Payday 3 Hipfire/cc Overkill Viable Build (14 Skill Points)



I got the car because it's a bloody laser beam. The car four is just, yeah, it's a straight-up laser beam running. This is the attachment I've been running, so this is what I've been waiting for.


I have realistic lighting this time because I don't know if it's just that it feels better. I don't have many region packs, but here are the skills.

I'm a specialist with the magma because it's a good supportive skill, and Rush is really easy to hold on to. Yeah, one of my friends recommended that I use the magma. Rush macro is pretty good. MOA This is pretty crucial to the build because it's really easy to get an edge with it, but sorry, this isn't crucial.


Nevermind, what's crucial to the build is Gunslinger. This is how you're getting edged; you swap your weapon, and now you do more damage. The second thing crucial is to build heavy hip fire, so you're essentially spraying down the crowd with your within carpool, and it's keeping them all under control, whereas in my last build we used shock and all to do that with, in my new build we're using heavy hip fire.

Escape us because you need to have a rush. It's always really nice to have a sharpshooter. Well, we're not using it because of Sharpshooter because we lose Edge every time we advertise. We're using it because of the cutting shot, which increases our damage. Through armor, which increases armor pen, while we have Edge, which will be all of the time we will always have Edge running armor.

Because you need armor if you're running this, but you don't need an Ace, this consumable, or anything like this. I'm running this Ace because I want bread, but you'd always maybe change this to, let's say, you want to use this, or they feel like acing this because you're just out of ammo, so let's say instead of the cop full, you do use the car to use a compact mag, which is only around 400 boats, but you'll be killing more of the time.

I've never found much use for this because I want to be killing more, but you could maybe use the Northwest B. It says it has more accuracy, but I don't have much luck with it. The Ku-59 is not that good for this build because of how accurate it is. As accurate as accuracy goes, it's really, really bad because you'll be hit by fire by the time you won't really be hitting your shots to use the Ku-59, so running around with the car before you'll be will be much more accurate.



Smoke grades, but because I just love smoke grenades, if you want to use Flash Wings, is that good? I don't use frags; you don't work for Spoons, but if you're much better with frogs, maybe use them, but if you're going to use frags. I'd recommend you just scrounger as well; maybe you swap out a piece of Club whereas grounger, but ,.

It's pretty much a 14-skill point build again; it's not that difficult to understand, I guess. Well, maybe it is motion senses if you're using his fan grenades, but if you're not using grenades, use them for Sonic rinds. Yeah, I think it'll kill weapons. It doesn't matter; it's not crucial to build at all.

I'll probably come out with a article build around specifically the macron number MGR because I've been wanting to make a build like that, which I think would be pretty interesting, but yeah. I think that's all I have to say, so I guess just enjoy the build and let me just go through my skills again, so make sure I don't miss anything like last time.


Yeah, it's all. I hope you enjoy it

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