Payday 3 Solo Mod. Full Guide. Xbox Game Pass, Steam, Epic Games



pd3, doesn't have a single blame, or at least just yet, you can't hop into games solo without the help of moderators while moderators are still in their very early days for payday 3. One of the most powerful mods that you could download right now is a mod that lets you play games solo. In this article, I'll show you how to get exactly that setup on PC and hopefully get in game.

The servers are a bit iffy, so we'll see about that last bit anyway.

Download ue4ss

When we get here, we'll need to download and install UE4SS. From this link, we're downloading a 7-Zip file from a Discord attachment from {4}. There is, however, a modified version created by one of the trusted mod developers that's available for downloading.

Until we get an actual release ready, click the download button here, and that'll download the same file just for quick verification. This user has their Twitter linked. GitHub takes us to the section here for knocking on; we can see ue4ss over here, and of course they're an official contributor to the actual project.

Of course, linking back from GitHub is the Twitter that takes us back to him, so it's pretty much an official download, or at least as official as it can get from the re4ss. Mod up until they get a full release prepped and sent out, if things are still very early anyway.

Installing ue4ss (steam, epic games, game pass)

Installing ue4ss (steam, epic games, game pass)

You'll need 7-Zip to open up this file or another RAR. 7-Zip extracts vectors. Once you have it installed, you can open it up, and you'll find all of these files here. What we need to do is drop these into our game-installed folder, so for Steam, right-click the game and browse local files.

Head into Payday 3, followed by Binaries Win64, and in here we'll be dropping all of these files if you're on the game pass version instead, like I am. Click the three dots when you get to the paid A3 page here, then select manage, head up to files, and browse. This will take us to where our paid A3 is located.

We can open Payday 3, followed by content, then Payday 3 binaries, Win GDK, and here we have our game files for epic games. It'll be similar; essentially, we're just looking for the main payday 3 client. Now what we need to do is extract all of these files from the UE4Ss, zip them into this folder here, and now we have the first part of this mod installed.

Download debugmenumod

Now we can download the actual debug menu mod over here. Clicking, downloading, and opening this up, we have a debug menu mod where, with scripts and other stuff inside of it, we'll be taking this full day here debug menu mod from inside the zip and placing it into the mods folder that we just extracted in our game install folder.

Drag and drop it across. Just like that, we're almost done. What we need to do is take the name of the folder, so I'll select it. Hit F2 Ctrl C to copy the text, open the {4} file down here and inside of you on a new line, paste it in space, colon, space, and enter one as such. Save the file, and you can close it.

Adding launch argument to payday 3 (steam, epic games, game pass)

Adding launch argument to payday 3 (steam, epic games, game pass)

Then we'll head back, and you'll find the exe file here. What we need to do is create a launch argument to allow custom mod files to be loaded for the next section. If you're on Steam, you can right-click Payday 3 and select properties. Then, over here under launch options, we can add a hyphen, file, and open log as such.

Otherwise, if you're on the Xbox Game Pass version, locate the exe file, right-click on it, add it, and create a desktop shortcut. For me, it's hidden away here in my custom context menu, and I can move it across my desktop. Just like that, what we can do is rename this something better, such as Payday 3.

For example, we'll right-click it and hit properties, and then inside, you'll find the full path to the exe surrounded by double quotes. Navigate all the way to the very end. Enter a space hyphen and file open log as such.

Fix ue4ss not working on game pass payday 3

Hit apply okay, and we can close it if you're on the Xbox Game Pass version.

Navigate back to the payday 3 binaries, Win GDK folder, and rename X input 1.3, one underscore 3 to 1 underscore 4 as such.

Install solo game utils (pause mod)

Install solo game utils (pause mod)

Obviously, this is only a suggested mod. You don't actually really need this to play solemn; it's just a nice thing to have, but obviously you don't need this. I'll click download to download the pack file here, then we'll need to navigate across to Payday 3 content packs and create a tilde mods folder like this.

If you download it multiple times, just make sure to remove the brackets after it as such.

Playing solo game in payday 3

Now we can launch the actual game itself. If you have the game on Steam, just make sure you have the file open log argument; otherwise, the game will crash upon launching and not launch at all. If you have it on the Xbox Game Pass, you'll need to launch it from the desktop shortcut that we just modified, so I'll open it from here.

Well, there we go. Quid game: if we click this, we get presented with this very bright menu, but we can choose from any one of the maps, even if you haven't unlocked them. I assume there's supposed to be a picture of the map in the background, but anyway, maybe the mods are just broken for me. For now, we can choose a difficulty.

Similar to Payday 2, choose a map. I'll choose maybe Road Rage, and we can either host matchmaking or play solo, so I'll play solo. It'll fire us straight into the game, skipping the lobby entirely, and there we go without searching for a game or anything like that. We're dropped straight in with the bots cool. On top of this, things are happening; people are moving, but.

Pausing solo games in payday 3

Pausing solo games in payday 3

You now have pretty basic vanilla solo and offline gameplay—well, not really offline, but you get the point. This mod has brought back a lot that this game is missing and should have had to begin with. It's a really cool, powerful mod, especially if you're someone who likes to play solo, especially quietly on longer maps, and you want to do things properly, but you may need to go AFK.

Hitting Escape doesn't pause the game; things still move around in the background until you toggle the pause. Anyway, that's really about it for the super quick guide. Hopefully, you found this article useful. Ciao.

PayDay 3 does let you matchmake, search for a server, wait and eventually get into a game solo if you make an invite only lobby and and and -- But with a simple mod this can all be skipped over - And even with a PAUSE feature. Groundbreaking stuff these mods are achieving. This video shows you how to install these mods and get them working to get in game.
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