Payday 3's Infamous Rewards Has A Fix Finally



I just wanted to make a follow-up to my Infamous rewards bug article where I said that, um certain rewards I was able to complain about for Payday 3 that was the two Infamous Rewards: the echelon suit and the preset for the car 4, and the secret gloves I was able to claim, but I wasn't able to claim anything else, like the OG American Dream, which is the original Dallas Mass from Payday the Heist, and the difficulty skulls for doing the difficulty achievements I'd shown in my previous article that I had done it.

The fix


If you can't claim your difficulty skull weapon charms, let's head on over to the web browser and I'll show you, yeah, hear you, we are on the page and all these are claimed now. And as I said I figured out a workaround for this , it seems that there's a bug with on here on the site where if you have two-factor authentication enabled, it's just not going to send the data for someone for whatever reason to the website in order to say Hey you launched Payday 2 or you did the difficulty schools for whatever reason it sends the data that you did the infamy levels and the secret but it doesn't send the data that you did the skulls or that you launched Payday 2 or you own Payday 2 for whatever reason so what I'm going to show you is you go down to password insecurity, on your nebula account password and security and if you have if you have authenticate an authenticator app on.

And you can't, you can't claim any of those that I said you disabled two-factor authentication, then you go back to the events tab, you go to your payday 3 Infamy Award Infamous Rewards, and it should be able to it should be highlighted in green the ones that you did that you weren't able to claim before you should be able to claim those now.

It's a weird bug, and I'm kind of surprised it went over Overkill's head—Overkill, not Star Breeze, not Overkill. God, I'm so fixed with them being done by Overkill, but yeah, it's a weird bug. I don't know, but hopefully it gets fixed by launch day next week. I recorded this article on the 12th, and it's launching on the 18th in Early Access for people who pre-ordered it or not. People who have the gold and silver editions have a 3A Head Start, so we'll probably be there on the 18th getting that Early Head Start just to get started on payday three, and, uh.



If you know of any other things that helped you out too, leave a comment below. Hey, comment down anything you want to see too.

I might post a speculation article tomorrow about it. Some future content, maybe some future heisters and stuff, and not feature heisters. I'll feature contractors that I think might make a reappearance in Payday 3 and some past heists that I think might get ported over, like how we got the painted heists in Payday 2.

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