Payday 3 Review - Is It Worth Playing. Like Money Heist. Everything We Know So Far


Today we're diving into Payday 3. The highly anticipated game Making Waves is worth playing. Payday 3 feels like a significant upgrade from its predecessor. The movement and gunplay are smoother and more realistic than ever. You'll find yourself moving faster, and new maneuvers like sliding add a whole new dimension to both combat and stealth.

The weapons feel punchier and more satisfying, although they come with smaller magazines and longer reload times. Plus, you can now use civilian hostages as meat shields, forcing enemies into melee combat to avoid harming innocent bystanders. A neat addition to the gameplay. Now let's dive into some criticism.

Payday 3 introduces a new skill tree system that simplifies things by allowing you to pick only four perks for each mission, while the perks themselves are cool. This change removes the depth of character specialization that was central to the series. The ability to instantly swap abilities from mission to mission eliminates the sense of unique roles within a crew.


This simplified approach may disappoint fans of the intricate build crafting from Payday 2. Additionally, it seems that the game has done away with perk decks, which added minor perks related to a character's background. This suggests a potential shift towards a more streamlined experience, which may not sit well with fans of the franchise.

On the bright side, the revamped progression system opens up exciting possibilities for stealth runs, unlike in Payday 2, where only elite players could pull off clean heists. Payday 3 makes stealth more accessible, even at random. Match: By creating groups with minimal communication, you can execute stealth missions successfully.

One of the standout changes is in mission design. Stealth runs now offer entirely different paths to success; for example, the secure Capital Bank level gives you the option to sabotage electrical systems and deactivate security measures to access the vault without being detected. This dynamic approach adds depth to the gameplay and makes each heist feel unique.

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The addition of new mechanics for stealth play is a game changer. You can pickpocket security guards for key cards or use environmental lures to distract them. Hidden cameras allow you to scout ahead without raising suspicion. Stealth in Payday 3 is more intricate and engaging than ever before, and it's a massive improvement from its predecessor.

However, all these new options don't make stealth runs a cakewalk, and that's mainly because of the improved enemy AI guards. Now respond dynamically to your actions by investigating suspicious activities and altering their patrol routes. They're not trigger-happy; they'll attempt to escort you out of restricted areas instead of shooting you on site and offering a tactical Advantage for Savvy players in combat: the police force is more formidable than ever, swarming you from all directions and adapting to your tactics; they can even obstruct your heist attempts, like triggering the fire alarm to slow down your thermite job.

Hostages are more responsive too, making them valuable assets in both combat and negotiation. So there you have it. It's clear that the game brings significant improvements to movement combat and stealth gameplay; however, the simplified skill tree system leaves something to be desired for fans of character specialization.

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The dynamic mission design and enhanced enemy AI add depth and challenge to the heists. If you're a fan of Cooperative Heist's tactical gameplay, this might just be your next go-to title. Is it the improved stealth mechanics or the revamped combat until next time heisters keep those safes cracking

Welcome to early review of Payday 3, where we delve into the current information available about this highly anticipated game and provide our unique perspective ahead of the official review release. Mark your calendars because Payday 3 is scheduled for release on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC on Thursday, September 21st.
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