Payday 3 Is Actually Fun. Payday 3 Funny Moments


I'm at a party with the next player. I clicked right when the invite was sent, so I instantly rejected it. This guy's not moving. Can I unmask? I just pulled out a grenade. Can we restart? Yeah, vote to restart. Heist! Wait, how do you vote? Press Escape; it's the second one. There's a boat.

Yes, we did it again because we didn't vote there again. Okay, I voted. There we go, [__]. fries My, but yeah I was actually I was actually trolling you guys. I kept hitting Escape. Of course, I did actually hit yes, but for some reason it didn't go through, and I was like, well, my pencil is just messing around now.

There's a camera there, guys. The guy's calling something, and a search has been triggered. Look around my game's bugged. My mouse works all of a sudden. When I change that second string thing, it just disables my mouse, so I can't look around. There we go. All I had to do was leave and come back, and all of a sudden it worked.

There's a person on that couch who almost just detected me. It looks like they're looking at their laptop; they're not moving at all. He's not even typing; he's still trying to log in what a loser looks like, orange, on a stack. Yeah, your guy keeps saying [__] every time you type [__] or [__]. Don't call me a piece of [__] manager's office.


What happened in here? Wait, wait wait, wait—that's a thing, all right. Come here, [__]. You got him to do it because the guards were out, okay? All right i'm just going to vote again. Remember, no rushing now. Well, for us to scope this place out, we got to turn all the shades. All right, civil duty.

No one likes the sunlight I see. So, what do you mean? Will's already started executing people, all right? let's restart I'm like, will shut all the lights off, and then [__] it just starts or shuts all the shades alarm triggers, he's like, all right time to die, yeah, so what we can do is walk into that back room, but we just can't get detected by guards.

I guess, the back room just running around the rooms. What is this search? You got alerted by you; that's what I mean. All right, restart. We're in an unauthorized area, so I guess if you do something illegal, like search through illegal you know illegal search through files which is illegal, you get caught.

funny coop

Yes, you said she drove it. Look at the top of your screen; it says public area right now, but if you're up there in Singapore, it's all private. Do I go through here? Go go i searched for some documents and then just walked away. I don't know what will jump off the building, and I got in trouble for it all.

Right, boys, I'm going to be honest. If we can't get it stealthy this time, let's just do it loud. Are you guys getting down on civilians again? I got the package. That's a grenade. Here you have it. Where are the balloons? Your mom's a focus, and they're dropping into the hole. It's up into the hole, guys.

They're dropping off three moms and brothers. This guy stinks. We're going to need all this money we've got to pay for our boys bachelor party. I don't know our boys. Quinceanera, we got Lumus Quinceanera coming up. There is a juggernaut. It's still shooting at you, though. God, we're okay. I guess we have to do this stuff.

funny coop moments

This is not easy, so there's going to be a power box in that room over there, right across the hall, and it's going to be on the left wall. I see it. Wait, I can pull it. I don't need a mask. All right, that's what I was hoping you could do. Can you take the card off of him while he's walking like that?

Yeah, so I don't have to actually kill him. Why didn't you try that? So this guy, I need to help with that. Can you do that? Can I just go put, like, can I buy a Rolex and deposit it at the bank and be like, Can you hold this for me? There's an alert. I think the next player's handling it. Why is there an exclamation point?

No, you gotta be joking. Help me he farted okay. These are the last couple bags. I think we got all the money right. Wait, what's happening? Okay, we did it easy, baby. Wait a minute. This game's sexist; there's no woman; I can make the gun just yellow; where's the party? What do you mean, I'm in?

funny moments

I was in your party; now I'm in no party at all. Next player, fix your [__]. Would you say you're the only one not here, but what I was just in the party for, just me, and will look at this stream? Whatever the next play, you keep breaking my [__] game, you piece of [__]. I hope you're at the PC.

You, how about you upgrade it for me? Not my problem. Yeah, maybe I'm going to make it your problem. I love how We just have blue, yellow, and pink for guns. No, it's pink and purple. Arecolorblind it's pink, nope. Just because it's in the shadow and looks purple does not mean it's purple. It is currently pink.

My guy Purple, in what thing in the customization world, and how are you seeing my customization? Are you [__]? Are you [__]? You can see me through that window. The guy just disabled the cameras. Next play, that card came right. I can open this. Yeah, so it's going to be the blue one. Okay, it's open.

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Okay, good we can bring him to the vault and suck them off for the numbers. I'm kind of just here for support until we get the vault open. Good work, team. That bag is under the truck. I hope I can get that, guys. I cannot get this bag. I cannot get this bag. It's under the truck. Is that all of it?

Get in there. We did it. His arms around this were emoting in front of us just to let us escape. I love how we did it quicker on hard than we did on normal all right, so are we doing it on hard again or are we going very hard? We did it hard, so we might as well go very hard, all right? Yo, what's going on with the wheels of that car?

You see that Granny's ready all right, so this is our Escape van; it just jumped. What's going on in there? I just want to get to know this buggy as hell. I think I'm in danger. I didn't realize how many cameras there were, but what's going on in here? A man turned into an ostrich. It's a perfectly balanced game.

All right, I'm going to go in through the back gate and just hop through a window. I guess I'm going to go through your back gate. I should probably shut my door if I'm going to be moaning that you guys are invisible to me. By the way, yeah, there it goes. Hello, may I take your order, next player?

funny online moments

There's a guy there who's awesome. You got this you got this okay, but he's still standing there menacingly. I usually wait for this guard; he actually moved, but I don't know about half an hour before the next player kills someone. Nope, I'm so scared to mess it up. I don't want someone to instantly detect me every time.

If you're looking for a good laugh, then this is the video for you! We'll show you how to have fun with payday 3, no matter how tough the challenges might seem. From co-op play to heists, we've got you covered.
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