Payday 3: Coming Out Too Early


Just please let us go through one stream. I see questions here from your bonus. Sella on YouTube says Alir is happy with the progression system. My God, breaking news Heisers, we understand our game is a broken mess, which is why we're dedicated to fixing it for you. Hold up in our Swedish law cabins; it's our responsibility to delay the patch.

You know the patch that was supposed to be coming a few days ago, but after repeatedly mentioning the October 5th release date, we're not seeing it until the middle of the month. I'm starting to think this whole crossplay thing isn't worth it. To put this into perspective, let's look at where Payday 2 got within a month of its release, and, yeah, we were on update 11.

This was one of the several major updates that came out within the first month of Payday 2's life, and at the same time, we're getting bug fixes, but look Transparency is our biggest concern, which is why we're sharing our road map for our next year of DLC with seasonal features and quality of life.

deep silver

Look, guys, your game is broken. It's great you actually want a consistent way to deliver DLC, but your game simply isn't done yet. It launched too early, whether that's the fault of Deep Silver or Star Breeze. I don't know, but unless you get your [__] together and fix all the outstanding issues, not many people are going to give the game a second chance; somebody somewhere in the chain of command [__] up, and the result is a failed launch that will forever limit this game's potential.

We could have seen an extra year of development, and guess what? They could have ironed out all those bugs; they could have added more content, but well. Look, you know how I said I don't know who to blame; that was [__] because Star Brees did [__] up; they [__] up by allowing Deep Silver to be their publisher, but to understand, we need to talk about another one of Deep Silver's failures.


In December 2012, after years of financial issues and a failed attempt to raise money, the publisher THQ filed for bankruptcy and was forced to auction off all of its assets in January 2013. Among these were Studio Val, creators of the Red Faction and Saints Rose series, among others. Volition was acquired by Deep Silver, a publisher that was really only known at the time for Dead Island, a middling game with misleading marketing that made it out to be something that it wasn't for their first game under Deep Silver.

Volition seemingly didn't have to change much; Saints R 4 was already in development for quite a long time before their publisher got changed, but a trend with Deep Silver here is that the longer you stay with him, the more you lose your identity, and this was something that became apparent a few games later with Agents of Mayhem, to put it simply.

Deep Silver completely fumbled volition's attempts to make a good game; they ruined the marketing by making people think it was a Saint Row game all the while they were holding up development, so volition was unable to do anything with all of these factors in mind, and it became a complete flop. Volition was to blame here too for overpromising their publisher with features that weren't in the game, but in the end, it was deep silver that said we needed to get this game out now that this behavior would get replicated.


Again, with the Saints Row reboot. Deep Silver killed Vition, but we need to get back to Starb and PayDay as a series. It's hard to say here what was mandated by Deep Silver or not since I don't have contacts inside Star Breeze, but we can make educated guesses, starting with the most disastrous of them all, the servers.

If you played this game unreleased, then you know you couldn't play it on release for a good few days. Getting into a game was impossible. The servers were simply dead. Now, it'd be very easy to point fingers at Starb in this situation since, well, they run the servers. We're going to answer that question by looking at a press release from Star Breeze.

This might sound boring, but believe me, it's pretty. The payday 3 matchmaking infrastructure has not performed as tested and expected, and matchmaking software encountered an unforeseen error that made it unable to handle the massive influx of players. The issue caused an unrecoverable situation for Star Brees's third-party matchmaking partner.

pc gaming

Okay, so this last line here is corporate speak, basically telling you to go [__] yourself as nicely as possible. It also reveals that yes, Star Breeze wasn't working alone, but who was their partner here? You can even still find the article. Excel bites were made for Star Bre's nebula, and just like with volition, Starb had problems with them, to put it mildly.

So even independent of anything else, we can know for sure that Deep Over is responsible for the server outages in the game's first week. This was a crucial time to secure new players that likely won't ever come back even if things are turned around, but even then, could Deep Silver have been responsible for online only entirely?

Was this destined to happen, no matter that your boy Alir doesn't seem to be that good at defending it? Mr pepper says that since the game is online, what happens if the servers go down? Well, they won't. Answer, hopefully ah, I'm up to here with these people. Yi Ka [__], it appears like the computer isn't working right.

Staying on that topic of outsourcing, it came out on the 5th that a majority of the character art was outsourced to a studio called Blue Pilion. Looking at their website, they've been responsible for nothing but mobile game Trash before ever getting involved with Payday 3, and honestly, their work in this game isn't much better if you've been wondering why the Civ models are so Yeah, or why don't dozers look like dozers anymore?

This is why the fact that Star Brees had to outsource their character models paints a really good picture of the state of the game's development. They either weren't prepared enough or didn't have enough time to make these assets themselves, so they got left to a studio that doesn't understand the design language of payday enemies.

You have to start wondering just how much of the game was outsourced. Seeing as they've moved to Unreal Engine, could they even be using store assets? Could we even confidently say this is a Star Breeze game? I have to say it again. I think the biggest problem here with time is that the skeleton of something great does exist, but at this point, I'm worried if people will be able to realize it in time.

With the way the current patch is going, are we even going to see people playing by next month? It's hard to say if they want to turn it around; they have to do it fast. Anyway, I think I've said most of what I wanted to. I would like to know more about Deep Silver's involvement with this series, and if I learn anything, I'll gladly tell all of you.

It's been great having you bye.

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