Payday 3 - Low Effort Skill/weapon Xp Grind



Hello, dear, this is well. I'm not good at making introductions, so let's just move on. In this article, I would simply like to showcase a quick and easy way on how you can gain a decent amount of skill and experience. Before I jump into a game right around dirty eyes, that's the way it is a heist we will be played.

I quickly want to move over to two important subjects. The first one to keep in mind is that if you want to unlock or gain experience in any skill tree, you need to make sure to have at least a single point invested into the initial opener of the tweet, like his infiltrator, one tank, or whatever it is you want to level.

As you can see. I'm currently trying to lower these four skills, so I've spent a single point on each one of them, because you will only gain experience if you have spent at least a single point on the initial perk skill, however you want to call it. Also, keep in mind that it doesn't matter how many trees you pick at once; the experience gain will be the same; it's not split among every tree, so as an example, if you get 100 skill points in a single game and you get two skills selected, it's not 50/50.

Now every single one will get 100 points, and for the four skill twists being trained, every single one will gain 100 experience. Well, that's about it. To get started, you really don't need anything besides a suppressor, which would be good, or any other weapons that can silently kill guards.

Run with explanation

Run with explanation

Ah, okay, well, this is like my first take because I'm struggling a bit with my voice and English is not my best language, so I hope I can do it anyway. Anyway, right now, best possible spawn because this Alleyway is the first; it's the only way you want to go in right as we pass the sporting band.

Put on your mask and take care of the civilians. Throw them into the corner. Sometimes there will be a phone here. You can hack it, but you can also ignore it because we will go for another phone. In this example, jump down onto these events and cut open this window. Ignore the guard. From below, sometimes he starts to spot you, but he would quickly lose sight of you if you got in front of the camera or civilian here, so he or she was at the water cooler.

easy xp

Grab her, pull her into the office room, shoot the lock because it's locked, the heck zip tie her, check the computer for the code location in the VIP room exophone on this cupboard, sometimes it spawns on the couch instead, and shoot the guard. Import a QR code to open the room through the camera.

Leave him on the ground. Now on this computer, under basement code, it will tell you where the code for the downstairs room is, in this case, the storage cabinet in the VIP room. It can also be easy. The whiteboard in the wake room or the employee of the month's employee of the month is a bit tricky to get.

This is a whiteboard one. You can take a quick look at the employee of the month by going in here one, two, one, but we don't need that one. You can also equip a weapon with a scope and just take a look at it from afar, but we need the cupboard one. This is this: one, six, one, five, zero. Let's go and put the codes six, five, and zero.

Get in, shoot the camera, shoot the guard, shoot the camera, go in here with the key card, and disable the power. Sometimes the door is locked; make sure to answer the pager first, and sometimes I [__] up. What happens to me is that I clicked F2 quickly, and now a guard will come down here searching for the body.


It's not bad; I'm just going to take some time to shoot him. I try to pager, so if the store is locked, make sure to answer the page first. What else do you want? Yeah, even if you [__] it up, as you can see, it's not an issue. Take care of the guard, answer the pager, and make sure you've disabled the power upstairs.

Make sure to get the rare stone because if you don't grab the wear stone, you will need to lock two additional cabinets and carry two more jewelry bags instead. So in this composition, it's only three bags that we need to get to the van, and yeah, that's about it. Just grab the bags here with them to the van and escape.

It's really simple and easy, and if you are doing it in the proper way, you can do it in like 3 minutes and 40 seconds, which is the fastest one I think I got. I'm going to add an uncut, no commentary one at the end as an example of how fast you can be. I just quickly want to go over a few things.


Now, if you jump down here, sometimes the guard down here will spot you. Just crawl and don't panic; he's going to lose line of sight to you on his own. Now, sometimes the camera will be right there. They have it, like in the middle of this one, so you can still open the window and come over and see them.

Don't shoot the glass, as it will alert the entire map. Gospel here, as I said, the camera can be around here; the other location is right here. Just shoot it doesn't matter where it is. Just shoot sometimes the civilian will already be at this window, so always take a look inside the window. If not, he or she will always start at this water cooler and on the sideways, so wrapper or in here for the button.

fast unlocks

Make sure to hack this computer so you can figure out which code you need. As I said right now, it's a storage cabinet; it can also be a stair form of a wake-wound whiteboard or the employee of the month. Just like I said, the whiteboard is this one. The cupboard and the VIP will miss this one, and the employee, as I said is this one you can grab a weapon with a bigger scope to see it, but as I said, you can just go out here; as you can see, you've got plenty of time, and don't break the boxes prior to disabling the alarm because I got this card.

Let's see one from Outsider here. As you can see, he's gone, and he's going to go inside, walk up the stairs, and usually we'll patrol either here or this window, but if you are quick enough, you can usually catch him right here. Make sure to get at least one QR code; you can usually get it from this one.

There's always one phone here, either on this cardboard or here on the couch. Should you encounter a bug where the phone doesn't spawn in here, I'm not sure if it's even possible, to be honest, but it's spawning right here. The civilian we are right here on this box is the first civilian we take down; just shoot the cameras here.

fast xp

God can be here, can be here, or even here and sometimes here, but usually he will be around here or here depending on how fast you are. Make sure to shoot this camera as well. As I said, if the store is closed, you need to lockpick it, so first answer the page, then go for the lockpick. Unless you kill the guard here, then you can usually lock and pick the web server key card, disable the power, and that's it.

In this video ill showcase a simple and low effort way of gaining a decent amount of skill and weapon xp in less than 4 minutes. You only need a silenced weapon and nothing else. The heist of my choice is Dirty Ice on normal.
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