Payday 3 New Update Soon - But There's Not Much



Today we're looking at Dev Update Number 4, the fourth edition of their article series The Detail, upcoming changes in Payday 3 game updates, and usually they signify that an update is about to drop as they normally come out about a week after the dev update articles release, so hopefully they talk about release dates in this.

If they don't assume the update will come out next week, this seems like a pretty good bet. However, we know that Quick Play and Party merging post-match are going to be in this update. As for anything else, I guess we will find out, but we're going to watch this. I'll offer my thoughts as we go along, and if I have any extra thoughts, I'll have a chapter marker at the end for my overall thoughts on the article.

I'm just hoping there's going to be a lot of content in here, but my biggest worry right now is that these updates don't do enough to bring people who've quit the game back into the game, so I'm hoping this update will be the first one to change that, but let's find out.


Dev update reaction

hello heisers. April is upon us.

Spring is starting to bloom here in the Northern Hemisphere, and so we have handcuff earrings on those cool operation medic bags, right? Okay, we're going to bring proper fruit to your labor changes coming in, and this month we'll be focusing on improving the cooperative parts of P 3 and making sure you get to fulfill your heisting fantasies.

Together, let's talk about what this coming month has in store for you. Okay, starting off with the big one, the first version of QuickPlay is now ready to be deployed. This feature will prioritize putting you with other players in it's only difficulty-based for the moment, assuming their matchmaking is set to public.


This is just the first iteration of Quick Play. We will continue to improve it and work to add things like filters for playing stealth and loud and other conditions, so you can customize the type of gameplay experience you are looking for okay so I mean, not much to say on that. I just hope that the second version doesn't take too long to come out.

They've kind of said it might be anytime up to the end of the year. It's good that we're getting this one now, but I really just want to see a full-functioning version of Quick Play sooner rather than later. It will help a lot with this game and to continue the focus on high-fun Ed. You will now be able to choose to stay at a party with the people you just played with.

It's a simple yet important feature to help create the foundation that empowers you to build lasting relationships. Rel, please tell me I'm not the only one who spotted the problem with the footage. You can't merge with the people you're playing with unless they're all, Bot, Man You couldn't have; you just had footage with other starry employees.


That was a bad choice of editing. That's a very bad choice. It's a simple feature. Yeah, but why wasn't I in the game at launch? Rel, at least it's here. Better late than never. Take a chance. Add a friend who knows; maybe you'll make a friend for life. It's true, or maybe someone knows that is true.

I mentioned this in my goodbye Payday 2 article. I did make my friends in my Xbox friend group because of Payday 2 because it just happened to add someone in a random Lobby and it just went on from there, so it is a good thing, and it's important that they've added this I just shouldn't have taken.

Wait, no 7 months got track. We also have another highly requested feature from our feature upward page coming in, which is the ability to skip the mission intro flyover. In multiplayer, all players must go to skip take effect, but if you're solo, that's your third biggest thing. Dear, if you go into your game settings, you can enable skip intro sequence, which will allow you to skip it every time.

payday 2

That's good, okay, as easy as that's. The editors have gone to town on this, and that's great. I love the editing this time; you may remember reading about our next roll in a blog post, okay? Pi, in this update, that's something for an armory near you. I'm, of course, talking about the shock grenade.

This grenade is very powerful; it'll instantly short-circuit any zapper and kill them immediately. Likewise, shields are huge and made of metal, making them highly conductive, meaning their users will suffer equally catastrophic losses. This is so fatal to shields and zappers, but it does nothing to anyone else other than stun them.

The last topic for today is maybe not as noticeable as a new grenade, but it is still worth talking about, and that is that we will be implementing fixes for the most part. Of all crashes across all platforms, one was due to one of these root causes, which are now all fixed.

That is it for this update. There are a good number of bug fixes in addition to what was mentioned in this article. You'll be able to see exactly what they are in the patch notes coming out with the update. As for the update itself, we're aiming for a release between the last week of April and the first week of May.

Thank you very much, right? H that's something.

Overall (disappointed) thoughts

Overall (disappointed) thoughts

So just some overall thoughts on that, I'm, I can't lie. I'm not going to pretend to say I'm not disappointed when I really am. I mean, they fronted that I'm not saying Liz wrote it; it's nothing against her, but she opened it by saying some of the bigger changes from the operation medic bag and.

payday 2 console

There's really nothing there that's that big. I mean quick play is a good thing but it's still the first version it's very Bare Bones, party merging post match you would hope would work but there are enough people playing that you'll find in lobbies to have it going with I don't know that's something that, the way I'm looking at a lot of these updates is they're adding these things in and I think when they do finally add new content to the game when people come back for that they'll see all these smaller fixes and go they have changed quite a lot but when you're like me or anyone else watching these articles who still plays the game update to update to see what's going on, they don't feel like big changes and they just kind of feel like a little bit of a let down compared to update five update six is going to be very lacking I'll be real with you because at least update five had a whole new skill line with adrenaline that was really fun to get used to, even though it made the game incredibly broken.

Starbreeze just dropped Payday 3's newest Dev Update video, detailing everything coming in the next update for the game.
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