Payday 3's Boys Blue Update Excites Me

boys in blue

Sorry, hello, I'm going to give my opinion on the upcoming new Boys in Blue DLC for payday.

Short thought

Short thought

3 to simply give out my own thoughts in a short way, I'm very excited for this [__]. That's it; that's all I can pretty much say. I'm not going to sugarcoat it, as there's really not much else to really say about it.

Besides that, I'm excited. So let's talk about what's coming on with the new boys and blue update.

Boys in blue heist

The first thing that's coming in is, well, the heist itself, boys and blue, based on the footage that they showcase to us. I'm getting some very strong vibrations of break fast in T1. I know it's something that's pretty commonly said when other YouTubers react to it, but it's true that it literally looks like another break-fast in Tijana. so it is kind of interesting that they're actually finally adding gold for the first time, and I'm curious to see if they're going to be changing it when it comes to, like, the movement speed whenever you're carrying one, much like in Bayday, but we're going to have to wait and see essentially.

Weapon packs coming

Weapon packs coming

Another thing that like excites me the most are the upcoming weapons. Number one being the new revolver, and as well as the lmg, the MP5, and the G3 that are like coming to the table are pretty cool here and there, but the ones that caught my most interest the most are the new lmg, which I'm not going to try to pronounce because it's a Swedish word, so [__]] you anyway, but the revolver is where I am very interested.

The current revolvers that we have so far are sort of Okay, to say the least, the castigo is the worst because it is unable to on-shot enemies. But meanwhile, the Bison is able to make one shot regardless of what type of skill you have. I think you only need to have Edge in order to be able to make one shot, while with the castigo you need to have Face-to-Face in order to be able to onshot enemies, but other than that, it's one of the most useless revolvers, which is kind of depressing, but I'm actually curious to see how this revolver acts because, judging by the footage that they showed us for like a few seconds, it seems to be like one of those more powerful but slower rate of fire revolvers.

Is it going to be able to take one shot? Shields I'm actually hoping so, because if it does, then that's going to be a new main weapon.

Clover coming

Clover coming

But regardless, and I know Clover is also coming to the table, I do not give two singular shits. You and I know that's going to cause a lot of Hellfire to be loose around me, but that is true. I do not give a [__] about Clover because Clover is one of those heroes I am not a huge fan of.

Sydney is too loud and too annoying. Clover just wants to pierce my goddamn ears out, and the only female he actually likes in Payday 2 is Bonnie. Yes, the alcoholic gambling Scottish woman herself is Bonnie, so yeah, I'm not saying that I was hoping Bonnie would be coming back. What I'm trying to say is that I was sort of hoping that we would be getting a new horse right now.

Also read:

I know that they're going to be added in the future. I know that one, but I was sort of hoping that we would actually get more new heisers than actual old heers returning. It's like I have no problems with the original crew coming back, as well as some other older characters coming back. What I'm trying to say is that I kind of want Payday 3 to have more new origin characters than actual.

Having more old characters, if that makes any sense, so clever coming back was something I was hoping wasn't true, but you know, that's all I can pretty much say.

Car 4 new weapon preset

Car 4 new weapon preset

Another thing to note is the new weapon that she's bringing to the table. Well, it's not exactly a new weapon, but it's more of a new weapon blueprint for the car. You might think it's not really anything special, but for me, it kind of felt a little bit unique because, if you look at the base car 4, there really isn't a SN scope that you can attach to it.

Meanwhile, if you look at the blueprint that they showed us or the preset, whatever it's called. I forgot the name of it already because it's not a feature that's very popular, but you get what I'm saying, so the weapon preset for the Call 4 seems to have like a sniper scope that you can't normally attach to it, which is really interesting.

So I'm kind of curious to see how that would function. And for some of you who are curious about what the price is going to be for , the new boys, and blue DLC.

Price reduction

According to the block post that they showcased to us about the compensation as well as the price reduction, it is apparently going to be reduced by 33%, and if my math is not wrong, then the price would either be around 12 or 13.

Yes, I use euros, not dollars. I am not American, so shut up, but I think Americans are wise. It's like somewhere on 13 or some [__]]. I don't [__] know, but regardless, they said that the price would be reduced by 33%, and that's pretty much it, yet they're not going to be changing the original price for the syntax error; it is going to remain as it is. But because people complained about the syntax era being a little bit too expensive , people decided to give out some compensation.



So what is the compensation? Well, for those that only bought the syntax error alone, they will get these outfits; for those that bought the silver edition, they will be getting these; for those that own the gold edition for payday 3 or the deluxe edition or like the physical copy of the deluxe edition.

Also read:

I don't know what it's called, they get this, which is pretty neat.

Solo mode

Another thing to mention is that they're going to be adding a new mode called solo mode. No, this is not offline mode. Allow me to simply explain. Solo mode is basically Solo mode, but you're not really connecting to the game servers in order to be able to find a lobby; more or less, you're connecting to your own computer, or it's basically using your own computer as a way to create a lobby.

boys in blue dlc

It's sort of like using your systems as a way to create a lobby instead of instantly connecting to a server that they have, but of course you still need to be logging in to the game and still have some internet connection to be able to log in, but they're going to be adding offline mode somewhere around.

Either during summer or after summer, there's really no official confirmation just yet, unless I could be mistaken for something, but these are just rumors that I have heard myself. But again, in solo mode, it just basically allows you to instantly jump into a heist without having to load in or, like, search for an empty lobby.

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