Payday 3 Review - Should You Buy This Game



If you don't know what Payday 3 is, it's a sequel funnily enough to Payday 2. A co-op Heist Game: Essentially, it's an extremely popular series. Payday 2 right now can still get peaks of 50 000 players on Steam alone, which is really damn good, especially considering that Payday 2 came out 10 years ago and it's still one of the most played games on Steam, which is crazy.

So, there's got to be something good behind the series, so Payday 3 carries on.


The formula for payday 2 It's a four-player heist game; it's not just banks that you heist; you go through and try to rob other locations as well, such as a nightclub, a museum, and, like, a factory slash dock area that holds loads of shipping containers.

The general gameplay flow of Payday is that you start sort of in a stealth section, where you can just run around the area. There are certain areas, like private or secure areas, that you're not allowed to get into if you look at the top of the screen when you're in the stealth section it will tell you what type of area you're in if you're in a public area then yeah you're safe to do whatever but if you're on like a private or secure area, you shouldn't really be there, and if you get spotted, you'll be escorted out, or if you do anything a bit suspicious, then the guards just may turn on you, and that will lead to loads.

Of police coming in.



I think more and more people will be able to complete missions stealthily. But before you get into a mission, you've got to choose your loadout. You choose one of a number of characters, and one thing that's pretty good in how the game handles the character you choose is that there cannot be multiple people of the same character, so you choose four characters to play as in order of, like your preference right, so I choose this British guy.

I want to generally play as the British guy, but if I can't play as him, he'll choose my second choice, my third choice, and then my fourth choice, so it's a good little thing they put into the game. You then choose your loadout, which sort of primary weapon, secondary weapon, and weapon gadget. You've got to choose your appearance as well as the kind of suit, gloves, or mask you want to wear.

You know they are just cosmetics; they don't affect how the game plays at all, so you don't have to worry about choosing the right suit or something. So, jumping into a mission. I will say that the stealth sections of where you start out before you go hop and get spotted are probably the best part of the game because it is like this big puzzle, right?

You need to figure out how to get into the location, how to get past the security, how to unlock the vault, or something else. All the little secrets and optional stuff you can do to get more and more cash, and I do like casing the places out right, and yeah, for me, these moments are the best part of the game, but generally it's not. It's quite difficult to stay in stealth, like I said, or think of what he said; I've only managed to complete a whole stealth playthrough once, and I've played many games, so One thing I would say is to try not to play with AI teammates because your AI teammates are extremely limited.



In what they can do in the stealth sections, they can do nothing; they won't go into any private or secure area; they will only stay in a public area, meaning that.

They can't help you at all, so definitely try not to play with AI. You'll want to be playing with other players now when you do go hot and the police start coming in. Where, for me, do a lot of the problems with the game come from because of you? Discover that you are extremely spongy, right? You can do a lot of damage to some people; that's not necessarily a bad thing, but it just doesn't feel right, and the police are really spongy.

And by spongy. I mean they can take a hell of a lot of shots right if they're armored, which they will be from pretty much the get-go, like the first wave will be like standard place, but then after that they'll be armored up, and they would take like multiple headshots to kill one guy, and they'll be sending in a hell of a lot of police at once and just having to spray.


So, with so many people in their heads and so many shots to kill them, it doesn't feel right for me; they are way too spongy, and since you yourself are spongy, like you can take a lot of damage, it doesn't feel like there's a lot of challenge in individually killing the police that are still in the building.

The challenge seems to come from just the sheer mass of police they send at you, and because they can send so many in at once and they're really spongy, it can feel just boring, though on the flip side of this sometimes. It is actually fun. It is really strange, like when I was starting off and playing in the early games.

I did find that these police assault sections were going on for too long too, with many spongy enemies, and I was like. Yeah, this is kind of a bit boring and monotonous, but as I kept playing the game more and more. I started to enjoy it. Them more, which sounds really strange, but yeah, as I started to play the game more.


I was enjoying it, and I think that's because some of the later weapons you can unlock or even some early weapons are a lot better than the sort of standard assault rifle when I unlocked the MK14, which is a single-shot semi-automatic. Rifle, you can kill the armored police to their heads in one shot, and that just made it so much better for me, so I would recommend to all of you guys that if you end up buying the game, use the MK14.

There could be some weapons after that you unlock that are better, but I don't know yet, but the MK14 is an absolute must, I think, especially until you unlock some later stuff. So if we call these police assault sections essentially a hoarder mode because that's what it is, they just keep coming in waves and waves and waves until a certain amount of waves come in, and then they just keep coming and coming and coming, but that's like right at the end, usually when you're about to escape, and one thing that payday 3 does pretty well is give you different enemy varieties.

There's a few horde shooters out there that completely fail at this and just don't give enough enemy variety, so you usually get the standard police They'll be armored up and stuff, and you'll get a shield guy who can, you know, block the lips, but if you shoot the glass in the shield, it'll break the glass, and you can kill them through that, or you can run around behind them and just shoot them.

That way, you get these ninjas. Sam Fisher guys grenade. So yeah, I know this has been a bit of a mixed message from me around the assault sections, where I say they are quite boring, but then I ended up enjoying them. Yeah, that is just what my experience was. It sounds strange usually; if I find something boring, it stays boring, but I started to enjoy them more now.

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