Payday 3's Launch Proves An Offline Mode Is Needed


I melted last night's payday. Twitter came out and said that it was to do with there not being enough server capacity and that they were trying to increase capacity. I don't know if that was the only problem because, realistically, if that were the case, it would have taken about 18 hours to fix.

I don't know; I'm not a server expert, but it just seems to me like there was a wider problem, and I'm just going to double check payday's. Twitter in case they happen to have put anything out more recently, no, as of an hour ago they tweeted out saying we're now confident in saying we're on our way back to full force and the streets of Nyca yours to high, so it's not perfect most people are getting back into games, but it's not perfect, and so I just want to talk at length about some of the problems that have happened as a result of Payday 3's launch day.

I have worries for the future, but I want to lead with a very important statement. Do i do not blame the developers for any of the problems that happened last night. The average game developer working at Star Breeze Entertainment is someone just looking to make Payday 3 as good as they can sometimes.


I am a fan of all of their microtransactions. I really hate that it's one thing Payday 3 is doing that I absolutely love. I don't care if they're all cosmetic; to me personally, any Online game that wants to make money going down the line, which is perfectly fine; live service games need to generate cash to pay their developers to pay people on the board all this stuff, whatever business is, but to me you need to pick one lane you either go the DLC lane or the microsdactions, lane one of the other even Call of Duty which is done by Activision who are not one of the greatest companies in the world we all know this have picked one lane for COD and that's my good deductions because they know that's better they aren't also still charging you for DLC for payday 3's trying to do both it, worries me I can't lie to you it really does worry me and if that is why this game is always online it annoys me even more so I really hope it's not true but all of this all the always online stuff all the problems that entails which I've already talked about before people with weak internet connections getting thrown out and all the stuff around there do not come close to the fact that if there are server issues the, entire player base is screwed and as I've said we had 18 hours roughly where we could not get into the game as of last night about two hours after launch now I'm already worried for one thing about the effect that's gonna have a long term on players who wants to play Payday 3.


Yes, I'm back in again towards something else, but just look at the reviews for Payday 3 on Steam and Xbox right now. The last time I checked Steam's reviews, they were at 41 for Payday 3, 41 positive, and on Xbox. I think two-thirds of the reviews are positive. As a result of always being online, making sure no one can play when the servers are down to say it sucks is the biggest understatement.

payday 2

It's possible we don't know for sure if the servers are going to ever have this problem again. Going down is a very natural thing for multiplayer games, whether they are always online or not. Online game servers are not the most reliable thing in the world. All of this, to me, stems from an always-online structure.

That star Breeze just doesn't need it for this game, regardless of what the intention is. If it really is for design choices. Andreas has said whether it is for DLC unlocker, whether it's for motor actions, whatever it is. I really do urge Starbury's, and I really think this will fall on deaf ears because to me this seems like a higher-ups decision, and I don't think higher-ups have the slightest care about what one random kid in his bedroom's got to say about it, but to me.

I really feel like you need to cut your losses here; don't. Make the game always online because the number of people that are going to go against you for that is going to get worse and worse if these problems persist, and it just upsets me that I have to make a article even saying this because, as I've said.

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I hate saying negative things, but I will always try and offer them constructively, because I don't want to say it with any kind of victory all towards the company as a whole because, as I've said, the developers do not need to be blamed for this. I feel so sorry, mainly for everyone, for the starburst developers that were to pull all-nighters to fix those servers last night.

I honestly think if the game had an offline mode, they might have tried to fix them, seeing as it wasn't going to be done, and then come back the next day to try and finish the problem, and you know what? They're humans that would have been valid to do so. I genuinely wonder if there was more pressure on them to do it because people couldn't play the game at all because there was no offline mode, and I don't want the developers who are putting their hearts and souls into it.

I went to Sweden. I'm not saying it's a flex, but just point this out. I went to Sweden, and whether I knew the developers or not, so many of them came up to me and chased. To me, they talked about how much they'd have on payday. Never mind that the nebula is still broken and the matchmaking is not reliable.

payday console

Very often, I'll go into public matches and not find people. You can't invite people from Xbox Player to Xbox Player, but I will note that I logged that with Starbury's; they are working to fix that, so at least Xbox players. Will be able to match make a bit easier soon never mind the fact that you can't have a server browser to find lobbies never mind the fact that you don't have lobbies that persist after finishing a heist if you want to keep playing with new friends you've made never, mind all of that because all of those are big problems too if the game continues to be online only and the servers continue to crash we're gonna have more problems and I mean to be fair we all saw it coming the servers were going to crash I said so many times that I don't think the beta was handled very well the bases I should say it should have just been an open beta the gecko if your main purpose of beta is to test the servers and you don't do an open Beta, there's.

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No point because, yeah, you can say, we fixed it. They put a picture up after the second beta, and then it's saying, Thanks for breaking our stuff. We'll be stronger now for the launch.I think a lot of us knew that was not going to apply once the Game Pass audience got in. There are millions of people on Game Pass, and even a fracture of those attempts to play the game means the servers are going to melt.

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