Payday 3 Is Broken Kinda


It's a beta weekend this weekend, and I was waiting to play it literally on the dot. I signed up for it, downloaded it, and immediately got on the game. I was immediately disappointed, not because of the games, but because it's kind of weird for me to explain the way that I found it as soon as I joined.

I can't seem to play it. I don't know if the game's not optimized properly yet or if I genuinely just need to upgrade my graphics card, which is probably the case. Payday doesn't seem like a game where I should have to upgrade now. I'm not saying I don't need an upgrade because I've got a 1070 and it's a pretty old graphics card now, but I shouldn't have to upgrade for a game like Payday because it's not exactly a strenuous game to run.


I was barely hitting 60 FPS on high with your ultra settings, which is basically an impossible task. I have to change it down to low and I was still struggling to get to 60 FPS, so to me that says that it's not optimized and I'm going to have to upgrade a graphics card for it, but if that's the case, that is basically me having to spend like five to six hundred pounds just to play this game because I'm not going to just upgrade to the minimum requirements; I'm going to obviously take the time to upgrade to a newer graphics card so I don't have to upgrade in the future, but I didn't want to have to do this for a while longer.

I guess i seem to not have a choice because the game comes out in like two or three weeks and it's just a little disappointing, so if you're running on a system that isn't anything special or you're on the same graphics card or worse than mine, keep in mind that you should probably try and give the beta a go before playing the game or just go play on console at this point because you're going to have to probably upgrade your graphics card, and that's an issue I find hopefully.

It's the fact that it has not been optimized, and that will probably be the case because it's in beta at the moment, but the fact that the game's only a couple weeks away and this is a problem does worry me, so I don't know whether to Ray McCord now beforehand or to just wait it out and see if I can run the game on launch day, which is the option I'm preferring to go for, but we'll see.


I don't want to call it a broken mess at the moment because it seems like a pretty funky game. Like you, you can do things in case mode now, which you wouldn't be able to do in Payday 2, which is pretty cool. It's a cool concept of a game, like you can lockpick now, but you're actually using an interactable lockpicking system.

There are a lot of cool aspects, but I'm not going to lie. I played one game, and I turned that off because I understand betas don't have a lot to offer. One, you can't play single player, and I hope that's different for the launch of the game; and two, there's just one heist to play, which I was immediately bored of doing because of the thing with Payday 3 as well.


It's not like when you restart things are different; the whole heist stays the same this time around. I don't know if they're going to change that, but that's a problem for me because I get bored very easily, and yeah. I've heard that it might launch with seven or eight Iheists, but with high speed and the same, the game sounds like it's going to get pretty boring to me pretty quickly, which is sad, and I hope it's not the case, and I hope there's a lot to be done, like secret things or whatnot, but at the moment.

I'm a bit skeptical about the whole situation because it doesn't seem too promising. That's just me, though a lot of people will probably be having fun right now. Maybe it's just a bug on my end, but other than my graphics card being a 10-17, my computer is pretty decent, so I wouldn't understand it.

But that's just a little bit of a heads-up. If you've got an older system, you might have trouble because I'm having to run on low at the moment.

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