Payday 3 Is A Loud Spaghetti With Server Issues (payday 3 Review)



Payday 3 was a game I didn't even know was going to be coming out until really, really late in September, but when I saw it coming out, I couldn't help but buy it because, you know, it's payday. Gotta love payday except, holy [__] nobody can [__]. Play it i'm going to stop with the whole explicit thing.

We're going to be a little more professional this time. Yeah, so let's get down to brass tacks. Payday 3 is currently unplayable because the servers are still down, and, quite frankly, they really should have seen this coming. Not only was it one of the more successful games on Steam, right next to Killing Floor, but it's one of the classics of Steam, meaning a Payday 3 sequel was going to have a lot of players joining in to play the game.

You also allowed cross-play, which again triples the loading times and triples the number of people that will be playing, which further pushes your servers onto a massive load, and then, to top it all off on a cherry Sunday cake, you also had beta and early access open, which should include you in once again on how many players would be playing your game there. There were a lot of warning signs that your game was going to be overloaded because your servers weren't prepared or you didn't have enough, and again, you didn't prepare well enough, and you got hit by the storm of people.



The transition to the Unreal 5 engine has substantially boosted the game's gameplay and gunplay, and a lot of the other aspects of it have significantly increased, the most noticeable change being the graphics.

Originally, Payday 2 wasn't much to look at; it was just kind of an eh, you dealt with it. It wasn't too bad, but with the switch to an Unreal 5 engine rather than the diesel engine, the gameplay and performance are substantial. No longer do you have to worry about desynchronization, as well as servers again, which is a pain in the ass I'll get to later, but the more important part of the whole game itself is how it performs with all of these things.

The cops that you get to face in this game are a lot more impressive and grounded. Instead of just this whole force, your entire army of a team can tank because you have what is essentially the Army's reserve of ammunition and funds. The cops are a lot more of a threat and a huge danger to fight against, even if you do take on higher difficulties sometimes, and although some players do find it very easy again because they've been playing Payday 2 for more than 100 or a couple hundred hours, admit that Payday 3's difficulty does start to diminish the more you play and the more you get experience with the game, which is pretty much a big red flag for how difficult the police may be when you finally get to face them in these difficulties.



Stealth has also been substantially improved from Payday 2 with you being able to literally not even have to fire a round or a shot; moreover, you don't even need to equip a mask; you just walk on in walk on that with a bag you stole, which is pretty ridiculous, but I still like the idea and aspect of its stealth; it's a lot more simple and a little more complex at the same time, and, at the way you can look at it, it's pretty darn impressive, so yeah, stealth is pretty much overhauled, then there's the guns.

I think I've talked too much about it, so I'm just going to ignore them all together because I've already explained how they've improved.


Finally, the change of scenery and environment looks a little more interesting than The Good Old Washington, DC, with wacky missions. Pardon my language; you now have a little bit more grounded missions that are a little more intense and a lot more engaging to deal with.

That's where the positives end aside; from the kick soundtrack, that's just beautiful. The game only came out with eight maps; Payday 2 had a lot more maps, and it's like the base game. We're not talking about DLC; I'm talking about the base game when it was released in 2012. It had so many more maps you could play on Firestarter.

Rats Watch Dogs, and even some of the bank heists, although different variants were still pretty interesting to deal with all kinds of new and unique threats.

Server issues

Server issues

There's also a substantial lack of an actual decent server or map selection screen, which really is a crux to the game itself; it further proves to harm the game rather than help it. Then the switch from peer-to-peer, which, thank God, is nowhere peer-to-peer, to servers that are always online, is a major step backwards.

This means even if you want to do a mission solo, you can't unless you go through the online servers and make a solo invite-only game, which ultimately makes absolutely no sense if you're doing something solo. Following that is the grind of Payday 2 slowly leaking into , Payday 3.

The grind

Although Payday 2's skill system did get revamped at a certain point in 882's, supporting development for Payday 3 is probably going to have the same exact problem as it's going to definitely need to be redesigned after a bit more important look at the menus.


It's very obvious to see that controllers were very well kept in mind rather than PC controls. Next is the AI. Although the AI has been substantially improved throughout the game, I will have to admit that guards also have this weirdly omniscient presence and sight, depending on the map you're on.

This guy does control; [__] checking out now; he just entered the if he entered the [ __ ] exhibit, and he finds the dead bodies. I'm going to be so pissed. I swear you will never see me so much more angry because this is the [__] that irks me, the AI, or [__] omniscient. It's one thing to have an AI that knows.

Absolutely livid, yep, that's the end of my stuff, such as in the rest of the wicked. Now some maps are weirder or more weird than others, but some of these NPCs are able to have these omniscient visions, but that's besides the case in something minor. What isn't minor is this very well thought out trade system to buy you more time, which depending on what route you take is very helpful, and I'll give them kudos for that, but with how the rest of the game can fare, it can be very, but then there's the other grindy bits, such as sea stacks, which, why do we need sea stacks?.

Sea stacks

Sea stacks

I get that more watch. Our offshore accounts are no longer useful as that has been pretty much thrown in the woman as of this good old-fashioned crypto age, but, why, see stats, why even make them like this? Why not just have them earn a different pace when you do missions like offshore accounts you know in Payday 2?

Payday, one of the more well known video game classics and with its new and sudden sequel payday 3, its a question of what they did right and wrong. but whoo boy did they do wrong. with an always online multiplayer, a hard server crash on day one and still noticeable server issues it seems that the game itself has taken a substantial plummet in popularity due to these problems as its a good game yet nobody can even play it.
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