Payday 3: Under The Surphaze - Art Gallery First Completion


Yeah, I do like the cloak. I do like the cloak; it just does not matter that he clicked straight through his mate to get to the host's office. Okay, manager's office in there. I will go for that immediately because there are no cameras specifically watching it. It's not like stealthing; there would have been particularly much faster.

Yeah, it's the same as last time, right? Same RNG, so you just spin it until it starts to shake, and then you slow down and go one at a time, but always pay attention to which way it's telling you to [__]. not going all the way, always pay attention to which way it's trying to send you; otherwise, you'll break it immediately, two not sending me the other way, dear.

Yeah, just keep the negotiation going while I help us with some later objectives. Right, that's the flash drive we need without breaking it, and then we need to press the button to start. The E1 thing should be on one of these walls. Yeah, here we go; it's this down here. The revolver cylinder split.


That's a funny thing to notice. It's interesting that this one's spawned in the exact same place. The game definitely looks better than Payday 2. Wait, I don't think yes; it's to drop the bars. There we go, and now we can get the first painting, which I can immediately call the violin. All right, you guys need to start trying to go through the others, though.

We need to do the upstairs once too. I forgot damn it, you need to press one of those things you see on the board on the wall; it's just over here. We still want a short kill; that's what we like to see. That's why the key to doing this quickly is to actually split up and work together on it. [__] should be like capturing a flag in Call of Duty.

More hours than payday, somehow we're only interested in the painting that has dried blood mixed in with the paint for it. I thought we'd be interested in all the paintings. I'm just grabbing more, although I would like to show them. This is the other painting; it's the one that needs a flash drive.

I guess I hope I didn't break that because I think it's a spectrophotometer as well. I don't even know; not dying on my own on the roof is a major objective of mine. We have paintings in here. How's the game? Yeah, it's been working really well for me, but I don't know whether that's because I'm in the minority.


Okay, this is the dry paint. I really like that objective; there's some nice attention to detail. You randomized music; I've not seen the option to do so, although if I remember correctly, you couldn't do that in Payday 2 on Launcher either. It's the kind of thing that I would not be surprised if we saw it added at a later date.

No, I don't. I'm just not dealing with it. I've become an objective man, free of charge. Are you joking about history? We need to get downstairs. The problem is that this is a final charge already; like, this never slowed me down, so we just have to park. I popped those dudes up there. Yeah.

But yeah, this one has a very similar feel to the seat in this bit, where it goes. Boys are getting destroyed, the wolf is back, we're back all right now, and we push out using the armor of the only people, God, the bulldozer. What can I say? Yeah, it is Eighth House at the moment that is actually sick.

That was probably my favorite ice we've had so far. Good stuff, guys.

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