Payday 3 - Rock The Cradle. Solo Overkill No Mask Full Stealth 08:19


So I'm doing all these on Overkill, and I am doing Rock the Cradle. Now let's go ahead and matchmake. I was doing this with my buddies, and it was all right at first, but they got a bit frustrated. They said the stealth was too hard, and I disagreed. They didn't want to do it on Overkill anymore.

We were tired of it. That's why I'm doing a random new map, right? I mean, quote, unquote, random, right, there's only so many changes; Flash Megan has been terrible. Anyway, let's look at Loadout. We only need an infiltrator aced along with quick fingers, and definitely a manipulator doesn't really matter.

Hacker is nice. It's Ace 2 because you get two runtimes and secure Loop if we need anything else. I don't know if there's anything better; there probably is, but I'm only level 24. I'm probably going to take longer editing the article than I am, you know, figuring it out and figuring out the map. Anyway, let's get in here, okay?


So far, I feel like this thing is ridiculous; we're bugging. I'm going to get caught, yeah, no worries, no worries, to prove that I'm not, you know, just playing the same map over and over again. I'm going to just restart this one time. You know, it's a blind map. I'm not going to cut this out on the article, but I still think there's a map you can finish, you know, in 10 minutes—even less if you're moving hella fast—way quicker than that probably.

Those are the six Maybe anyway, the second time's the charm. Here, these nerds, excuse me, we go much better, so in a private area, you can run a secure area of your run. Look at that I called him over hacking; those cameras are completely optional; they make a little bit easier on the way back depending on where the lady spawns the camera.

DG Booth is right here, and her office has always been here for me. It's like I ran in here; he should be getting back to the bathroom now, and we only have to worry about that guy. We got a decent spawn; she can spawn over by the staircase as well [__], but this will work. I'm going to be the fastest, but I think it is a good show.

crypto wallet

We need to hack this phone on her back. You just have to make sure you don't get caught, because they will snitch on your niche. Do not get stitches in this game. It is pretty obvious. Most of the time that guard can be in this corner as well or go into this room there can be a few guards over here he goes in here she's gonna go to the vending machine and we can just chill here for a minute we're still in range and we got it early so if you miss it here she'll just go back into the kitchen there's only a couple cameras in there but it's easy enough to get especially if you're playing with a team, now I'm gonna go this way just to show you where the other monitor computer thing with the RFID chip is that in this room right here to the left on a white table there's also going to a civilian half the time and a camera up here so let's, yep you can just walk past them This table responds, and this is another way to get up to the office and one on DJ.


A sleeve guard—that's what you got, an Overkill. I'm one of the on-the-wild cards, or whatever you call it, and he's usually pretty chill here. He just goes to the right and sits on the pillar. Let's scoot on through here. This guy stops here before going to the door, and then he appears at the camera for a minute.

Scan this thing, and if you want, you can read this stuff on the computer now. For the sake of time, I'm not going to steal the painting, but there are paintings of cocaine and cash all over the map. For the sake of time, like I said, I'm not, you know. I'm not worried about it. This is the one bad thing about these runs, which is going to affect a lot of speedrunners.

It's just the RNG of the rotation, so we have to wait till this guy passes and then we have to go all the way through, but it could have been worse. We could have had a terrible computer spawn like downstairs, and you know your cars everywhere. Anyway, I'm rambling. Let's get this done. I would consider this to be the halfway point.


We can run through even if he hears us; we're going to be safe over here, the watch, and if it works, we can just hand over this invitation, which, as you can see, he's not talking right here, more like, so we're going to have to fix that this is a bug. You know it happens again. The game isn't fully released, but let's run in here.

I heard something. I'll turn around and steal it from them. It doesn't matter if they see you; you're observed because you're friendly to them already. If you're playing with another person, you can move these barrels right here, and that's how your buddies can get in if their mask is gone, their mask is on, or whatever this room is where the switches are.

We need this open, and let's find the icy room in the accounting office and the vault, or, you know, the vault. I think this is the vault. Yep, there's not a key. Keep that on it or anything. That's it now the fastest way to find the code is to look at the keypad, so remember five, six, and nine, and the Enter key, of course, so the PIN code is before Oh, by the way, that box right there—that's cocaine.


You can take that for some extra money, and cash and stuff will find an accountant's office. This leans back. I think it looks around, but there's a room in here that spawns the actual accountant and some money on a table. Usually, he's not here, but when you do find them, you can get a card from him that the lady that helps you on the phone calls, and he'll get lowered and go to the crypto wallet thing.

Let me hack this camera just to be safe. Let it load the guard. Here, we are kind of exhausted. The safe can have the red key card. Wait, is this guy going to come all the way here? You shouldn't go near for safety. And here, there can be cocaine right there. Yep, there's a code cache. Of course, there's a red key card spawn right here, and it can spawn in the safe.

Another code—that's not it because it has two—but let me try to open this, and I'm going to set it up. Let me focus, because I stink at focusing. There we go. Sorry, I smoked right before you knew. There we go. That's the code, and there's some money in there, but we don't need that. Let's open this event, and this is where you get the numbers.


Sometimes it can't change, but this is one of the most common places to get it, and that's where you know to put the wallet, so h200 blue. That's the switch. I showed you the way down, so we have to find a way up. They probably should not have smoked before doing this level. Yes, for the eye scanner, right?

That makes sense. All right now, we can head down here—you didn't mention that—and pick this up, and again, since we never put our mask on, we're safe. We don't have to run. We can have a bag. We'll just go and toss it over, and we can skedaddle. This is where you could take the time to loot.

A quick walkthrough on Payday 3's 4th map, Rock The Cradle. Some of my buddies and I were attempting it and they had a few issues with stealth. So hopefully this can help anybody out it is a new game.
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