Rtx 3080. Payday 3 Open Beta. 1080p, 1440p, 4k Ultra Settings

1080p ultra settings

1080p ultra settings

So today we're playing Payday 3 with the RTX 3080 and decided to play the game at 1080p at Dojo settings. We are playing the open beta of the game. I think the full release will be in two or three weeks, so it's pretty close, so the performance should be quite similar. All right, we are in the settings at 1080p, and again, at ultra settings, we're getting bottlenecks, guys.

We've got 80 GPUs, which is crazy. Hold on a second; let's go out the door. Okay, it's the stutters; the FPS falls down, and the GPS falls as well. It's not very consistent, going from the high 90s to the 150s and 170s. The game looks pretty good, though the major stutters are crazy. Performance is not great in the first game, but we'll see if it improves over time.

Someone shot him a little stuttering again. Unfortunately, maybe it's happening when the cops are spawning. Maybe that's the reason for the game's stuttering. That's nice i like that somebody is specific to where you shoot it, but it's cool. I think regardless, we're getting surrounded. I'm not a big fan of the FPS tips, though the game feels really bad.

It feels like the aiming is getting affected by a low frame rate, but I guess that could be fixed with an FPS cap because, on average, we're sitting in the 140s pretty much, and the status makes it fall down into the 90s, which is a huge drop. I guess mostly well; it did occasionally stutter, and the efforts would fall down into the 90s, and the aim would get affected as well, which felt like it might be an issue.

I'm assuming with an FPS cap that will be fixed, or I guess over time the game itself will get updated as well and those issues will get ironed out. Okay, repeat running back again in all right foreign settings.

1440p ultra settings

1440p ultra settings

Let's see what this guy can do. Here we go from 90 FPS off the bat up to the 100s, and massive FPS did from 1080p. Gamers look better though, or Chopper; I definitely like it a lot more, all right. I'm going to go around the back.

I'm going to sneak past this camera right here; hopefully it doesn't see me. I'm not going to face the camera; it can't see my face. All right, we're chilling, with just three hanging in the back. Where am I even at? I don't even know the full health of my laptop. I don't care about any of this; it's like a storage room.

I guess there is a weird room on the rooftop. Not too bad so far, guys. It's nothing running a lot smoother in the second game, all right inside. Yeah, I think we just go guns-blazing. This stealth is too much work for this one great Here we go, machines compromised, following as low as the high 80s so far, but again, a lot smoother, there's no studies.

There's nothing like spikes. It's feeling far more consistent in the second game, so I'm assuming if I go back to 1080p, the game should run very smoothly as well. I'm already out of ammo. Yo die, man. Thank you so yeah, I think I might go back to 1080P and see if it's actually fixed. All the sellers are still there, which I'm guessing they shouldn't be, so yeah, I think we'll end it here. Again, on average, I'm sitting in the 120s, but I can fall as low as the high 80s right at 4K at the max settings.

4k ultra settings

4k ultra settings

This game is kind of weird; you can't play 4K. I guess how it is that by default, you have to go into Windows and change the scaling from 150 all the way down to 100. If you don't, 4K won't show up.

Also read:

Let's jump into it so we can get 4K. I'm guessing 70 FPS and a damn to the 60s. Okay, never mind, we're getting very close to that 50 FPS. Mark as well; actually, let's go. The weird thing about 4K is that the UI just breaks on Windows itself. If you all tab out into any other app, it cuts into the game.

It might get a fixed release. I'm not sure again. It's only a few weeks away, and normally these betas are like the full release of the game, so I'm not sure how much I can actually fix in that short amount of time. There we go. That's 4K again. We're sitting in the 60s. It doesn't feel great.

It's playable, obviously, but I wouldn't really recommend it. Okay, let's go back to 1080p. I want to see if the game stutters like I did on the first game; if it doesn't, then that's great.

Revisiting 1080p

Revisiting 1080p

If it does, then that's not a good look at the 130s and 140s. And it dips down into the 100s and even the i-90s. So yeah, it's definitely a lot better, but unfortunately, the FPS tip is still happening, so there we have it: PD3, the open beta on the RTX 3080. At 1080p, it has weird FPS tip issues; it falls as low as the high 70s for me in this game, and the first game on it's very slurry, but that will go away after you keep playing.

4K can be played at 60 fps, but it doesn't feel great, to be honest, so I will load the quality settings for that resolution. Okay, I think that's about it.

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