Road Map For All Future Dlcs - Payday 3


In one of my articles that I posted a few months ago, I explained every edition of Payday 3 and what each edition included. Each edition beyond the basic package included some version of the newly introduced season pass. A lot of players have been completely turned off by the idea of a season pass. The season itself has a lot of questions surrounding it.

Players have been wondering what exactly this season pass is. Well, in short, the payday 3-season pass is basically pre-purchasing future DLC content that will eventually become available. That being said, a lot of players have been curious as to when these DLCs will even become available and if it's worth pre-purchasing the season pass or just waiting for the DLCs to become available and then purchasing them individually.

I'm not gonna lie. I already rolled the dice and just said it and purchased the silver season pass just to be safe, but as of yesterday, we received some very important news that might help some players with that decision. Payday has officially released a look at its upcoming roadmap for future DLCs.


This right here is the roadmap for an entire year's worth of DLCs and what we can expect to see, as well as when we can expect to see it. You can see the game is already coming out in the fall of this year, but the first DLC will already be available in the winter. I'd say that for people who have been on the fence as to whether eight heists will be enough to launch a brand new DLC just a few months after the game's release, you might see some of those doubts.

So let's take a look at this thing. The first DLC and the winner will be called Syntax. I'm not entirely sure what that entails, but as you can see in the picture, it looks as if it has some sort of hard drive room. At first, I thought it was a bunch of deposit boxes, but if you look really closely, there's an icon on the picture itself, and it seems to display some sort of data or hard drive.

The second DLC will be introduced in the spring of 2024, titled Boys in Blue, with a picture of a donut. I'm assuming this heist will either include a ton of police or maybe even include a police skin or riot mask, perhaps even a police station. I don't know; we'll just have to wait and see. The third DLC will take place in the summer of 2024 and will be titled Land of the Free, with an icon of the Scales of Justice.

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Maybe in this one we'll be heisting in a courtroom or maybe breaking someone out of a courtroom like the Hoxton breakout heist in Payday 2. And finally, in the fall of 2024, exactly one year from now, the final DLC of the season pass will be called Fear and Greed. I am not entirely sure what this DLC could be, but it sounds badass, so for any players who have already pre-purchased, the season pass Let's go over really quickly what you can expect to see from this roadmap.

For players who have already pre-purchased Payday 3 with the silver season pass Your version will include six months worth of DLCs, meaning you will already have both the syntax error and boys in blue DLC when they are released, but you will have to purchase the land of the free and the fear and greed DLCs separately when those get released.

For players who have pre-purchased Payday 3 with the gold season pass, all four of these DLCs will already be pre-purchased for you and will only require a download when each is officially released, unlike some other games I've played in the past with promises of content and future updates and DLCs like Redfall.

I think the crew at Payday has done an amazing job so far at advertising the game, teasing it, and building it up to have a massive release. They've also done a great job at communicating with their fan base and community, keeping us updated, and answering a lot of questions and concerns that players might have as soon as they arise.

With the recent announcement of a crossover with Dying Light 2 and a possible crossover with Fortnite. I'd say the hype behind Payday 3 is gaining a lot of momentum and even catching the eye of players that will be brand new to the beta. Universe Payday 3 will kick things off on September 21st with certain pre-purchased bundles of the game, allowing players to jump in three days early.

I think it looks great. I just hope the content in it matches the price of each season pass anyway.

The new road map for Payday 3 has been dropped! In this video we'll cover what DLCs will come out, and when they will be released.
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