Pvz Player Robs Banks (payday 3 Open Beta)



I don't know why the game needs to just like my actual name. Whenever I loaded the game, it didn't ask me for my name or didn't ask me to log in or anything like that, so I don't know how it just has my name, and I also just don't know why it's displaying it, which defeats the whole purpose of a user-naming game, but you know, we.

I guess. Yes, everyone, today we're going to be playing a game that is not Garden Warfare 2. Today we're going to be playing Payday 3. Payday is a game series that I've loved for many, many years, and PayDay 3 has been a very long-awaited sequel, and it is a game that I am extremely excited about.

I've been playing it a little bit, but I haven't played it too much. I'm not gonna lie, the beta does not have that much replayability, just because it is only one heist and you're also forced to matchmake with people, which also kind of stinks. I'll take what I can get, so the fact that we even get to play the game early is good enough.


There are a lot of things that I like about this game, and there are some things that I dislike about it. We'll get more into that when we get into the actual game we're playing with Skid. Mick Marks is all right; Skid McMarks takes us away. It's kind of annoying that whenever you're ready, you're not able to be unready or anything.

I probably should have looked more into it before I prepared it, but that's on me. I guess there's no rest for Wicket now; this skid Mark Sky is on a pretty high level, and I hope that he doesn't just do all the objective stuff on his own, because, as you know. I like this little intro sequence that it does.

I'm not going to go over all the differences in this article just because there's flat out too many differences, but whenever a difference does show up, we'll try to remember to mention it, like, for example, right now we're in civilian mode, but you're able to do a lot more in civilian mode. First of all, you're able to just run. I also don't know if they're attempting to do this stealth or loud; it seems like they're going stealth, but I don't really want to go stealth.



There we go. Now that it's gone loud, it was taking a little while to go loud for some reason. All right, what I'm going to do is wait out here for the equipment drop because I just kind of want to explain how this heist in particular works.

So some things that I do like about the game are obviously the graphical upgrades, and I think that the game looks absolutely beautiful. I also think that having a slide mechanic is extremely nice. The slide is something that I'm very much a fan of. Also, one con going with the new graphic upgrade is my FPS now.

I have a 3060 and a Ryzen 5 3600, and I'm getting 74 FPS right now, which is unacceptably low. Granted, this is just a beta, so I'm more than happy to cut the game some slack, but at the same time, this FPS is very, very low, all right, so the equipment's here. The equipment is just thermite. All we're going to do is just burn through the floor because burning a torch through the floor is the only acceptable way to rob a bank, am I right?


Then we start burning, and our FPS goes even lower than 70. We're sitting at 65, and now if this were the actual game. I'd focus a lot harder on the fact that my FPS is lower again, just a beta, so things like this can change with the full launch of the game, and I do hope that they do because I don't know if I'll be able to play this game on 60fps for the next like 10 years.

Another pro that I like a lot is that the game is significantly more immersive than before. Hello, okay, the shields are still just as annoying. I'm going to like the 40 FPS range. Holy, I am also recording, so my frames are a little worse than they actually could be—40 FPS is 40 FPS. AIS are a lot more realistic in this game, at least for the guards.

payday 3

The cops are kind of like the same; it's just like waves of AI police just coming in constantly. What do you mean by that? I'm happy they didn't change, and honestly, I felt like that was a very iconic part of Payday. It's just like the stupidly unrealistic police that just constantly keep coming and coming.

A lot of our favorite Payday 2 entities are still here. Juggernauts are still here, and of course, cloakers are still here. I don't know why it's telling us to do something here; there's absolutely nothing to do here because the heist has gone loud. I did just kind of want to make a smaller article of the game just for the beta.

Geez, when the game does fully launch. I'll definitely do a more in-depth article on things like the new changes and such, but there's just too many new changes for me to cover in just this article alone. I plan to make a lot of articles for this game. Payday is a game that I really, really enjoy playing.

Damn, how the [__], you can't like Melee him back. There we go. I'm trying to treat him like Clash from Siege. I've been reading the Steam Community post for this game, and I noticed that a lot of people are just saying this game is Payday 2 with less content, and my response to that is. What else did you expect?

You expected Payday 3 to have as much content as Payday 2 did. Payday 2 has 10 years worth of DLC in it, and this game has not even left beta yet. This game is not even out, so the fact that people are even comparing the two is just absolutely insane. I think that this game is a fantastic foundation, and I think that Overkill is going to be able to build on that foundation exceptionally well; he's just cooking in there.

God, I love this [__] game franchise. One very big part of Payday 2 was modding, and when I say big part of Payday 2, I mean that if someone had more than 100 hours on Payday 2 and they didn't mod the game, that was extremely uncommon. Tasers are still just as annoying now. I didn't even have too many mods for Payday 2, but I still had like a minimum of 20 mods, so to say mods are a large part of Payday is an understatement, and Overkill also knows that they've, that is, a cloaker, appreciated it.

I like the new lockpick system a lot. I think that it is different and is different enough, but I also don't think that it's stupidly hard or stupidly easy. Damn shooting, me, and stuff that's not fun. One thing that I'm also not sure about is what style of articles I want to make for this game, because a game like Payday is obviously a lot different from a game like Garden Warfare 2.

In Garden Warfare 2, there's a lot of just-nothing happening that sometimes versus this game where cutting parts out can actually harm the article rather than make it better. So. I'm going to see how I edit this article and see if I like it, and I think I'll have to change up my style a little bit, hopefully not too much to compensate for this game, but I'm bound to just completely change my style for this game.

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