Robbing Banks Is So Fun Payday 3. Early Access Gameplay Review


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard. I'm T captain X i had one of the coolest experiences ever as a content creator, where I was actually flown out to New York City to play test and experience payday. There were actual tellers there working, but what we didn't know was that we were about to be innocent bystanders in the middle of a robbery by the characters from Payday 3.

And as we watched this unfold and we were in the middle of all of this, the police showed up, and the robbers or the payday characters decided to use us as a way to get the money and gold out of the vault, so we lined up they were yelling at us to get in line and they tossed each of us a huge duffel bag and basically yelled at us to go run downstairs and in the duffel bag was this insanely cool mask which you can actually get this mask in game and wear it as one of the robbers.

Also, a name-engraved gold bar, which, of course, is fake. It's not real, but that didn't stop TSA from stopping me at the airport on my way home and questioning why I had a fake gold bar in a super creepy mask in my bag. Now, when we got downstairs, we found ourselves in a super cool lounge area that had a bar, and they had drinks for us; they had hors d'oeuvres; we had an amazing dinner there; but they also had a bunch of PCs for us to be able to go play the test.

bank heist

So let's talk about the game itself. Of course, this is the third game in the series of Payday, with Payday 1 coming back in 2011 and Payday 2 being released in 2013. Like I mentioned before, this game is all about setting up and performing these high-risk heists, like robbing a bank, infiltrating a top secret government agency, or finding some other sort of top secret valuable.

beta gameplay

Stealthfully, or just at least without getting the cops caught on you, you deserve an award because it's really freaking hard to do. Loud guns ablazing and us taking on swarms of police and honestly that was the part that was the most fun for me though was trying to figure out how the heck do you get into like this Bank area and get into the Vault without, being seen by the different security guards the cameras or whatever different type of Technology they have to stop you from stealing the stuff and besides the obvious of just not being seen there's a bunch of different skills you have to use in order to stealthfully complete these missions you, can pick locks you can crack safes, you can hack cameras and just so many more things that we didn't even really have a chance to dive into and try out now this is a team-based.

first look

Or co-op-based, mode, where you can play with yourself in up to four players total. Of course, there's multiple different ways to go in and try to be stealthy or loud, but there's also so many different perks. And skill sets you can use. Complete your mission before his mission you actually pick your Loadout and you can have multiple different loadouts, saved and that consists of things like your primary weapon your secondary and a bunch of different equipment you're gonna use but also you have a ton of different perks and abilities you can choose from and each one has like a different skill tree where you unlocked one and you can use different ones along that skill tree and honestly when I was looking at it was kind of overwhelming, because of there's so many options and the more you play the more XP, you earn and you complete missions you're going to level up and unlock more of these different skills and perks and depending on how you set up your class or your Loadout you.


Could go about a mission in a completely different way compared to someone else based on their Loadout so one Loadout might be more built for stealth where you have a bunch of like technology perks where you can hack the cameras you, can turn them off or you can pick locks better or crack safes better things like that or you might have another one that's built more for just going loud and going guns ablazing it's going to make you do better in actual fighting shooting type situations now if you're like me and you suck at being stealthy you're probably going to get the cops caught on you especially when you're new to the campaign you're figuring out how to be stealthy when that happens it's kind of like those different waves, of cops that keep coming and coming and coming as you're still trying to bust, open the vault or whatever it is you're doing for that mission and you're having to fight them off while simultaneously, steal the money and as the mission goes on there's going to be more and more enemies to fight and the difficulty of them is going to get even higher because once.

You've killed so many, and they're pissed off at you. They're going to start sending the SWAT unit, and they're armored up, and they've got riot shields and all sorts of craziness. It just gets harder and harder and harder the more you keep going in the game, but one of the cool things you can do is take hostages.

Some might be like loud revolvers, or some might be silently suppressed ones if you want to kind of go that way, like semi-stealth mode. Personally i think I had the most fun when I was using the shotgun class because that thing was obliterating. People up close, it was kind of just your run and gun and go crazy with it up close now one of the.


I had a big issue with or a lot of problems with. I would say, conserving ammo because we were going loud very early in the mission because we again sucked at being stealthy and we were just flying through emo. if you're like me. You can also call in a heavy weapon from a support helicopter, and this can either be a grenade launcher or a very heavy, high-powered sniper rifle.


Besides the guns, you also have access to a ton of different equipment, like their stun grenades and smoke grenades. There's also different explosives. Grenades, throwing knives, and just a ton more of other things that I didn't really have enough time to try out, and as you complete more of these heists and you get more money from these missions, you can spend that money you earn in game on different weapons, and so you can buy new weapons, you can buy new skins and camos for weapons, which the ones that we got to play with in the game were pretty sweet to be honest, or you can choose to spend that money on yourself and your appearance, and you can get different masks like the one I showed earlier, different suits, gloves, all that different stuff, and you can just make your guy the coolest looking guy on the block now before this event.

I had never actually played a Payday game before, but a few of the other players that were there had, and I asked them. You know, with this game being a co-op game where you're just playing missions with other people, there's enough to the game to kind of keep you wanting to play because of myself.

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