Payday 3 - Launch Disaster Servers Offline, Players Not Happy With Always Online Feature And More


Payday 3 is having a rough launch and is also missing some key features, and part of the community seems already very unhappy asking for refunds from Steam. I would like to ask you all that if you do enjoy my content, then please leave me a like. So yesterday, Payday 3 launched 10 years after Payday 2 was released, and I played about four games with a friend, and then it went all sideways.

We waited 30 to 45 minutes, but the servers just went down, and it seems no one of the 50 000 to 70 000 players that were online could connect to the servers. One could say that the game suffered from its own success, and that seems to be the case in the games that we could play immediately. We know, artist, that there was no voice over IPjet, and in a team-based game in 2023, you would expect there to be no way to communicate with your fellow teammates other than typing, which is really annoying there.

There are a few voice lines you can use, but that is not nearly as efficient as just talking to them. The real fun times come when you are on Discord with some friends, and then you can really become an efficient team, and the excitement and fun levels go up as well. I am playing on an i7 12700k with a 3070 TI and 32 gigs of RAM, and the game runs fine and very smoothly, and it also looks very nice even on Ultra 4K settings because I have an extra wide screen.


The sound design is great, and the ambient noises make the world seem very much alive. The game World itself feels very alive with cars driving around and civilians who talk to each other, and the special enemies like the bulldozer, the cloaker, and the zapper are really cool and terrifying when they attack you.

The choice of weapons is good, and they all sound and feel great. The nice thing is the range of customization the weapons have. It's nice, and I like all the little add-ons you can put on your weapons. The choice of weapons is good, and they all sound and feel great. Can now trade hostages against extended time before the cops come in, and goods like health packs are a nice feature.


The lockpicking system is one that I really like because it really involves a level of skill and reaction speed. It really takes a good, sharp, fast finger on the button to hit that sweet spot to open the locks, but this is where the good things end. There are no melee weapons, no tasers, no baseball bats or weapons of that nature, or perhaps a gas can, a knight that could knock out a victim, or, for example, pepper spray.

The fact that you always need to be online to play is a negative for me, and I cannot just create my own server to play with a friend peer-to-peer. Is just disappointing; you even have to queue to get into a solo or co-op game, which is ridiculous, and the PayDay 3 menu feels like it was made for a controller and not for a mouse and keyboard.

Perks and skill systems don't seem to be making much of a difference; at least I didn't notice any overall. The game lacks innovation; it just feels like it's Payday 2 with better graphics. The maps that I did have a chance to play felt small and could be bigger, and the map selection is also very limited.


The overall reviews on Steam are mixed because a lot of players feel that with a 10-year gap between these two games, it should have been a lot better. It seems really dumb. At times, my friends sneaked up and stood right next to her God, who did not even react to it, and it was almost like the guard was trying his best to ignore my friend, who was trying to steal the kit card like a mother ignoring her annoying little child.

However, it is still in early access. Some people keep reminding me, but in all honesty, I'm not very impressed with the game thus far. That does not mean it was not fun and exciting. I'm having a lot of fun, and I think it is a very enjoyable game thus far, but it could use more polishing features and maps for the 40 euros or dollars, depending on your price point.

I think we have received good value for our money if the game keeps developing and does not turn into a paid DLC disaster. One bag and counting what's on the guard, I slid in

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