Payday 3 Sucks - Developer Obsessed With Online Only. Review & Impressions


Dear guys, here you go. It's your boy, Simon B. Well, Mr simon B1471, checking in once again with another article, and today guys, we're going to be talking about payday three. I am new to this series, so please, you know, kind of check if what I'm saying's accurate and true because I've obviously seen other YouTubers play this game, and it appeared to me that it was an absolutely amazing experience.

Let's get on with today's article, Foreign. Guys, what is happening? Payday three This game has had betas. I believe on one platform it's been released, and well, nobody can get into a game. You know the matchmaking; the servers are down, and it's pretty much affecting everybody. By going over the steam charts and looking at them, you know payday 3 wouldn't be a bad game, but ultimately.

I've got to create an account with what is it as a third party to actually go and play this game, which annoys me anyway. Payday isn't the only game that does that; a lot of games do it now, and if you're on PC, Steam, PC Game Pass, Xbox One, or PlayStation, you have to log into another site. You have to create an account and put a password on what you're going to forget in 20 years' time, because most people don't have the same password for every single site.


If you do, please take some advice from today's article and go and change them, because it's incredibly important. It was naive to do that. So on payday three, I was kind of looking forward to it because a lot of these, you know, bigger YouTubers are probably low-key. They are promoting the game or marketing the game for him.

You know the developers of this title, but you know there's a huge issue even if the game was working great, which it isn't. Online only is a huge mistake. You know you're forced online even when you're solo playing this game, and by the way, the gameplay in the background was pretty much gameplay on day one where I was actually able to play the game; unfortunately.

I can't play the game anymore. Um, so I ignore the gameplay, but the gameplay in the background is a fair reflection of playing this game with random people. You just know, you just can't play this game. That doesn't happen, guys. Everybody just runs in and starts shooting everybody in, you know, any strategic format.


Playing in this game just goes through the window; obviously, that's not going to be the case when you're playing with your friends. 823, reviews and the majority of those are people complaining that it's pretty much unplayable is it you know struggles to actually match make and at times it doesn't even let you past the.

Know the start screen on the main menu; the nebula servers obviously have issues; apparently all the player base; and again, I'm new to Payday, so correct me if I'm wrong, guys. They were actually told by the majority of the community not to go forward with the always online model, but they ignored the community and went ahead with it regardless, and obviously what followed at launch was that it left the users unable to play the game at all.

Um, yeah, having a launch like this is totally unacceptable. There's people saying you know they bought the game; they played one and two maps with friends; matchmaking crashed; you know, 15 hours later; they still can't play the game; and I still can't play the game. I don't know if it's been up since; you know, two days ago I was playing the game.


I've tried to play it again today before I made this article, you know, and it's still not working. But the thing is about this game: you know the gameplay mechanics, you know when you're doing the tutorial, and I've learned about it again. I'm new to this franchise. I've always liked that you know how it works, but when I was playing the tutorial and learning about all the mechanics, I was like, This game is going to be really fun to play.

I think the gameplay mechanics they've used have smashed it. I think it's great what they've done there, but they've been very naive. You know, they have this one online model where you can't even have a solo mode. There's no solo mode in this game. Well, people said there is a solo mode, but trying to do the more advanced missions solo is pretty much impossible.


That is the majority of gamers. Why do people who play article games just have nothing better to do, and that's 100 wrong? The problem is 100% wrong. The problem is with this game. You know the way they intended the game to play, but it doesn't really do that. On Steam, so he starts off by saying I hate to give it a bad probability, but having 2 000 hours in Payday and 2 and 200 hours in Payday, which he still plays, generally.

I feel it's more like a downgrade from Payday 2 than an upgrade to Payday the Heist. He gave me 90 euros, and I can't play anymore. I have a few days off and was waiting for this with excitement, so you know, the guy is literally a fan. He's, you know, booked a few days off work, but anyway, by the time they fix it, if they fix it, I'll be working again and not have the time to play.

solo mode

Those are the good things I can remember. Obviously, this guy's, you know, native tongue isn't English, so English is probably better than whatever. Wherever he comes from, I can't actually see as a plane just decides to fly past while I'm recording this article. So we're going to start off with, um, a few new game mechanics that are better than the other game: Civilians no longer run in the middle of gunfights with unlimited tie wraps following saves.

After running it last, there were no instant detections or back detections. I like the new guard. Behavior: running while carrying stuff NPCs gained hearing ability, crouching ability, and running ability while in casing mode, and that's it for the good thing, so it goes on to say the bad. So many like the new graphics, but I expected people to, well, payday to, well, sorry, but that's expected, people.

Payday 2 was over 10 years ago, and still a few things are wrong with this new graphics game engine. You know, a few nice, funny graphical components are missing, like the ability to destroy plant pots. I don't really understand why he's picking this up, which could be fair, but I also found many glass panels to be indestructible.


I've actually found that as well. Optimize game RTX 4017. He can't get 140 for FPS on the first map now. Regarding the graphics myself, I've got a RTX 3080i, and even though I had stuttering in the game, it wasn't a lack of FPS; it was just stuttering, so there's obviously something wrong there.

A teammate carrying a body is a hilarious drop-body clip from Wars, like in the early 2000s. Joy's mask is downgraded; no messages, like in Payday 2 items, disappear on the floor when you get near them, so you know he's just done with a few visuals here, but we don't really want to go on about this.

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