Payday 3 Human Shield Overkill Build (17 Skill Points)


I don't know why I keep making these, but whatever it's a human shield build because I don't know, I felt like it was okay. You're 59 because it's my favorite assault rifle in the game, but any other assault rifle would probably be fine. Go with whatever secondary you really feel like; it's not really dependent on the specific weapons.

I was supposed to get this skill, but I couldn't find one for it because it's not working with the other skills, which are more amusing, fully loaded because you're going to need your armor bag and top up because we're fully restocking throwables, but yeah, scrounger is one of the most important things, and, of course.

Edge. It might be a little bit more difficult to get an edge because you don't want to use a sharpshoot and stand still for 1.5 seconds every time you're going to get an edge, even though that's what I've been doing. I found a much better way, but we'll get there when I get further down the skill trip.


Tank, because Howdy Hottie is useful if you're using human shields because some cults can sneak up behind you and slam you in the back, and you don't even realize this helps that because you won't really be as badly punished for not having eyes in the back of your head as much and armor up, of course, because you're using the Heavy Armor, or pretty much all armors can do well from this because it gives you two plates for the price of one always nice escapist because you're always going to want that speed.

Am I right? Am I right? I'm going to lose my mind. This is what the service has done to me. Here we go. Tactician is the best skill in the game, I think. Well, actually, cutting shots is the best skill in the game, and that's why I have sharp shooters because of Chuck's cutting shop. I'm a pen, and armor is a big thing about this game.

If you want to do some damage, you need to use a cannon shot. Tactician for the edge you gave, so stun or stagger. Stagger can come from your shove, and that's how we make melee. Go to the game Tactician. The tactician will make melee amazing because it gives you a reason to use it. See a cop shove them with your melee, and you've got Edge now, and if you have coup de gras, you do five percent more damage to that cop than you just melee, so it's great, but um, could igrower be an essential of the build, and also I can't fit in.


Actually, I could, but I prefer scrambling because of the exposed shots. fight enemies affected by your flashbang. Ignore armor for as long as they're stunned. Amazing it is an amazing skill. I love it. It's so nice. I've been using it. It's great, but let's get down to the main meat and potatoes of the build.

CQC specialist You need to ace this because you need grit when you pick up a human shield. You need it. You really, really do soft assets or extra ammo when you shove the swan officer, and if you're wondering, shovel away a spot off so you're using it as a human shield. All the sword officers only count as SWAT if you grab them by stunning them with a flashbang, so flashbangs are essential to this build.


You need to use flashbacks. You can't just put Chuck on manipulator and menacing; it does not work; it literally turns them into civilians. You don't get a SWAT officer; you get a civilian that looks like a SWAT officer. That's what happens. A pin pull-up gives you a free smoke grenade. But essentially, the main idea of the build is that you chuck your flashbang.

You grab a SWAT officer, shoot them a couple of times, shove them before your goat runs out, and you pop a smoke all right. There's one more skill that I think you can add to this build to make it slightly better. I don't remember where it is, but it is a skill that increases the effectiveness of the arts and technology.

No, it's fun, practitioner. It increases the effect of smoke grenades. Essentially, this one, discombobulate, is affected by flashing stuff for 40 damage debuffs. I don't expect to buy your smoke grains at something like 40 percent. I believe this is supposed to synergize with the pin puller because they pop a smoke grenade when you shove them, and, like, how would you explain why there would be two skills: flashbang and smoke?

high level

And that's how I came up with the discombobulation. You Chuck your flashbang, it does the same thing as if the papa smoke grenade and the smoke grenade do proc off of pin puller, but anyway, that is pretty much all I have to say about the build. I'm rambling right now. I'm using it for Sonic mines just because this is like a primarily loud build and I'm not using smoke as much.

I don't really like infrasonic minds, and if you really want to go with motion senses like 99, nine times out of ten motion sensors will be more useful than infrasonic minds because seeing them and shooting them will be much better than stunning them. Because of infrasonic minds, I have not been able to get proc, tactician, or critic, and I don't know if it might just be a bug for me, but they should, because that's how it's designed.


But it's not working for some reason, so infrasonic minds have the longest stun in the entire game. From what I remember, like heavy stagger, he lost a lot less heavy stagger and a lot shorter than infrasonic minds, so if you Chuck it in from Sonic mine, that entire crowd would just be essentially like you won't have to deal with them for a very long time, but yeah, you need flash fangs.

You can't run a cigarette, throw knives, or fragonites. You need flashbacks in this building. How are you going to get a human shield if you don't have flashbacks? How about bags? Because you need throwables, ammo bags or player throwables are very important. If somebody runs armor, most people run armor, so you don't really have to worry about the armor up, but if somebody else is running around, the armor up is still useful if I have a pretty good skill set.

If you get any spare skill points after 17, get medic and get steady hands; that will also be useful, but in the meantime, this is a pretty good skill investment. This is probably the most of our SEO points I've ever put into a build. This is literally zero. There is wiggle room for me to get rid of Bernie CLS right now.

Cutting a shot is just an amazing skill. Always run a cutting shot. Anyway, I'm going to stop rambling. Tell me if you like it. Tell me if you have fun. Right, human shields.

Sorry for the length human shields are a hard thing to explain briefly. It works but its not meta 100 but if you want to clown on overkill this is probably the build for you.
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