, but Payday of the Heist just does it very well. I'm not sure if Payday 3 does it better. I'll probably have to play a little bit more to give my full opinion, but you know, let's compare all three of the gun sounds, and you're going to see that payday 2 is probably the worst out of the three.

Payday 3 might be the best so far, but, I don't know, smoke. Now let's also get the obvious out of the way: payday 3 looks way better than payday 2, and I think actually payday the heist even looked better than payday 2 in certain areas, which I think is kind of weird, but payday 3 should also be the best-looking one since it's made in Onreal Engine 5 and it's the newest one, so really, there's not much to say there, but I think it does look better; at least it's the best-looking.

bank heist

Payday, game so far there's also a lockpicking mini game now so you used to just like sit start lock picking something and it was just kind of like a circle and it would go all the way around but now it's more of a it's still kind of the same thing except for if you stop it just at the right time it increases the speed of the lockpicking so you can lockpick quicker it's kind of well I mean it's better because there's actually something to do inste just sitting there waiting but it's basically just a QuickTime action, and it's kind of reminds me it's kind of like dead by Daylight's generator repair mechanics, but you know it's something simple.


But it adds to the experience a little bit you know instead of just waiting there you're doing a little something there's also a new die pack mechanic, it's kind of interesting that sometimes there'll be die packs on the money and you have to disarm the die packs otherwise it will die the money and then you lose that money and you have to be quick if you don't want to lose the money but then also at the same time with that mechanic it can probably get a little bit annoying I can I can feel it kind of getting annoying after so many times and also if you're playing solo it means you have to try and get all the die packs disarmed by yourself, because the AI never helps you with that and stopping eight or more die packs from exploding within like 30 seconds.

Opening the vault door can sometimes not be possible, and you just won't get all the money, and the AI just again doesn't seem to help with that moment, so you definitely have to have a team to be able to disarm all the die packs most of the time. At least, I guess it depends on how many die packs there are.


The police, on the other hand, in this game seem to be a bit more intelligent. As they don't instantly run in there I always I always wondered why that wasn't in Payday but it's in Payday now so like the police show up but they won't immediately rush in and just start shooting at you like in Payday 2, they'll kind of sit outside if you have hostages, and then you can negotiate and like toss hostages, outside of the door or like free hostages and the hostages will run out and then you'll get a little bit extra time before the police assault begins, and the cops you can also have a hostage use a hostage as a shield and then the cops will kind of stop shooting at you they won't really shoot at you because they don't want to hit the hostage, at least most of the time because the cops were shooting at me at one time when I had a human shield hostage man this really is not going to sound good in a YouTube article but when I had a human shield.

Most of the time, they don't shoot at you, and sometimes they'll try to get behind you and smack you, so you drop the hostage, and then they'll start shooting at you, which is interesting and creates something just different. I don't know; it just creates different scenarios that you can get into, and the AI seems a bit smarter, as well as the difficulty.


Like, the difficulty in Payday 2 was kind of based on how many enemies there are, like, you would just get swarmed by tons of enemies, and how many special enemies there were, because in Payday 2 it's not really that difficult if it's just basic enemies; the game's not really that difficult, so you need those special enemies, and the more special enemies there were, like dozers, tasers, cloakers, and snipers, then the more dangerous and difficult it got, whereas in Payday 3 there's still a lot of enemies and there's There are a lot of enemy types, but I feel like it's less on the number of enemies that you're fighting and the specific enemies that you're fighting, like dozers, in Payday 3 are actually tough to go up against and like they're actually dangerous and you got to watch out for dozers compared to Payday 2 where you could take out a dozer and a few seconds.

crime spree

I'm going to have a whole article on that, but for the most part. You can only hope it's going to be good. But i have some. Worries, so I know this is just a technical beta, and I'm probably going to say that multiple times, but the keybinds for me didn't work; they just didn't work. Now, I absolutely hate control being crouched, so I never use control; I always put CS Crouch.

So, when I went when I went and if I remapped it to see it changed to see in the menu, but then it would just not work so I could not Crouch if I remapped it from control and if I remapped it to C pressing C would not Crouch and pressing control would not Crouch so there are certain things where you would rebind it but then it would just not work period it wouldn't work with the old keybind or the new one, like, for example, on the keyboard if you're playing with a mouse and keyboard.

There's e if you press e to pressing e is to interact by default, or actually, I think it's F by default, but I think it's F by default, but I changed it to e. Now, usually, you know, no big deal. FH instead of WD, or you know somewhere else and have different buttons. You know, it's all up to personal preference; that's why they're key bindings, but they just didn't really work, and it made playing the game a bit more frustrating.


But I am 100% sure that will not really be an issue or a problem when the game's fully released. I just found it very strange. You know, stress testing is yes, but the game has to be functional. Okay, the game has to be playable, and I'm just surprised that the key bindings didn't work completely.

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