Payday 3 No Witnesses Solo Stealth Bank Robbery


All right guys, welcome back to Payday Three. We're going to try and do this mission that we've already done again, but I'm going to try and do it in stealth. I don't know how easy it's going to be because I'm on my own. Flip the right switch, and the connected cable is green. I don't know all right.

Why have you gotten your gun out? Why have you got your gun out? You only hurt yourself. Why has he gotten his gun out just because he hurt himself? What a clown! Literally, he's got a clown mask on, but well, I guess we're doing this with our weapon out now. Just walk away. Buddy Walk away; the job doesn't care about you.

There's a gun pointed at your head. If only you knew; I don't get how he didn't spot me. I'm not waiting around to find out that I'm going to hide in this little cupboard. You're going to have to die. You're going to have to die. Okay, so far, we're all right. Get in there, do it, do it. Yes, a code's been sent to the manager's computer.

Get it for Pete's sake. No, stop it. Hold on a second. Wait, you're going. I don't need you. I think they're going. Yes, hello, no, it was nothing, just this chill going down my spine. It's like I'm being watched or something. Did it work? Okay, he believed it. I'm going to have to kill one more person, I think.

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Okay, I'm going to loot up all this money, get it in bags, and then we could just get it out. I mean, so far, with absolutely no sound here, the truck is just outside, so let's just get all this we're going to do. I open up all the safety deposit boxes, which seems silly, but yes, we'll take this too.

I'm sure someone will use it. They're not going to use money just because it's got purple bits on it. They're very distinctively stolen, aren't they? first time I played this there was the, the key to the there was a code to a safety deposit box for Jules. I'm never going to find it, am I? But I don't really want to have to go upstairs because then I'm just at risk, aren't I?

Surely there's also a code for this safe. Yeah, whatever the hell the code to that is, though I have no idea, I'll just open them all and bear with me. Bear with me, Thank you, Okay, so I think somewhere along the way I got the thing; we've opened all the vaults; it only took an hour and a half, but we are good.


Let's go for the money now. I'm very aware I'm going to miss out on quite a bit because I've killed a lot of people. That's all of them we need, but I'm going for the rest. Yeah, exactly it's quite disappointing that it's physically impossible to grab all of them before the die packs go off. It's five bags.

Well done! You're very clever, aren't you? I should probably go and look around the rest of the shop because there's probably more cashline around. This is final. Okay, there are two. The last one, I was getting cocky, then I forgot there were people out there still surprised he hasn't disappointed us running around.

I was also surprised he hadn't spotted the doors open. It doesn't seem very accurate, but let's go. How much cash do we get out of that? I'm well after that. I'm not gonna lie, that's taken me so many attempts to do, like a ridiculous amount of attempts to do. How do we do it? We only got 146 grand from all of that, are you joking?

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Were there more bags to stick? I don't mind if we did it; it's fine. Obviously, if we had done it on a harder difficulty, we would have been all right, but not too shabby. Just under 600k, and we've got whatever five of these things are, man. I'm pretty happy with that. I'm not gonna lie. I'm pretty happy with that.

I feel like we did a good job. I feel like I don't really want to have to keep attempting that because I did it so many times and I'm now finally done with a different scope. Go on, it looks better, doesn't it? It looks way cooler. I'm a fan. I enjoyed that a lot.

Payday 3 solo stealth heist of a bank in New York! This took so many attempts but I finally did it. ontot the next. Thanks for watching.
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