Payday 3. First Look At Single Player Mode With Bots - You Can Throw Bags At Ai

asmr gaming

So this is the first impression review from the perspective of playing this game single player with or without bots, and it's rough, like it's fun, it's doable, but there's some major flaws, and I'll show you those in a second. I just kind of figured you'd want to see some action right away. Turning down the sensitivity for the controller is a must unless you're playing with a mouse and keyboard.

Of course, there is no aim assist. However, I'm still finding that the controls are pretty good. Some people think they stink, so again, your mileage will vary. So you can issue your guys some directions. Some very basic directions you can [__] piece of [__] drill Hi, follow me! Wait here; request a health request.

You can thank them, but you can't have them do interaction prompts, which is kind of stupid. For example, if there was like a bag of money that I needed to pick up, let's say there's like a bag of money here and you go up and you can't. Like, why can't we just get rid of these two things and just have them so that the AI is going to do whatever command is available to you in that moment?


So, I don't know why, like I said, but I mean, apart from that, it's definitely not a terrible game. I have done a couple of heists, and it's been challenging. Unless I know that you were all going to want to see some action, see how it handles the frame rate, which I think is actually pretty good considering, especially when there's like a lot of people on the screen at once.

I mean, it lags for a couple of seconds here and there, but it's quite bearable[__] sprinkler system again. Sorry. I'm getting a little bit stressed out, but sorry. I want to mention something like the fire alarm, like the sprinkler system, for example, like that panel or another section where you have to lower the roadblocks so that you can let the cars go by.

They're not always in the same spot, so there is some procedural generation when it comes to that. You could trade hostages for more time. I don't really know how to do that, to be honest, so whatever. So hopefully I don't know this was like a half decent first look again on PS5, what it looked like as a single player with bots, how they sort of behaved, the limitations, just how difficult it looked.

first impression

Overall, one guy gets taken in and breaks out of jail somehow, but again, it was on normal difficulty just to show you that one more time, let's get you back. Public friends are only invited with difficulty. Normal is the easiest, hardest, Very hard, and then overkill, Then you match-make, and then that's it.

On PC again, there's an option to say single player, and then when you go to single player, that's where you have the thing where you can select like your different bots and stuff like that and what they can do, whereas in this case you don't get the pick. It's just very weird, and I think it's always the same three people that come with you could be wrong I've only done a couple heists, but so far it's all been the same 15-minute article.

I think that's long enough for a first look at the game. As always, if you like the article, go ahead and give it a thumbs up. It does greatly help support the channel with the algorithm, and if you don't like the article, that's fine. Go ahead and give it a thumbs down. Take care, and maybe I'll see some of you in the next one really quick.


As you play, you'll get some skill points and stuff like that. You could put a couple of points into something. I think you have two things at once, or right now I've got two of four at the top left. I go ahead and just unequip those. Now I could use four. I could do this. I could do that. Do you know what I mean?

It just seems like it's pretty, it's pretty good, and you can put as many points as you have, you know, at the top, so I could use four, so I could kind of do that, and that's sort of like my little loadout, if you will, for the time being, and then coming here. I can edit that as I leveled it up, see if I want now.

I could add the scope. I think this is the pistol that I would want silenced there. You go okay, and it's free; of course it's free. Yeah, now that's really cool because we're going to be taking out some cameras. Anyway, take care, and until next time, bye for

UPDATE You can throw bags at the AI, and they will auto carry it on their back, and then you can easily take it from them as well.
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