Payday 3 Is Perfect



Chill now. I know that title might have set a couple of you off, but you have to let me explain myself. Yeah, I said it. It's out there. Payday 3 is perfect. I might not mean what you think. I mean, though, so hear me out for a second. I think that Payday 3 is really, really good, but I don't think that it is a perfect game by any means.

I think that for what I paid and what I wanted from a Payday 2 sequel, it was perfect. I think I got what I paid for and what I wanted from a Payday 2 sequel; therefore, I have to say Payday 3 is the perfect Payday 3. There's a whole lot that I enjoyed during my time playing, even though I did find a lot of things that I could not look past, and I want to talk about both of those things today and let you all know why I think Payday 3 is perfect, so let's just get right into the bank and get this heist going.

So how was it?

okay, before we get to the usual pros and cons of the game and the things I liked and disliked, let's take a quick step into the time machine first. I do not know if a lot of you remember my first article on Payday 3 and what I thought about the trailers and such before the game's release. You the trouble of checking it out, I thought that the game looked really good, and I even said that the game looked perfect.

Just like now. I thought it looked perfect in the sense of a Payday 2 sequel, and really. I would say that I was right in that article.

Wait // error

Wait // error

Holt, you found yourself in an intergalactic warp Foley, and the only way to escape this phenomenon is to listen to this announcement. I honestly cannot believe the amount of views, likes, comments, and subs we've been seeing, and now we are only one step away from 1K subs. That is all thanks to you fine people, and if you have not liked or subscribed yet, what are you doing?

Now that the systems are nominal again, let's jump right back into payday 3.


What in the world was that? I don't know; let's just move past that, but I want to start off with the pros and leave the negativity until later, as there is honestly a lot more positive that I found before the game was released.


I had actually jotted down a couple of things that I was hoping to see, whether it was things that the past payday games had done right or things I thought needed a little change, and then once playing and returning to my list to see if I noticed anything that I wrote down. Going right into the pros and starting off before you even get into the gameplay that would be the settings one, of the first things I do when I open a game for the first time is go right to the settings now I thought about it recently and I know console players might not understand this but, to you PC players out there the settings are great you are able to tweak and fix all of your settings get the perfect performance to exactly what you want along with this they have an fov slider, which is necessary in PC gaming these days as most games make me feel like my nose is touching whatever I'm looking at making me want to puke so, that was definitely nice to see then looking through all the different menus you can see that there's a nice amount of guns and masks and cosmetics to purchase though I am going to need to play much longer to unlock the majority of them on the topic of the actual menu that.

cloaker sound

I will have to wait now to get into the actual heist. Let's move on to the heist selection menu, which, honestly, I thought was a big improvement. I know a lot of people like High Select and Payday 2, but honestly, it always felt way too hectic for me, along with having to wait for certain heists if you wanted to play a specific one in Payday 3, though it is more of something I would say is similar to Hitman in the world of assassination games.


Getting to choose the heist for more of a list in order leads into the next thing that I noticed, which was the lack of story in Payday 2. That was fixed for Payday 3. I brought up in my last article that I did not like how Payday 2 did its story or lack their rub should I say you kind of just robbed places took out cops and did stuff yeah that's it sure there was audio and dialogue in there before the missions but there was just no real story behind the whole game other than robbery, in Payday 3 though in between the heist you have the choice to watch one or two little cut scenes which set up the heist you're about to do and wrap up the Finish heists now I, do love this because I like at least a little bit of story in Payday 2 it felt like Call of Duty lobbies where you join play a match move on but not here other than that let's just get right into the gameplay because it seems like I'm stepping around that so I think right off the bat the game looks, absolutely.

Great! I don't care what anyone tells me. I think that all of the detail in New York just looks great, along with the gun models, the playable characters, and the interactables. I think it was all modeled very well, and it was all just something pleasant to look at; it was not photorealistic or anything, but I would say it's perfectly acceptable and even good for 2023, and then with the great graphics, the performance that comes with it is also really good.


With ultra settings, I was averaging a solid 100 frames, and with dlss on quality, I am easily capped off at my monitors 144. Hertz constantly, so maybe I got the golden copy, but just as I was happy to see Dead Island 2, it's nice to see a smooth game in 2023, even though that's not really anything to praise on the side of the character models.

They were good, but as I said, the playable character models were definitely looking great along with the hostiles, but the civilians could definitely have looked better, though I don't want to make this a con because it was not big enough; they just didn't look very varying. Moving on and away from graphics, what did the audio sound like?

I feel like a lot of people look past audio, not noticing that bad and broken audio can literally ruin a game. Payday 3 has great sounds, and the voice acting sounds like actors put effort into it, unlike some games. Along with this, the quirky quips you could expect from the older games are here too.

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