Payday 3, Three Weeks Later. Is Disappointing



Today marks 3 weeks since Payday 3 was officially released on PC. Xbox, and PlayStation, and I want to do a article talking about my thoughts on the game in those last three weeks: what's changed, what's been good, what's been bad, and realistically. I want to focus on the bad in today's article because the good has pretty much stayed the exact same since my review article that I put up a few weeks ago called Payday 3 is good, but it could be better, which if you get the reference, shout out, you get respect from me, but I really haven't changed much of my good opinions from that article, so feel free to go watch it if you want to see me talk about the positives.

Because today I want to talk about, like I said, the last 3 weeks, and because there's been no updates and no communication, which is what I really want to talk about in this article. I haven't got that much good to say about the game. It's been a week since the last update with regards to whenever payday 3 was getting a patch, and we've still heard nothing.

Server fixes

I've waited around for a bit , and I want to share my thoughts. However, I do want to start with a slight positive. In the last 3 weeks, one thing they have done is fix the servers. Should they have been a mess to begin with? However, a lot of online games do launch with server instability.

I don't think anything will ever be worse than OverWatch 2's launch. But really, with payday 3, I just feel as though a lot of it could have been avoided. I've said it a million times, and I'm not going to go into it for longer than like 20 seconds because the point isn't really worth much now that hindsight is 2020, but I really wish they had done an open beta.

I wonder just how differently things would have gone if they'd actually gone right. Let's open a beta for all platforms.

Progression system

Progression system

And it's in offline mode don't need to say any more times than that add one but I do want to focus on a couple of key things in this article I want to talk a bit about pay 3's progression but I'm going to just mention it right here and say it's coming in a separate article, because I want to talk about that in more detail and as soon as I start talking about it I'm going to go off on a tangent I know that cuz this is my third time trying to record this article and during the second time I did go off on a tangent, but my microphone wasn't recording so according to my computer I never even said anything thanks OBS, you little bit but the point is there's two key things I want to focus on in today's article one being the lack of updates shocker, and another being inconsistent, communication, they two big things Star have not done very well over the last 3 weeks.


I get it. It's been a busy launch. It's the biggest game they've ever put out. It's not going to be without any bumps and scratches here and there. I understand that, but with it being now, as I've said, 3 weeks since launch.

3 weeks. no updates.

We need to talk about it cuz it's been a little bit too long without anything happening so let's start with the lack of updates and I talked about this in last week's article it was directly a week ago now by the time this article goes out star Brees were originally planning to put out a patch on October, 5th, which was going to fix 200 plus bugs it was going to address PS5 players not having game assist no cut scene audio the in-game items from pre-order and special edition is not showing that would get fixed Xbox things get fixed PC things get fixed whole bunch of bugs on top of that nebula would work a lot better and for me that was one of the most important things because fun fact I still can't play crossplay.


And only recently was I able to invite between Xbox player and Xbox player, so there's one small plus. If you didn't already know, if you play on Xbox, you can now send direct Xbox invites to other people on Xbox. A small win, so that's something, but crossplay is still absolutely broken and was meant to get fixed.

As I said, this big patch was released on October 5th. Starre said they couldn't put the patch out on the day they promised because they realized the patch they were putting out had some crashes in it that they wanted to get addressed first, but they then said they're going to release a smaller patch on consoles on the same day, so that at least some stuff would be addressed.


The only things they really promised were a couple of PS5 fixes, like the aim assist and the content not showing. I think it was either one or both of those, and the rest of it was left up to complete illusion. They didn't really say what else was happening, but I suppose it didn't really matter in the end because the update never showed up, and it took them until the end of the day that it was supposed to come out to say it wasn't happening, which was just a mess, but it's been a week now and they've shared absolutely zero information.

As to what's going on with Payday 3, so this is a game now that didn't get a day one patch and has now had a whole bunch of bugs just run rampant in the game for the last 3 weeks. I now know, as I've said before, about the 99 boxes glitch, but I'm not going to share how to do it on here because if you want to do it, you probably already know by this point that it's been that long and they've done nothing about it.

payday 2

That glitch hasn't been fixed. If you want to exploit the game, there's an option to do it right there, and that's not even been addressed. Even in the tiniest of patches, the way that the game has not had a single bug fix in the last three weeks is just not good. There's no way to dance around it and I don't like to be overly pessimistic as you know I always offer things constructively whenever I can but here I can't really be constructive other than there should have been a fix for this by now it's a bit of a mess realistically, and as I've said on streams so many times the thing that upsets me the most about payday 3's problems right now is that the game in its core is so good it's a really fun refreshing payday game that I enjoy deeply, but its problems right now are really starting to dampen that enjoyment and it's just not nice until we get the bug fix patch out we can't even think about new content supposed to be new heists coming this year maybe free maybe DLC when are they going to happen, who knows till we get the bugs addressed PS5 players now have gone 3 weeks without any of the content they spent extra money for or money ahead of time even showing in their game if you pre-order the game because you wanted the cool pre-order suit and mask.

payday 2 console

That's nice i bet you're enjoying not having it if you bought the Gold Edition. I bet you love that Statue of Liberty mask. On other platforms that you're seeing via Twitch, the fact that hasn't even been addressed is just a joke; it's an absolute joke that, to me, is an issue that should have just had its own mini patch literally days after being sent off.

It's been 3 weeks since Payday 3 released. and almost nothing has changed or improved since launch. Today, I wanted to discuss why I worry about Payday 3's future if it can't even see a bug fix patch within the first month of its post-launch life. Let's talk.
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