Payday 3 Is A Mess


Payday 3 is a broken, ugly mess. To even be able to play, you have to create a Nebula account, which doesn't matter if you already have a Playstation, Xbox, or Steam account, and this is where your first issues will occur. The website is a mess; it barely works. It's such that sometimes you won't even be able to log in or even create an account, but here you finally get into the game, but you're not even able to play.

You can't find public lobby servers, which are a big, ugly mess, and sometimes the game will throw you into an empty lobby with nobody but you in there. As of now, you can't even play the game at all. Does it matter if you wish to play in pubs with friends or alone? First off, inside the lobby, there's no chat at all; there's none, so you can't even ask others if you're going in loud or stealthy or if someone should get an ammo bag or a medic bag.

There's literally no way to communicate in a lobby, which is absolutely crucial in a game like this. You can only talk and communicate when the game has already started, and on top of that, there's no voice chat at all. What's the problem? What was the whole point of making a better test to promote and advertise your game?


I guess because, based on the actual [__] you're telling me that not a single snob who played this game in beta hasn't addressed these issues. Enough of that, of course; that's the good Yes, the first of the games definitely feels much more alive and danceable compared to the previous. This car is moving around, and NPCs don't feel like absolute muppets anymore.

The graphics are also a big step in the right direction. Seriously, the difference is 10 years—10 whole decades—and the game looks and feels like outdated garbage. I remember you had such a thing as pre-planning, which is an interesting concept, but you basically always had to take the best asset entry and escape routes to make the heist as easy and quick as possible.

With the best escape option you could, it was essentially Just an Illusion of choice I get that it wasn't that great and so on, but it was a decent starting point and somewhat of an interesting idea in the game, like being able to plan your own heist and try different ways of playing. It could have been improved, enhanced, and truly made good.

first impressions

This time, I really want to try this entry and that escape or basic entry, but they are really good assets. Midway through the heist with an even better Escape. I could go on and only describe how terribly bad and sluggish the new progression system is and how badly the game is optimized and runs like [__].

considering how awful it looks by not even today's standards, and believe it or not, the game is truly enjoyable, the heists are fun, and the gunplay is honestly pretty good. I'm serious because I actually feel like guns are not plastic dildos like in the majority of today's games, but I have barely been able to even play since the release.

I've only played for like two hours, and that's it. The game blacked out entirely, and instead of robbed banks, I felt like I'd just robbed myself after not being able to play the game that I just bought.

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