Payday 3: Dev Update 03



Hello, Heisers The team is still hard at work executing on Operation Medical Bag, but I am very excited to be able to bring your payday 3 news once again in the form of a new developer update. In today's episode, we'll talk about the new features coming in the next game update as well as some balance changes.

Adaptive armor

Information , We are starting off strong with the adaptive armor, which we have previously talked about in a blog post from Operation Medical Bag and shown off on stream. The adaptive armor has two chunks, and each chunk regenerates fully if you manage to avoid damage for a short time. This means that if you play carefully, you'll be much less vulnerable to your armor's attrition over time.

As long as you are able to consistently get into cover, you'll be able to fully recover your armor in a few seconds and continue your heist at full strength. As a trade-off, the armor has two downsides and less damage reduction as compared to what you're used to, so this armor will depend greatly on how well you utilize the unique mechanic of the armor and avoid it.



Damage , the adaptive armor synergizes really well with our next topic today, the medic bag updates, to further keep you safe when bullets are flying. The medic bag will now put excess health into adrenaline for all players; any health beyond your maximum and up to 100% of your maximum health pool gets turned into temporary health that acts as a first layer of defense.

This means that you can top up on adrenaline before you need to run out of cover and into enemy forces.

Fortitude skill line

Next up is the fortitude skill line if you really want to make use of the new medic bag. The new fortitude skill line empowers and builds upon the medic bag. Buffs, the skills will both give you extra health that will raise your adrenaline ceiling and also give you a powerful boost for each down you have available, so the less you've gone down, the stronger you will be.

This skill line also strengthens your medic bags, giving you a boost of adrenaline whenever they're used by an ally. In any of the games, three buffs will provide a percentage damage reduction as well as double the effect of each buff, so adrenaline and adaptive armor should work really well together to make you unstoppable.

Skill point increase

Skill point increase

This is Payday 3's third skill line added after release, and we want to make sure you're empowered to fully utilize them all. This is why you'll also get a skill point increase. This has been a common thing brought up to us via feature updates, via social media, and via streams, and we agree that this would be a great benefit to your Payday 3 builds.

The next update is adding a whopping seven extra skill points to the maximum number of points you can unlock. These extra points are earnable between infamy 0 and 100, meaning that you will have the full 28 skill points at infamy.

Skill and weapon balancing

100 the final things I want to highlight today are related to skill and weapon balancing.

In this update, we've made sure you don't break aim-down sight while cycling in the R900. It's a small change with a high impact. In addition, the Ziv Commando has been reworked to really fit into the close-range weapon archetype. This update also brings with it a plethora of skill changes. Most notably, many of the Sharpshooter line skills have been buffed to go with the juice-up r900; the misdirect skill will add a chance to dodge against marked enemies; the kinetic short circuit will replenish an ECM jammer when you destroy a Zapper battery; and the tank skill line got a new skill added that lets you restore an armor chunk using a repair kit if you have no armor.



That is all for today's development update. Remember that everything mentioned in today's article will be available in the next update to Payday 3. We're very excited to see how you get along with these new features and our future planned updates for Operation Medical Bag. Make sure that you have the fortitude to adapt to these new changes and are happy.

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