Payday 3: Dirty Ice Heist. First Playthrough


So let's bring an armor bag with us as a favor, and let's play. It's time for dirty, dirty ice. Here we go. Cool let's play jewelry store, Contracted by the butcher. Hmm, let's go, baby, let's go, and yes, I'm going to play all the introductory Hey, so normal. I do not care. I just want to get a feel for them first.

Do not judge my difficulty playing, or I will judge you for having smelly feet. I don't know where I'm going with that. All right, can I get hit by the car? Yes, I can. Either way, just in my shoes, why don't you have nice teeth, brother? Nice teeth, okay? This is a bit like Reservoir Dogs jewelry store-esque; I feel like you're a guard; it's an exec.

This is the way I could just look inside his eyeballs. Look at his eyeballs. That was horrifying, okay, so stealing it's just stealing secure jewelry, that's it. Okay, optional access to the VIP showroom, right? We need the QR code, so the QR code is located somewhere, and we've got to find it.

The back door is just straight-up locked, and we can't pick it up. okay, what about this one? This one needs a QR code. This one is just locked straight up, okay? So someone's going to be carrying a key card or a QR code that is going to be lying around. You just have to find it; presumably it's going to be on the desk, right?


Okay, we can go down there, but that looks like that requires some kind of permission; you're not allowed in here. It's fine let's get started. Let's get escorted out. Let's have a little bit of a snoop around. You heard me the first time. Let's go come on i heard you. We're moving now I do believe he just gave me a blue key card, which will get me in.

There's some kind of key code here, and I wonder if I can guess it: two, seven, four, three. I mean, it's got to be an order of those four numbers because all four have been pressed, so I wonder if there's like a cooldown that could keep trying to get in. So now we want three, two, four, and seven.

That could be beneficial. You're not allowed in here. No sightseeing come on, I'll show you out. Let's have a look at these restricted areas. There's the sub. PS3 Leisure: Lovely of you! Let's see what the manager does if she leaves the room and leaves the saw. Let's see what we can do here. You and me Sorry, I'm just vandalizing the place.


Riley L., manager, employee number three two seven four three two seven four, folks, that's it, and what the code is probably three two seven four genius now that is clever that is clever people in the shop right down three two seven four for me, let's see what this what that means. I was literally about to get that code, and I think that was the next one I was about to type in, as well as the irony.

Okay, so what is she doing? Where does she go out here? She walked into people. She looks so sad. She's going to walk into oncoming traffic. Like, what's she doing here? Okay, well, I don't want to mask up, so let's just keep going. Bro's taking selfies. Oh, my days are okay. So now I can literally just steal the jewelry and get out if I want to or access the VIP showroom, so I need to find a phone with a QR code, and realistically, that's what I need to do.

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This vision's hard on your own; yeah, it seems like it. There we go, phone QR code; this probably has it. Vault button not working, you need to make sure two people have their input simultaneously on Place Access, not rocket science, so there's two buttons and two people need to prep my How's that going to work on your own?

Can you not get into the VIP showroom without having another person there? That'll be a bit odd if that's the case. Here's the VIP showroom, Gotcha, so it depends on how you play it. Okay, all right. Someone said that Chad just said this was so painful to watch. Well, if it is, don't watch it like someone else.

It's all about making first impressions. Man, you're not going to get the best gameplay right out of the gate. Out of the gate, obviously, come on, sniper; he's dead. I think yeah, the helicopter's going to have to do something like a return. Also, this is still at normal difficulty. Look how much loot I'm going to have to secure two bags—23, so we're talking about like nine bags.

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Is it traveling? Oh hacks, not time 0.3 times speed now because we've killed some of the cops in the area, so the bars are decreasing slower time-wise. That's cool i like that. Let's type some hostages so we have them handy as well. I said four bags is 40 now, so the percentages are very strangely balanced in this game because that now suggests it's 10 bags, but why did two bags give us 23 when they should have given us 20?

Sorry for my math series kicking in; all right, go away. I'll come back. That's fine let's focus on finding the basement door again, because I don't know where the hell that went. There it is. We can go out this way and go back down. That'll do, and I'll figure it out all right. So the lockdown is somewhere in the basement.

Hang on this might be it. Okay, so interesting lore implications question mark There's another way down from here. Cool, where's this coming out here? I'm just blind. Cool it's good to know, all right? Get the loops killed. So how do I get into these now that lockdown's been lifted? I have to lockpick them, right?

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Okay, so I think there are probably not enough bags in the base area. You probably need to get well-hung. I said the VIP showroom was optional, so probably not. I don't know. I don't know. I'm here to rob banks and jewelry stores. All right, I'm not overthinking it too much. It seems like maybe the set of this new escape is permanent because there's no timer, so maybe if you're quick and coordinate the team well, you can get out with the early escape next to the store, but if you don't, then you have a further escape, but that stays.

It seems like an interesting idea. I like that. The noise it makes when the case is open is quite funny. All right, let's see how far we have to go to get there. Is a little cloaker. Yeah, it's a cloaker. Let's just run. Let's have a look. Yeah, they're already on their final charge for the assault value of the jewelry skill; jewelry counts; that's why the percentages were janky no.

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I think the VIP bags are worth more, though it seems like that percentage just shot up to 96. Yeah, that means the VIP jewelry is worth more than the base. Joy, there's some really clever stuff at work here. I dig it all right. Oxen's still got a bag. Let's grab that and get the hell out. We get that this is the third Heist completed boom bit of a slow start because I didn't know what the hell was going on, but we worked it out after that.

Next up in Payday 3's heists is the jewellery store, known as Dirty Ice! Here's my first full playthrough with a balance of stealth and loud.
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