Payday 3. Tutorial Gameplay On Ps5 - The Beta We Never Got


So we are on PS5 with Payday 3, but this is an unreleased beta; essentially, this is the version that we got, and the developers blamed it on Sony. I don't really care who the hell is at fault; what I did want to do was take a look at the game, play the tutorial, and kind of get a feel for what it looks like, what it feels like, and how's the gun playing all that fun stuff.

All right, so I've already adjusted my controls, and that already feels better than Starfield. In my opinion, one still feels a little bit floaty for Starfield, whereas this feels a little bit better. I'm assuming that in the final product, when we actually get the proper version, it's going to feel the same, so instead of 100, I have it at 60.

Instead of 1.0, it's 0.6, hence 60 percent. Same thing with targeting sensitivity; there doesn't seem to be much of an acceleration, just a little bit not much when you not much at all actually could be just Placebo. It's pretty decent; there's no dead zone or anything like that, but whatever, let's just go ahead.

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There's no aim assist, but I appreciate the physics like in terms of like when I shot him and then his helmet went flying off in just the way that he fell immediately upon that first impression. That actually felt really good, so he could shoot through the visor as you could see it stumbled him. You can also shoot his hand, and then again, there's that physics of it, the ragdoll physics, whatever you want to call it.

I really do enjoy it, and it's good in that regard. That was probably useless, but who cares? It does look good. This is on Unreal Engine 4. It's pretty unreal, see what I did there, and what's really neat about that from what I heard is that once the Unreal Engine 5 comes out—well. I mean, it's been out post-game—at some point they're going to upgrade, excuse me, the game's Unreal Engine 5, so that'll be cool.

Remember, when you use this, you actually have to make contact. I've used this in other games, and it's weird; it's like if you hit like a wall or something behind, yeah, like if you just hit behind them rather, it doesn't feel like it's blowing up. See, I don't know; maybe it's the lead. Because there's nothing left, like you can do solo missions once you have the full game, because I saw somebody do it on PC quite a few hours ago early this morning.


Generally, you'd be able to go to a heist and play solo whatever, but none of these work because the matchmaking is completely done, but you can do the tutorial. Yeah, that's a good thing. Social stealth detection Maybe I'll go to crowd control just because it looks like it might be in a different area; it's all in the same area.

Yeah, you ain't kidding, okay? So that makes no difference. Quick article under 10 minutes I'm going to take a look at something else here. While I'm here, we got our loadout. We could buy more weapons. You can customize them. Right, that's pretty important. I mean, I have no money. We should be given a million dollars for people wearing PlayStation armor.


You could probably use our appearance. Yeah, see, these are the different characters. I can't seem to pick them. Okay, nobody wants to be in a blue suit. What are you, the [__] Joker? This one I like, so that's that. Then we've got different masks and different suits. Purchase a suit. Yeah, there's like a lot of different stuff because, you know, for a first-person game, suits matter.

No, they don't. They don't matter. Not really; you want to purchase a mask. With all these different masks, you can inspect them. I wish they had an option so that you could inspect them on an actual character, but whatever. Yeah, so there's really not that much else to discuss. I mean, it's just a waiting game at this point to see when they're actually going to launch the proper version of the game.

I keep going to check for updates, and there's just nothing because the information on this is version 1.0. The base version, which I believe, like I said, is the beta or it's the full release, but like an earlier build, I don't know either, which way it's pretty wild and it's only 22.8 gigs. As always, if you like the article, go ahead and give it a thumbs up; it does greatly help support the channel, and if you don't like the article, that's too bad.

Go ahead and give it a thumbs down. Take care, and maybe I'll see some of you in the next one. Bye for

Payday 3 on PS5. This is the "beta" as Sony released the wrong version for early access.
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