Payday 3 News: Update 3's Patch Notes Bring Some Great Changes



It's patch notes overview time once again for payday 3, as I'm here to talk you through the presentation from Star Bre today talking about update three for payday 3 internally being referred to as 1.1.0. Let's get into it and talk about what's in the presentation, so they focus on the DLC 1 syntax error. I will zoom in and out of this presentation as needed; don't worry.

The syntax error heist dlc

The syntax error heist dlc


There's a new enemy and also more in the update, but there's not really much in regards to that in this presentation. We get the key art first off for syntax era let me zoom out so you can see it properly I think it looks very cool then there is a premise for the heist itself after coming through the files on Patricia shark's hard drive shayon covers something of great interest combat data for Cutting Edge drone operating, system or for a Cutting Edge drone operating system the program appears capable of endowing just about any collection of drones with military grade coordination and Target acquisition, it's not yet clear what this comod dator is doing on a bank server but one thing is obvious the Drone system is worth an absolute fortune on the black market, they then State what they did in the dev upate which is that if you don't own a DLC Heist you are able to join through a friend who owns it and Liz mentioned during the stream friend of a friend is fine too if they also send you an invite to their Lobby, so it's obviously a bit different to Payday 2 where you couldn't just open you could open a quickplay thing and just go straight into a heist you need a friend to invite you because there still isn't a quickplay system in Payday 3.

They talk about that later on but still needs it point being though you can do that via friend so it's still a pretty good alternative if you don't own The Heist you can still play it that's what matters right now and it does work crossplatform ify, nebula isn't completely utterly broken like mine is and some people in my stream yesterday telling me theirs is also so I really hope some NE nebula FES are still coming when I was playing with Ian russley plays lock I was able to add him fine couldn't invite him to a game had to invite somebody else on the same platform as me who then had to add an invite in as well it's just not ideal and I think they need to fix some stuff there hopefully, this update will fix that fingers crossed we've then got some screenshot to the he so the exterior so I'm imagining we start out on the ground level and go in then we've got an interior of the building another inter of this company scry digital who are the people who are, raiding we're robbing from in this Heist another interior screenshot.

Another interior screenshot.

New enemy: the techie

New enemy: the techie


And another interior screenshot so just some overall Vibes of the actual Heist just a look over there they did mention it might be slightly easier in stealth than loud but you can do both as per usual so good to hear but let's move on to the techie this is the new enemy that is in the syntax error Heist currently only, and then we'll be in other heists at a later date they use combat drones to hunt down and attack heisers they have a refraction Shield which basically means they put a shield in front of themselves and it's like a camo thing best thing to think of is the invisibility cloak from Harry Potter you put it over you and you blend in with the surroundings, you can just about maybe notice it at certain angles but the idea is they're trying to be hidden so you have to look out for them they have hide-and-seek gameplay more details on that in a moment and they're weaker to ecms and hacking so your ECM skills will help combat the techie, and help hopefully make it easier to fight them, and more features will be added to them in the future, first switch over to the PDF here for more information.

First off, the techie, as I've said, is only in the synx era. The reason being that they need to work on the drone's pathing and navigation in other heists because while AI are trained to go through doors upstairs and all that drones have different paths to follow, it needs to be coded for the heist so it's ready for syntax errors, but not for the rest yet, so that's why it's not here yet.

She'll have another drone type down the line as well. I didn't say anything else about that, just that it's coming. Your health or armor will appear glitched in the corner of your screen, so you might see it bugging out, etc. When a techie is near you, that's your hint that one's nearby. And I think the idea is that the closer you are to them, the more glitched-out it will get.

It's within a certain radius, but it counts above and below, so you could start getting the effect when you're a floor below her or a floor above or through a wall, so it's kind of like, imagine a sphere around her of like a 10 m radius, for example. If you're 10 m above and 10 m below, you're still within that radius, and you'll get the effects, is the general idea.

They appear at the same frequency as the Dozer but will appear before doses, typically.

Syntax error weapon pack dlc

Syntax error weapon pack dlc

So the overall summary here from the weapon pack first off the war 45 SMG is a high-damage SMG. They noted a lot of complaints about SMGs being too weak, even though they were fun to use, so this one is a big, powerful one. Also, they know there are requests to make more weapon secondaries but can't comment for now, so maybe we'll get some SMG secondaries down the line.

Update 3 comes to Payday 3 next week, and we've got an overview of the patch notes to break down and discuss - so let's do it! CHAPTERS.
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