Should A Destiny 2 Player Try Payday 3

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This is me, but this is also me in New York City, where I was forced to assist with robbing a bank. To understand how I ended up here, we need to talk about a game that's all about robbing banks and completing stealthy and action-packed heists called Payday 3. Now I've never played Payday 3 before, or any payday game for that matter, but when the creators of the game invited me out to New York City to give it a try, obviously, yes.

I mean heading out to get to play a brand new article game early. That was my 13-year-old dream, and admittedly, it is still my current 25-year-old dream. I popped on a plane went out to New York City met some super cool folks and headed to the bank themed venue to go and see what was in store for us but after enjoying some champagne and socializing around the bank was robbed by the very members of the payday games themselves, to my surprise well sort of I was kind of jokingly saying to some of the other folks there like hey wouldn't it be crazy if they staged a bank robbery but I digress what was genuinely to my surprise was how top-notch the performance was I mean they're acting and their practiced voice lines and even the details of the outfits and The Masks it was all Perfection, and if it was any indication of the quality of the early version of payday 3 that I was about to play then.

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I was in for something good, and let me tell you, my very first payday experience did not disappoint. At the early demo event, we were given access to two of the missions, one of which had us robbing a more traditional bank, whereas the other that you're watching in this article had us stealing high-tech devices from a highly protected warehouse.

I was playing with the War Zone content creator that I met at the event named TCAP, and right off the bat, we were dropped into the stealth phase of the 99 boxes. Another thing that grew on me was the various objective types that each heist had. Don't get me wrong, I love being in an all-out bullet tornado brawl against hundreds of enemies, but this is a PVE destiny, and I also love mechanics.

It's just some part of my brain that feels way too right, and between the two different missions we played, the game did a really great job of constantly throwing out unique and fresh mechanics that had to be completed to progress missions, all while you're carrying out the fight of your life against endless waves of opposition.

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For example, some mechanics had us defend a burning chunk of thermite to open up a crate, while others had us scavenging zip lines and scaling up to higher ground to deploy them and reach the next zone of the mission. Two of my favorite mechanics that I experienced in just the two missions we played through were position calibrating and timed delivery mechanics in the 99 boxes.

In this heist, the goal was to retrieve high-tech components that would degrade in quality unless refrigerated. As such, these components were stored in refrigerated crates, although considering we were in a shipping yard containing hundreds of crates, we didn't know which crate contained the high-tech components, so the heist had us stand and inside various objective markers around the map to do some sort of radio location calibration.

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To determine which crate contained the high-tech components which had an interesting Dynamic to it because the game would throw enemies at you while you had to remain in these calibration circles forcing, you to fight out of cover or to coordinate with your teammates to have them set up a perimeter around you and defend you as you capture it as for mechanic number two once, we located the components and stole them from their refrigerated vessel we were on a limited amount of time to deliver them to the refrigerated getaway truck before, they degraded in quality the result was that as a full unit we basically had to Sprint to the getaway truck as fast as humanly possible while gunning through all of the enemies which occurred towards the end of the mission by the way meaning that the toughest enemies of the mission had, all begun rolling in at this point Speaking of which, this game had a lot of different enemy types just in these two missions, which resulted in a really enjoyable and interesting combat experience.

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The missions usually begin with a pretty non-threatening tone. Security guards that have nothing but a sidearm pistol and maybe like some handcuffs but once you go loud and begin to work your way through the mission the, police that get called have time to begin bringing in more backup and increasingly more formidable enemies at that the waves of backup would begin with your run-of-the-mill ground units that would carry something like just a typical rifle but as we made our way through the missions we would begin to fight riot shield guards that basically forced you to work with your teammates to get a flank on their exposed side or, to use pieces of utility like grenades or Deployable turrets to take them out there were also enemies that roamed around with stun guns enemy or snipers on the rooftops and, probably my favorite this, sort of like martial, arts hand-to-hand compact style enemy that would literally Sprint up to you and drop kick you in the face and like I said my favorite part of the enemy diversity offered in this game is how much it promotes team play in some article games it feels like the enemies just spawn in to die offering.

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There is very little resistance or complexity, but in Payday, the combat is crafted in such a way that working together with your friends feels extremely rewarding and integral to actually completing the heists. I've always been a sucker for a game that poses combat challenges that are interesting enough that I actually have to communicate with my buddies in adrenaline-pumping moments that feel super rewarding when we make it out on the other side, but what makes those adrenaline-pumping moments replayable time and time again is the weapon variety that this game offers.

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It's a game where every loadout decision feels like it actually matters, as opposed to a situation where you customize your loadout with six different options between weapons and equipment. You only end up using your primary weapon and maybe a grenade here and there. This whole idea that your loadout choices are extremely important is coupled beautifully with all of the class skill trees that further enable and incentivize various play styles, allowing you to prioritize things like tactical utility ammo.

Surplus extra healing, faster movement speed, bonus damage durability, long-range, Buffs demolitions, and so much more. Put this all together, and you're left with a game that you can spend countless hours on for just 40 bucks. So as a player who has never touched a Payday game before in any capacity, I am so happy and thankful that the folks behind Payday 3 flew me out to NYC to try the game out for the very first time.

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