Payday 3 - Exp And Skill System Explained

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It was good, y'all, as King Z, and now I'm back here on Hit A3, the game is finally out, and um yeah, I got a few articles recorded just playing through Heist and stuff. Yeah, I figured in this first article I'm just going to be going over how the new skill and level system works, so yeah, this article is going to be pretty quick and short.

So yeah, I guess we'll just get right into this thing. So yeah, leveling in this game is a little bit different than in Payday 2, so basically, to level up, you'll still level up. Normally, you play through the highest, but the main way you're going to level up is through these challenges here, so yeah, there's different height challenges, as you can see, there's a ton of high challenges, and different career challenges, combat challenges, and all that, so yeah, you want to be using a variety of different things if you want to level up fast, as you can see, so yeah, going through all these challenges, you'll be leveling up.

Like I said, I'm pretty sure just playing Heist will also wake you up. I think these just kind of give you a little boost and some rewards here too, so yeah. Um, doing all that levels you up; just doing challenges like that and playing through Heist, you'll level up as you go. It gets a little bit slow.


There's 150 levels they call Infamous in this game, so that's what I'm going to be calling them, so don't get it confused with Petty 2's into me. So yeah, in this game, there are 150 infamies, which is the same thing as. As they're being 150 levels, so for me, 150 in this game would be the equivalent of being just level 100, and on Payday 2, type your max level you can't do; you can't level up anymore after that, so yeah, 150 Infamous.

I guess we'll get into the skills here. Like I said, this article is going to be pretty quick. I just want to get something out. I want to keep playing the game and recording Heist for y'all, so yeah, I just want to go over, like I said just go over how the skills and stuff will work in this game.

So yeah, as you can see, I only have five skill points. If you can see, I am level 13. Imagine you have all different perk decks here, and you can kind of pick and choose what, skills what yeah what skills you want from each perk deck. I guess that's the best way to explain it, so there is still acing, as you can see.


I'm going to probably take all these out; I got my five skill points back, and then you can put those into whatever. Yeah, you need to have a skill point in any tree to level it up. You can see, um, you have to level up the skill trees here, so I think the more skill points you have invested in a certain skill tree, the more XP you'll get for it.

So as you can see right now. I'm trying to level up my tank tree because I'm just playing through the game; it's going to help me survive a little bit better, but yeah, you can research anyone you want, so let's say if you want hacker skills real quick, you can go down and start researching hacker, and then once you have that research, you can put a point in it, and then it'll start earning XP for that tree if that makes sense.


Um yeah, you can see I put my skill points in here, so all these trees will start earning XP, so whatever trees I have skill points in, they will earn XP if that makes sense. So yes, I want to say a little bit different, but potato too; it's pretty different from Penny too, so yeah, that's the best way I can explain it.

I don't know, but I hope that gives you an idea of how this works, so yeah, I have five skill points. I have a long way to go to level 150. That'll probably take a long time, and I'm not sure if levels are actually tied. As you can see, most of these give infamy points, some more than others. As you can see, once we start getting down there, there's a whole ton of them.

You have the career things that just give, the sea stacks, and other types of rewards. All that you got were combat rewards. So yeah, if you want to level up fast, make sure you're kind of switching out your weapons and stuff like that because your weapons also have levels too. If we get into that, you can see it here.

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So yeah, the more you use the weapons, the more XP you're going to get. Obviously, when we make sure you're getting kills with all them, I'm not sure. Like if killing different types of enemies starts with more XP, like killing special enemies gives you more than killing a normal, my normal enemy.

I'm not sure on that, but I would think it goes like that, but like I said, I'm not too sure, so yeah, your weapons have XP. Also, just keep that in mind; you can't just, um, like in Payday 2. Buy a weapon and then straight-hit that out. A little quick article for y'all I don't know how long it's going to be like this, but my game's glitched like a I know PS5 is also having problems because they gave PlayStation players the wrong version of the game, so yeah, that really stinks if you're on PS5, unfortunately, but as you can see.

I'm level 13 right now, but it's still locked for me. I don't know what's going on; they released a broken-ass game, but you know what you expect from what do you expect from Overkill? You know what I'm saying, so yeah, a lot of this is locked; it's been really kind of holding me back. I'm not sure.

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If the weapons are locked too, I don't like all these default weapons. I'm pretty sure I'm not sure about the revolver, but I know these three here are all starting weapons, so yeah. I'm not high enough level to see if the weapons are going to stay locked for me, so yeah, that's unfortunate, but I just opened the game up and was able to equip the armor bag.

You're supposed to unlock that at level two, so I've got to be level 13 before I was able to use the armor bag, and the flashbang is locked; that's supposed to be unlocked at level seven. I'm still stuck using this light ballistic armor, which I want to use, like medium ballistic, for this type of build.

So, yeah, all these are locked too; I can't use mine. Hopefully, if I hit Level 20, I'll be able to use the ECM, but probably not. So, yeah, hopefully they drop a patch of this soon, but um, hopefully that explained a little bit how the XP and skill system work in this game; it's pretty different than Payday 2, so yeah, here's where they came through, man.


I'm going to keep trying to get as many articles out for y'all as I can. So yeah, I'm going to keep playing through these heists, leveling up all that. Maybe I don't know because that would be a ton of build articles, and I don't know how long it's going to take to hit level 150. That's a big number.

You know what? I'm only level 13 right now, but I'm assuming once you start getting up there, the XP really starts to get a lot to level up, so yeah, that's it for this article. Don't try yeah, that's it for this article. This is what it came through, man. Make sure I leave a like, subscribe, turn on the notifications, and you don't miss it.

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