Payday 3 Is A Certified Banger



This is the clown man here, but it doesn't matter who I am; what matters is my plan. Nobody cared who I was until I put on the ACT ladies and gestures today. We're talking about payday 3. Should you play it? What is Payday 3? Who's the greatest clown of all time, and why is it that your tough questions require tough answers?

I was invited by the Payday 3 developer Breeze to go out to New York and take part in one of the coolest pre-release gaming events I've ever been to.

Prerelease event

I mean, it's only the second pre-release event I've ever been to, but it's going to be hard to beat. They brought me and a bunch of other content creators to a real bank in New York, and then they all held us hostage in a mock robbery, and that was just an awesome, amazing performance, so I met up with some really cool content creators.

I asked one of them if you wanted to play a robbery game, and he said yes; we had a grand old time and we had two hours to play Payday 3 and a new heist that wasn't available in the most recent beta, so consider this a first impression. Video from someone who went into the game completely blind, having never played payday before.

I have to tell you, I'm infatuated. I think I'm falling for Krusty the Clown. It's a camera. Follow me, gentlemen. Check this out I'm about to I'm about to get this camera done. Are you ready for this 360-degree camera? God, damn it, it was the worst 360 ever. Payday 3 is a game where you and three buddies reenact the opening scene of The Dark Knight.

You and your friends are dead. Can we take the masks off of God? This is a grenade. How do I put it away?



My goal is to rob each bank or warehouse location in in the most efficient way possible and escape with the most loot possible. As you level up, unlock new weapons and tools. Buy better gear, play on higher difficulties for better rewards, and you know the drill. Vermicide 2 has items that make your run through the level harder, like tomes and grimoires, or give bonuses if you complete the run.

Payday 3 has a similar mechanic that I really like, except it's: you know, loot in bags of money; the more elute you escape with, the better your rewards are, and I typically I love co-op games, especially ones with RPG mechanics—even just a game that focuses solely on four-player co-op and not PVP, like that's a rarity these days.

This is one of those games that you and the boys will sit down and play all night, then do it again the next day, but I also love that this game has a really well-thought-out progression system. Sure, it's crazy for a first-person shooter to launch with one of those, isn't it? There's a bunch of different skills you can unlock and customize; some focus on making you tanky, others allow you to hack better or focus on Close Quarters combat.

There's a bunch of different roles to play and 105 skills to choose from, so it's not a simple, like, okay, let's go and shoot everybody, get the loot, get out, like, you can play that way, but that's not the only way to play, combined with the wide variety of weapons, attachments, and equipment. There are countless builds to make and try out, and it's cool to unlock new skills in a line.

You simply equip the base skill, and then you earn XP for that line of skills.



I I think that's a neat system, so you could focus on a support role that heals your teammates and provides ammo and armor, or become an engineer that sets up turrets and establishes a perimeter of defense, or even become an infiltrator with a knack for lockpicking and throwing knives. It's entirely possible to get through the heist without triggering combat, which I think is really cool during these heists.

You have plenty of options to sneak in or simply go in guns ablazon and light up anything that moves. I prefer this method because it means the badass soundtrack kicks in sooner.


Foreign I had this much fun killing cops since San Andreas; I thought my jokes were bad now since Co-op is the main focus.

I'm just going to shut down the dorm. Sorry, I can't.



He just morphed through God, damn So if you like cooperative gameplay and teamwork, Payday 3 is going to be right up your alley. You're encouraged to coordinate your builds with your teammates to cover potential weaknesses. That's why everyone's inventory and loadouts are visible in the ready-up screen, so you don't all start the match with [__] shotguns and can't take care of the snipers.

You can do things like spot guards for your team, set up health packs on the ground, and armor on normal difficulty.


You don't really have to think too much, but once you step it up too hard, like you, you actually have to start working together, and although it is fun to work together with your friends and succeed, that's not always how friendship works.

Works nope these are mine these are mine no, As a guy with guy friends.


I understand sometimes it's more fun to [__] with my friends, like if your buddy puts down a health pack that has like four uses, you can just steal all the health for yourself and just be a dick. Payday 3 is both fun and a make-your-own fun type of game.

Pay attention pay attention to where you are going over there. Pay attention to where you're going, so you could avoid shooting hostages to get a better payout at the end. But I don't know. Let me see your hospital.



To my knowledge, payday 3 kind of has this, but it depends on difficulty, so some events only occur on the higher difficulties while it's a bit more relaxed on normal. The higher you go up the tiers, the more accurate the police will be—for example, the more aggressive and numerous—and this is a great way to make heists more replayable.

Some cameras might be indestructible, or guards might appear in places they don't normally, so you'll need to adapt when the game throws a monkey wrench in your plans sometimes.


The getaway van pulls in really close to you, and other times he's a [__] jackass and parks on the other side of the street.

Every now and then, you can run into the [__] ninjas. God, that's a ninja. That's a ninja that incapacitates you, like the hunter and smoker, and other times you can encounter Officer Big Dick with his ultra-thick Juggernaut armor. Now, even if you fail The Heist, you still earn a respectable amount of XP, so that time doesn't feel like it.



Wasted teammates can go down and get arrested, but you can trade hostages to save your teammates and actually revive them. There are so many cool mechanics like this; hostages are basically like bargaining chips, like they are in real life.

Payday 3 is a game I never expected to play but it has quickly captured my attention! I was able to play it early at an event in New York and I can safely say that it is a certified BANGER! I'm very excited to play the full release and these are my first impressions of the game.
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